Published 1 day ago Marines say they're being 'crushed' over vaccine refusal: 'A political purge'

169 out of over 180,000 booted out for not following regulations.

I file this in my "could not give a damn" file. The only ones being "crushed" are those that are now mad that they are getting the boot.
Oh really, and in which branch did you serve Dimmer?
I still could not care less. Then we can boot them out also, and bring in more.

It is not like the Marines do not already have an annual attrition rate of over 38,000 a year. And if "thousands" do not want the shot, then we can replace them with those that will follow regulations.
Sieg Heil Herr Hitler!
If they do, I would say that they likely do not belong in the military.

To put it simply, I have now served under 7 Presidents. The minimum enlistment is normally 4-6 years, and the President only serves for 4 years. So unless you join on the date a President takes office, odds are you are serving under at least two of them. And to be honest, the President really has little directly to do with the military. At most, their setting the budget can influence our training tempo and equipment, but other than that there is damned little difference.

Of course, most do not know that because they never actually served. Which is all to obvious by reading their ignorant posts in here over the years.
The president is the Commander in Chief...yes, little to do with the military
Which is your entire issue here. It is entirely political, and has nothing to do with the military itself.

Unless you are simply another of those that blindly hates the military on GP.

First of all, that entire article is BS. Come on, the New York Post? That is only good if you run out of toilet paper and do not mind a black ass from the ink.


And once again, they are not being punished. That involved some kind of legal action in violation of the UCMJ. Nobody is threatening them with a Court Martial, that would be punishment. They are in the process of administrative separation.

You really do not know how this military thing works, do you? And when that stay is lifted by the appeals court or SCOTUS, then what? Oh, I bet you will just continue to scream and rant and rave, because to you it is all political and has nothing to do with facts at all.
It won't be lifted it will be verified by SCOTUS. The most highly vaccinated areas are also the most infected and that is stupidity to continue forcing.
How so? These guys arent Amish. They have all been fighting on the front lines...many for over a decade.

They dont object to killing our enemies, just a jab fr a Banana Republic CNC who mamdated a vaccine that doesnt work.

Are you saying these religious people would kill a 14 year old unarmed boy? Or would God approve of murdering an innocent child if the Mission demanded it?
Now you are just trolling and nothing more.

You are confusing the court cases. The only decision thus far is that there is a religious exemption for 32 Naval Personnel. That is all I am commenting on. The Judge did not rule on the effectiveness of the Vaccine. Or anything else you want to bring into the discussion. All he ruled on was the right of 32 Naval Personnel to object and refuse on religious grounds.

Is that not true?
You are confusing the court cases. The only decision thus far is that there is a religious exemption for 32 Naval Personnel. That is all I am commenting on. The Judge did not rule on the effectiveness of the Vaccine. Or anything else you want to bring into the discussion. All he ruled on was the right of 32 Naval Personnel to object and refuse on religious grounds.

Is that not true?
I commented on the other cases in the discussion........Is that not true? And how does that trolling you just did?

The ball is in Brandon's court.........they have to overturn the injunction.
That's not a law Congress has made to prohibit the free exercise of religion.

Are you hard of following or something?
That's the law of the land that guarantees the free excercised of religion. It's a law that the government has to abide by.
That's the law of the land that guarantees the free excercised of religion. It's a law that the government has to abide by.

"Exercise" means they are free to practice their religion. Not that the Government (especially the military) has to honor every one of their beliefs.

What in getting a vaccination is preventing that? And besides, if anything it is being honored. If they object to vaccines, now they can do that all they want. As civilians.

But have you forgotten that I already posted over half a dozen SCOTUS cases that indeed "restricted religion"?
"Exercise" means they are free to practice their religion. Not that the Government (especially the military) has to honor every one of their beliefs.

What in getting a vaccination is preventing that? And besides, if anything it is being honored. If they object to vaccines, now they can do that all they want. As civilians.

But have you forgotten that I already posted over half a dozen SCOTUS cases that indeed "restricted religion"?
The only one that counts is that the courts have issued an injunction. And now they must overturn it.............

Your posts change NOTHING.
That's the law of the land that guarantees the free excercised of religion. It's a law that the government has to abide by.
Show me the law Congress made against the free exercise of religion.

Or, you know, just STFU.

Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.

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