Ballot Access Challenge to Kamala Harris Filed With FL AG. State Attorneys General have “Standing” to Challenge Her Presidential Eligibility

Do you think dems care? They are allowing millions of illegals to invade the country. This is who they are.
The "One World Without Borders" crowd has been pushing this globalist agenda since the Babylonian empire for sure & possibly even the Akkadian empire(not sure about the Akkadians ambitions though). The globalists just keep moving from one collapsed empire to the next empire in line etc. etc. The USSR was the last globalist empire to collapse(under it's own weight/overhead). Our USA is currently the "acting" globalist empire but is already both bankrupt(debt/inflation) & is sporting a divided constituency(divide & conquer) & appears to be following the previous USSR's lead/fate. I'd say the next empire with globalist ambitions would be China in conjunction with their far east neighbors, but with the advent of weapons of mass destruction surprises could pop up like a jack in the box! The problem for the globalists is of course is the Human Condition(human nature) which appears to be programmed for failure.

Your issue is with the 14th Amendment. It was written by cuckservatives. The only ways to fix this mess are to repeal the 14th Amendment or modify it. Both require a constitutional amendment, which we aren't going to get because Democrats like the White genocide that it created.
Or they can get a clarification by the Supreme Court as to the meaning of the amendment. Personally, I think they have been misinterpreting it for years.
Harris' credentials are in question. Before the election, is exactly the time to address this problem. We can't have foreign nationals just travel to the US to drop a kid and reap the benefits of our welfare state. It's not fair to Americans. And I can't see someone like that being eligible to be President, no matter how many politicians she won over with her affections. That and the fact that she isn't intellectually, emotionally or psychologically up to the job. MAGA

No they are not in question, This is desperation. Harris is an Einstein compared to Trump. Trump is not fit to serve in any capacity.
The current desperation Meltdowns by hack writers and USMB posters is glorious.

Buckle Up.
Good news! Ballot access challenge to the "Red-Diaper Anchor Baby" Kamala Harris filed with the AG in FL challenging her not being a "natural born Citizen" including challenging her claim to basic U.S. "Citizenship at Birth" since she was born in the USA to foreign national alien parents who were only temporarily sojourning in the USA on student VISAs and not subject to the full political jurisdiction of the United States.

For example as alien student visitors sojourning in the country they could not be ordered to serve in the military, serve on jury duty, and were in the USA under foreign passports and could travel to and from the USA to their home country using their foreign passports.

The parents were not completely "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States and and thus the 14th Amendment does not apply to Commie Kamala Harris' birth status and is not even a Citizen of the USA via birth, let alone ever being considered to be a constitutional "natural born Citizen" ("nbC") of the United States per the founders and framers original intent.

Man, you've really got to quit smoking that funny weed. Did you ever hear of a guy named Barrack Obama? He was president for eight years, despite the far right's birther nonsense. Your brain is total mush from getting your news from The Gateway Pundit and the Postemail. Do you really believe undecided voters are going to listen to the garbage you post?
Man, you've really got to quit smoking that funny weed. Did you ever hear of a guy named Barrack Obama? He was president for eight years, despite the far right's birther nonsense. Your brain is total mush from getting your news from The Gateway Pundit and the Postemail. Do you really believe undecided voters are going to listen to the garbage you post?
Man, you've really got to quit using personal attacks in lieu of reasoned argument.
Man, you've really got to quit using personal attacks in lieu of reasoned argument.
LOL. Reasoned judgement? This guy does nothing but read The Gateway Pundit 24/7 and Postemail, none of which is reasoned judgement. All they spout is nothing but unreasoned judgement. I'm getting mad at him because I want Trump to win and all he does is spout conspiracy theories as if they were diehard facts. We need to use reasoned judgement to convince the undecideds to vote for Trump and this blatantly false shit just makes undecideds want to vote for Harris.
LOL. Reasoned judgement? This guy does nothing but read The Gateway Pundit 24/7 and Postemail, none of which is reasoned judgement. All they spout is nothing but unreasoned judgement. I'm getting mad at him because I want Trump to win and all he does is spout conspiracy theories as if they were diehard facts. We need to use reasoned judgement to convince the undecideds to vote for Trump and this blatantly false shit just makes undecideds want to vote for Harris.
I have only read The Gateway Pundit when it has been cited on this forum, and I don't know what Postemail is. Which unreasonabIe conspiracy theories do you think am I spouting? I simply prefer logical reasoning to personal attacks.
I have only read The Gateway Pundit when it has been cited on this forum, and I don't know what Postemail is. Which unreasonabIe conspiracy theories do you think am I spouting? I simply prefer logical reasoning to personal attacks.
My post you replied to was directed at the OP and I explained to you why I was attacking the OP. If we want to win this election we've got to quit sourcing crap like The Gateway Pundit. It does us more harm than good and I'm pissed at the OP for doing our side more harm than good. We can't win if we look like crazies and the OP makes us look like crazies, not to be listened to.
Good news! Ballot access challenge to the "Red-Diaper Anchor Baby" Kamala Harris filed with the AG in FL challenging her not being a "natural born Citizen" including challenging her claim to basic U.S. "Citizenship at Birth" since she was born in the USA to foreign national alien parents who were only temporarily sojourning in the USA on student VISAs and not subject to the full political jurisdiction of the United States.

For example as alien student visitors sojourning in the country they could not be ordered to serve in the military, serve on jury duty, and were in the USA under foreign passports and could travel to and from the USA to their home country using their foreign passports.

The parents were not completely "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States and and thus the 14th Amendment does not apply to Commie Kamala Harris' birth status and is not even a Citizen of the USA via birth, let alone ever being considered to be a constitutional "natural born Citizen" ("nbC") of the United States per the founders and framers original intent.

Way too late to bring this up now. The time to do it if it is even valid--I doubt seriously even a SCOTUS ruling would render her ineligible--it should have been raised when she was the hand picked nominee prior to the Democrat Convention.
LOL. Reasoned judgement? This guy does nothing but read The Gateway Pundit 24/7 and Postemail, none of which is reasoned judgement. All they spout is nothing but unreasoned judgement. I'm getting mad at him because I want Trump to win and all he does is spout conspiracy theories as if they were diehard facts. We need to use reasoned judgement to convince the undecideds to vote for Trump and this blatantly false shit just makes undecideds want to vote for Harris.
You do know that Trump liked the Gateway Pundit and even allowed one of their reporters to be on the White House press corps during his term.
You do know that Trump liked the Gateway Pundit and even allowed one of their reporters to be on the White House press corps during his term.
What does that have to do with anything? Look, this race is 50/50 no matter how much your little pea brain refuses to accept that. If we want Trump to be president then we have to win over undecided voters and we can't win over undecided voters by quoting The Gateway Pundit to them. Those voters are not only laughing at you but you are causing them to vote for Harris. Those who listen to The Gateway Pundit are ALREADY voting for Trump you moron. You are actually making it harder for Trump to win! If you truly want Trump to win then you have to quit making undecided voters flock over to Harris because of your stupid threads. Do you want Trump to win or not? Make a reasonable case to those undecided voters instead of making them laugh all the way to mailing in their ballot for Harris.

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