Public-Sector Unions: The Other Deep State


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

I have long railed against public sector unions. I strongly believe they should be illegal.

Government unions insulate their members from the challenges facing ordinary private citizens. On every major issue of our time; globalization, immigration, climate change, the integrity of our elections, crime and punishment, regulations, government spending, and fiscal reform, the interests and political bias of public-sector unions is inherently in conflict with the public interest. Today, there may be no greater core threat to the freedom and prosperity of the American people.

Here’s why we have to do away with them:

Public-sector unions do not negotiate with management accountable to shareholders, but instead with politicians whom they help elect and, therefore, are accountable to the unions. Moreover, politicians, unlike corporate executives, typically occupy their offices for shorter periods of time. And politicians, unlike corporate executives, don’t own shares that might be devalued after they leave office due to decisions they made while in office.

There is one good thing on the horizon. With the SCOTUS ruling that union dues many no longer be mandatorily taken from government employees salaries, union membership has plummeted. And, it keeps falling.

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@ Public-Sector Unions: The Other Deep State
my public sector union didnt isolate me from any challenges facing private citizens.....and hey did not negotiate with politicians.....

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