

Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
“Only a psychopath would ever think of doing these things, only a psychopath would dream of abusing other people in such a way, only a psychopath would treat people as less than human just for money. The shocking truth is, even though they now have most if not all of the money, they want still more, they want all of the money that you have left in your pockets, they want it all because they have no empathy with other people, with other creatures, they have no feeling for the world which they exploit, they have no love or sense of being or belonging for their souls are dead, dead to all things but greed and a desire to rule over others.”

~ Arun D. Ellis, Corpalism


With these draconian policies firmly in place, mass unemployment ensued, and huge numbers of businesses closed, many for good. Many more will be forced into bankruptcy in the near term; especially once more lockdowns become evident over the next few months. Americans had been carefully guided and long-groomed into a mindset of consumption instead of saving, this due in large part to brainwashing, but more due to a decade long period of zero interest rates meant to stoke credit and debt at the expense of saving for the future. With 70% of Americans not having enough money to even last a month without a paycheck, one can only imagine the great harm that has and will continue to decimate the general population. Now, with up to 60 million people out of work, what is on the horizon are poverty, starvation, and total dependence on the state, which will only increase the state’s power and control over the people.


“Laws are no longer made by a rational process of public discussion; they are made by a process of blackmail and intimidation, and they are executed in the same manner”

~ H.L. Mencken (2012). “Mencken Chrestomathy”, p.260, Vintage

Sources: Here, here, and here.

Your opinion could be in error.

I would venture to guess that you will see many large corporations going belly up soon too.

Individuals who have not made enough to pay their bills for many years and live in a noraml manner will be the ones most likely to survive the meltdown.
Supposedly about 1 per cent of the population have psychopathic tendencies. A throwback to the caveman days and pure survival. Many are dangerous if they get that way. Many can be beneficial to humanity because they take chances in their chosen fields. An example would be a doctor who would take a chance to expand medicine in performing an operation of some kind. Another person may not try it although you do not have to be a psychopath to do so.
Careers with the most Psycopaths

1. CEO

2. Lawyer

3. Media

Those three run the country in the US today

they have no empathy with other people, with other creatures, they have no feeling for the world which they exploit, they have no love or sense of being or belonging for their souls are dead, dead to all things but greed and a desire to rule over others.”

But they sure do love to kill things!
Callous, murderous killers......... for the "joy" of it.
“Laws are no longer made by a rational process of public discussion; they are made by a process of blackmail and intimidation, and they are executed in the same manner”

~ H.L. Mencken (2012). “Mencken Chrestomathy”, p.260, Vintage
Thus gun control laws continue to infringe on our rights in America, despite the proposition and ratification of the Second Amendment.

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