Psychologist Analyze Bernie Sanders socialism psychological effects; here is the verdict

couch protester

Gold Member
Dec 7, 2015
Here is the verdict of Psychologist and PhD experts on the conclusion of Bernie Sanders socialism theory:

John Nofsinger Ph.D.

John is the William H. Seward Endowed Chair in International Finance Professor of Finance at the University of Alaska Anchorage. He is an expert in behavioral finance and socially responsible finance.

Can the rich really pay for all the spending?

It is a common political tactic to promise benefits to one group and claim that the rich will pay for it. Don't worry about the cost of these goodies, we'll just tax the rich to pay for it.

Tax the Rich (read more)
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After he [Bernie Sanders] graduated from James Madison High School in 1959, he went to Brooklyn College for a year before transferring to the University of Chicago, where he joined the Congress of Racial Equality, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, the Student Peace Union and the Young People’s Socialist League. He read psychology, sociology and history. He read Marx, Lenin and Trotsky.

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William Irwin Ph.D.

Income Inequality, Fairness, and Envy

There is simply no such thing as “distributive justice” because things such as wealth and beauty don’t need to be distributed. As Nozick argues, justice boils down to justice in acquisition, justice in transfer, and justice in rectification (150-153). This means that we need to come to possess property in accord with agreed-upon rules; we can then sell or give property to others, but others may not simply take it from us; and if justice in acquisition or transfer is violated we need to have rules for rectifying that injustice.

Income Inequality, Fairness, and Envy (read more)
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Gad Saad Ph.D.

Socialism is a wonderful system if you are a social ant.
Communism/Socialism: “Great Idea. Wrong Species.” (E. O. Wilson) (read more)

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and when it all ca't be paid, as it can't be paid for now, we can just borrow more.
Then the affluent is going to run out of money if they haven't run out of the country.
I did not know Sanders attended the University of Chicago.

How ironic is that, since that is the center of the Chicago school of economics, which is diametrically opposed to Sanders's way of thinking?
Tax the rich,
Feed the poor,
Til that are no
Rich no more.
There is natural concentration of wealth and there is an unnatural concentration of wealth. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison used to correspond about what to do about the unnatural concentration of wealth. And one of Jefferson's solutions was to propose a progressive tax. But not to the extent of choking production to death.

Getting rich from building a better mousetrap or making Hollywood movies is a natural concentration of wealth, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Taxing the rich more to mitigate the unnatural concentration of wealth is the simpleton's means of treating the symptoms instead of the disease.

The unnatural concentration of wealth, the tilting of the playing field, is being accomplished through government legislation. So the obvious cure is to fix or delete the legislation which is tilting the field.

If your house was being robbed on a regular basis, and the police were providing protection to the thieves, how retarded would you have to be to say, "To solve this problem, we need to tax everyone who lives in a bigger house than me more"?

You'd have to be as retarded as Bernie Sanders.

But you would also have to be pretty retarded to deny there isn't a problem with the unnatural concentration of wealth at the expense of everyone else, to deny you aren't being robbed blind. You would have to be severely retarded to defend those who are stealing from you.

Sanders isn't wrong when he says we are being robbed. His solutions are retarded, though.
There is natural concentration of wealth and there is an unnatural concentration of wealth. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison used to correspond about what to do about the unnatural concentration of wealth. And one of Jefferson's solutions was to propose a progressive tax. But not to the extent of choking production to death.

Getting rich from building a better mousetrap or making Hollywood movies is a natural concentration of wealth, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Taxing the rich more to mitigate the unnatural concentration of wealth is the simpleton's means of treating the symptoms instead of the disease.

The unnatural concentration of wealth, the tilting of the playing field, is being accomplished through government legislation. So the obvious cure is to fix or delete the legislation which is tilting the field.

If your house was being robbed on a regular basis, and the police were providing protection to the thieves, how retarded would you have to be to say, "To solve this problem, we need to tax everyone who lives in a bigger house than me more"?

You'd have to be as retarded as Bernie Sanders.

But you would also have to be pretty retarded to deny there isn't a problem with the unnatural concentration of wealth at the expense of everyone else, to deny you aren't being robbed blind. You would have to be severely retarded to defend those who are stealing from you.

Sanders isn't wrong when he says we are being robbed. His solutions are retarded, though.
If socialist understood economics they wouldn't be socialist......... Somedood Cantremember
There is natural concentration of wealth and there is an unnatural concentration of wealth. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison used to correspond about what to do about the unnatural concentration of wealth. And one of Jefferson's solutions was to propose a progressive tax. But not to the extent of choking production to death.

Getting rich from building a better mousetrap or making Hollywood movies is a natural concentration of wealth, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Taxing the rich more to mitigate the unnatural concentration of wealth is the simpleton's means of treating the symptoms instead of the disease.

The unnatural concentration of wealth, the tilting of the playing field, is being accomplished through government legislation. So the obvious cure is to fix or delete the legislation which is tilting the field.

If your house was being robbed on a regular basis, and the police were providing protection to the thieves, how retarded would you have to be to say, "To solve this problem, we need to tax everyone who lives in a bigger house than me more"?

You'd have to be as retarded as Bernie Sanders.

But you would also have to be pretty retarded to deny there isn't a problem with the unnatural concentration of wealth at the expense of everyone else, to deny you aren't being robbed blind. You would have to be severely retarded to defend those who are stealing from you.

Sanders isn't wrong when he says we are being robbed. His solutions are retarded, though.
If socialist understood economics they wouldn't be socialist......... Somedood Cantremember
Dude. That was Chicago school of economics founder and hero Friedrich Hayek who said that.
There is natural concentration of wealth and there is an unnatural concentration of wealth. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison used to correspond about what to do about the unnatural concentration of wealth. And one of Jefferson's solutions was to propose a progressive tax. But not to the extent of choking production to death.

Getting rich from building a better mousetrap or making Hollywood movies is a natural concentration of wealth, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Taxing the rich more to mitigate the unnatural concentration of wealth is the simpleton's means of treating the symptoms instead of the disease.

The unnatural concentration of wealth, the tilting of the playing field, is being accomplished through government legislation. So the obvious cure is to fix or delete the legislation which is tilting the field.

If your house was being robbed on a regular basis, and the police were providing protection to the thieves, how retarded would you have to be to say, "To solve this problem, we need to tax everyone who lives in a bigger house than me more"?

You'd have to be as retarded as Bernie Sanders.

But you would also have to be pretty retarded to deny there isn't a problem with the unnatural concentration of wealth at the expense of everyone else, to deny you aren't being robbed blind. You would have to be severely retarded to defend those who are stealing from you.

Sanders isn't wrong when he says we are being robbed. His solutions are retarded, though.

You're a mystery wrapped up in a hot dog bun! Taste good bad for you.
I did not know Sanders attended the University of Chicago.

How ironic is that, since that is the center of the Chicago school of economics, which is diametrically opposed to Sanders's way of thinking?

Maybe he had a bad reaction to the classes.. kinda like Malcolm McDowell in A Clockwork Orange when he was subjected to pornographic violence.
“Beware the greedy hand of government thrusting itself into every corner and crevice of industry.” – Thomas Paine
(1737-1809) Influenced the American Revolution

England-born political philosopher and writer Thomas Paine (1737-1809) helped shape many of the ideas that marked the Age of Revolution. Published in 1776, his highly popular “Common Sense” was the first pamphlet to advocate American independence.

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