PubliusInfinitum thinks Obama is a foreigner

My response to this:

So, I've spent some time looking over Ron Polarik, PhD's claims. I don't have time today to go through everything, I'll try more tonight and tomorrow BUT... here's what I do have:

Obama's website (fightthesmears) does not have, nor does politifact, nor Daily Kos have any kind of claim that this is Obama's "original" birth certificate. Only incorrectly claims that this is Obama's "original" birth certificate. I have sent a letter to them asking them to correct their mistake. This, of course, is not Obama's ORIGINAL birth certificate, nor does Obama's website claim it to be.

I invite you to check for yourself.

So any claims that this COB is a fraud due to it being created in 2007, which is when Hawaii used the borders for its short form COB, is debunked.

Now I don't know if you have a copy of Photoshop handy on your hard drive or not, but if you do, I invite you to download the copy of Obama's COB from fightthesmears and the other websites and check the resolution on each of the websites.

Now, if you'll look at the's scan of the file, you'll find an 8.5 x 11 300 ppi scan of the birth certificate. I'm assuming this is the entire COB scan without any alteration or cropping. This is the only website that offers this. And although factcheck's website incorrectly states this as Obama's "original" certificate, factcheck's scan seems to be the closest to the original. I say closest because of the level of quality of the scan itself - it seems enlarged from maybe 150 or 200 ppi to 300. There are a million and one reasons why a website would do this and all of them are irrelevant because although the image quality would suffer, the readability of the text would not suffer so greatly that words or letters are not clear enough to be certain of what they say. Additionally, if the image were enlarged by or Obama's campaign, it would explain the compression and color count which Dr. Polarik discusses ad naseum. Why he discusses this so much when it's such an irrelevant factor in the image itself is far beyond me.

I can say this for certain:

  • The image on was probably around 150-200 ppi and then was enlarged to 300 ppi.
  • It is unclear why it was enlarged
  • It is irrelevant that it was enlarged because it does not effect the quality of the type on the document
  • Number of colors, compression percentages and image quality are also irrelevant as you can clearly make out all of the letters and words on the document and I don't have my glasses on and I have a lazy eye (20/300). My other eye (20/15) has excellent vision and is closed and I can still clearly make out all of the information on the lowest quality image on Obama's website. None of this proves that Obama's certificate was a forgery - not even close.
  • With the exception of, the other websites altered the image before posting it. I know this by the sheer size of the images on those website vs. the image on factcheck's website and if you look at the top of the image on, towards the right of center there appears to be some light damage done to the piece of paper that would be consistent with someone holding it with their thumb and index finger and placing it in a flatbed scanner. So the other websites cropped the image and thus altered it which makes the image invalid. Therefore, I can only work with the's version of the scan as I have no idea what else any of the other websites did to the scan.
  • The type (words/letters) on the paper was scanned in and was not added in with Photoshop after it was scanned. How do I know? Again, if you have Photoshop, open up the image from and create a new text box beneath any line of text on the image itself and type in the exact same words in Arial 10 pt. Regular. There is a white "halo" around the text that cannot be created inside of Photoshop. Nor can it be added with InDesign or Illustrator or QuarkExpress or any other software program for that matter. I can say this for certainty because the white halo around the text is pixilated just the same way the entire image is when you zoom in on it at 200%. All of the text, not just the information about Obama has this halo around it with the exact same proportions. The only way for this to have occurred is if all of the text was scanned in at the same time.
With there already being so much information to debunk Ron's theories and with the existing photos of the actual documents on factcheck's website, there is absolutely not nearly enough evidence to support any kind of forgery whatsoever. Reading on through his blather, I can see only assumptions and suppositions that could be explained for a variety of reasons and not just the reason why he explains it and thus I cannot see cold, hard facts that would prove beyond a shadow of a doubt his ideas.

There is one mystery though. I would like to find out who enlarged the original scan of Obama's birth certificate and why.

You see, the difference between my analysis and his analysis is that anyone can use the same process I used to come to my conclusions and no one can come to his analysis and thus we must trust him. After reviewing his analysis, I do not believe his analysis at all.

Davie, hey, I want to thank you for keeping the obama birth certificate forgery scandal alive. I really do appreciate you taking up your whole signature just for that. So, the least I can do is reply to you...

... so here ya go davie, here's a "real" Hawaiian birth certificate...


...and another one just for good measure, so you can get a good look at what one looks like....


Now, I believe you'd like to see obama's as well as me wouldn't you? Because I haven't seen a birth certificate like those... from "HAWAII," that's obama's. Or can you show me a "real" birth certificate of obama's that looks like that. I'd love to see it. Oh.... was that a "challenge?" Well, we'll see what you can come up with. I won't hold my breath.

Google Image Result for

Google Image Result for
The government has the power to look at it, no matter how "sealed" it is, they looked at it, said it was legit, that's it. So, unless the government has some reason for lying about it, it's legit, period. So again, why would all the people in the government want to hide it?

you are clueless or drunk...HI law dictates that ONLY the person named in the birth certificate can release the original or a copy thereof....they are simply obeying the law...obama could say unseal it, release it and this whole nonsense is done, the fact he won't release it allows the conspiracy to fester

what is in the original that obama doesn't want shown?

LOL ... you are seriously deluded. There are plenty of real reasons to call Obama a shit-head, yet idiots have to make shit up ... hell, Bush is more foreign than he is.

You just lost. You resorted to a personal attack and have as of yet to address yurt's statements.

IF Obama has a court order sealing his original birth certificate, that does NOT make the government complicit in sealing the birth certificate. The government is not above the law. If they felt it was imperative they view Obama's original birth certificate, they would have to a higher court than the one that sealed it to order it produced.

So, what's being made up? Is Obama's original birth certificate sealed from public view or not? If so, why? What would be the purpose of presenting a copy of a birth certificate to a court and in public that contains information different from the original?

I fail to see any purpose BUT to hide something from the public.

It's a completely logical argument.

Your comment regarding Bush's citizenship is non sequitur and absurd.

for one who started the thread you wussed out the most. you did not refute anything posted contra to your views. when your views were contested, you resorted to links, links, links, cut and paste.....

if you're going to pull this crap again, let me know so i do not take the time to make MY arguments only to have YOU give me other people's arguments.

fair enough?
davids has further proved what a wuss he is by putting in his sig what he claims is absolute proof of obama's US citizenship....bullshit, it is prima facie evidence, if the original exists, that is the proof davids....get a clue
Whee, the wingnuts are out in force. President Barak Hussein Obama. Get used to it for eight years. Eight good years, not like the lost years from 2001 to 2009. Our President is a US Citizen, an admirable man, and admired here and around the world. Doesn't that just frost your shrunken little agates, wingnuts?
Yurt said:
no, in a court of law, if the origional exists, the electronic copy would be stricken. prima facie evidence is not conclusive proof david, you had right in the beginning, it is merely evidence, not proof. i guarantee you 100% that if the courts actually allowed standing obama would be ordered to provide the original as HI claims the original exists. see; best evidence rule and prima facie

No, sir. That is NOT an electronic copy. The photographs that I showed you are actual PAPER copies. It is what ALL short form birth certificates from the State of Hawaii look like. In every single legal challenge so far, Obama's SHORT FORM birth certificate has been shown and every single legal challenge has been thrown out due to prima facie.

tell me david, do you agree that citizens do not have standing to demand the best proof possible? why did mccain provide all the proof he could and obama did everything he could to hide a copy of the original?

We have PROOF, Yurt. You and the other Conspiracy Theorists just don't accept it. That's your problem.

The electronic copy shows NO CERTIFICATION. Even an electronic copy must show official certification. Would the evidence show that this electronic copy was actually created on the actual birth day of Obama? Or, is there evidence that it may have actually been done later?

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