Psychopath Zelensky considering accepting Putin's 4 demands to end Ukraine war.

Putin is a great man and humanitarian, and future historians will agree! ... :rolleyes:

Are you sure? Let’s be honest. With the lies he’s told during this unjustified invasion he is liable to supplant Ivan the Terrible as the worst leader in Russian history.
The egotistical Zelensky should have done this when Russian troops first crossed the border. Instead of giving his citizens the false hope of a victory. Resulting in death and destruction throughout Ukraine.
Putin's 4 reasonable demands to stop the war.
#1 All Ukrainians to lay down their weapons and stop fighting.
#2 Signed pledge that Ukraine will never become a member of NATO
#3 Recognize that Crimea is now a part of Russia
#4 Recognize the two separatist regions Donbas and Luhansk as independent state.
If he does agree to a peace deal, the left will throw him under the bus and call him a Putin stooge.
Exactly. I tried to tell people here weeks ago that this was all Putin wanted. He wants Crimea and a region in the north both largely all Russian and a guarantee that NATO will not come up against his border.

Zelensky should sign that deal immediately.

Too bad Biddum is such a worthless asshole: if he was worth 2¢, he would have negotiated this between the parties instead of talking all bravado and sending troops and jet fighters to the region trying to spark a full-scale war.

Did he tell you this personally, or are you just pulling stuff out of your ass?

Putin has frequently opined that the breakup of the Soviet Union was the worst tragedy of the 20th Century. He's trying to restore the Russian Empire.

If Putin wants to keep NATO away, he should stop invading his neighbours.
The egotistical Zelensky should have done this when Russian troops first crossed the border. Instead of giving his citizens the false hope of a victory. Resulting in death and destruction throughout Ukraine.
Putin's 4 reasonable demands to stop the war.
#1 All Ukrainians to lay down their weapons and stop fighting.
#2 Signed pledge that Ukraine will never become a member of NATO
#3 Recognize that Crimea is now a part of Russia
#4 Recognize the two separatist regions Donbas and Luhansk as independent state.
Not until Zelensky gets more aid he can stash offshore banks and property.
Hasn't Mr Z been in a civil war with them for years?
Yes, the Donbas region is populated by ethnic Russian speaking people.
Zelensky has killed 14,000 of them in a genocidal war to eliminate them.
Yes, the Donbas region is populated by ethnic Russian speaking people.
Zelensky has killed 14,000 of them in a genocidal war to eliminate them.

During the Soviet Union most people spoke Russian. That is proof that some still do. But the vast majority of Ukrainian speak the Ukrainian Language.

Because some learned Russian while they were occupied by yet another totalitarian Russian Empire is not proof of anything.

Fuck the Russians. Make them suffer. Make them so miserable that they envy the great life of a homeless person anywhere else in the world.
Yes, the Donbas region is populated by ethnic Russian speaking people.
Zelensky has killed 14,000 of them in a genocidal war to eliminate them.
interesting Sunni
so where are the Donbas region folks in all of this ???

interesting Sunni
so where are the Donbas region folks in all of this ???
The majority of them are ethnic Russians fighting with the Russian army in the hope of the Donbas region breaking away from Ukraine and either becoming an independent state or a part of Russia.
Although, there is a minority of pro-Ukrainian militia groups fighting the Russias for the Donbas region to remain with Ukraine.
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The majority of them are ethnic Russians fighting with the Russian army in the hope of the Donbas region breaking away from Ukraine and either becoming an independent state or a part of Russia.
Although, there is a minority of pro-Ukrainian militia groups fighting the Russias for the Donbas region to remain with Ukraine.

You're losing Sunni Woman.

Because you're a loser!
The egotistical Zelensky should have done this when Russian troops first crossed the border. Instead of giving his citizens the false hope of a victory. Resulting in death and destruction throughout Ukraine.
Putin's 4 reasonable demands to stop the war.
#1 All Ukrainians to lay down their weapons and stop fighting.
#2 Signed pledge that Ukraine will never become a member of NATO
#3 Recognize that Crimea is now a part of Russia
#4 Recognize the two separatist regions Donbas and Luhansk as independent state.
#1 is absurd. The minute the Ukrainians lay down their weapons, the Russians will have won and can take #2, #3, and #4 without worrying about getting agreement.

For Ukraine to keep their arms and to give Russia numbers two through three in exchange for Russian withdrawal seem to make sense to this outsider. But I'm not in Zelensky's shoes, so I could not criticize him for not accepting them.
If he does agree to a peace deal, the left will throw him under the bus and call him a Putin stooge.
This shows the utter unreality of Trump Republican views obout “the left.” In fact, within Ukraine the problem confronting Zelensky if he settles without an obvious “victory” over Putin will come from the right. He couldn’t accept the old (internationally negotiated) Minsk2 Accords because hard Ukrainian nationalists in the military and parliament would not stand for it. The same elements may attack Biden and “the West” for “selling out” Ukrainian aspirations to take back Crimea, Donbas, etc.

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