Puerto Rico, gun control paradise.....and gun murder capital.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes, apparently Puerto Rico has strict gun control....and of course that means criminals have guns and law abiding, innocent victims do not........just like the anti gunners want it....

VICE News Report Guns in Puerto Rico - The Truth About Guns

“We’re in Puerto Rico which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation,” Kaj Larsen begins in his report for Vice News. “At the same time it has the world’s highest murder rate by firearm.” And that pretty much says it all right there. Especially as the island nation’s gun control advocates can’t blame surrounding states’ “weak gun laws” for criminals’ firepower. Larsen reckons this “paradox” makes Puerto Rico “ground zero for the gun control debate.” Yes, well, no. Like Mexico, PR’s abject not-to-say-horrific failure to control criminality via gun control doesn’t get any play in America’s mainstream media. Why would it? The “gun control doesn’t work” message is the last thing they want to propogate. Of course, Vice doesn’t get it, either . . .
Doggonit!! Will you please stop revealing the truth. It might hurt the sensitive ears of one of our resident Libtards.
sorry, but I like to be bipartisan on gun issues....if the anti gunners have a success story....they should get all the f*****g credit they deserve...and today is a double for them......first, gun control in France worked...not one innocent, law abiding French citizen used a gun to defend themselves...at least 12 today including 3 police officers....and now we learn of the success of gun control in Puerto Rico......

don't you think they should bask in the glory of their victories.......?
Countries that have banned guns have many times the murder rates as compared to countries that have not banned guns.

Harvard study concludes that gun control does not prevent murders other violent crime

Skooker....allow me to take the anti gunner post.......

Blah Blah...Kleck study is crap.....blah blah....Universal gun control....blah blah.....Australia, Britain....blah blah....gun lovers and their penis's.....blah blah.......shooting minorities.....blah blah blah.....

And now...back to your posts.......:beer:

Joe, just trying to save you some typing.....
This was posted several days ago. PR's gun violence is just as it is here - a symptom.

Just as here on the mainland, the last thing they need is more gun violence.
no, they need more good guy gun violence....only the bad guys are doing it now?
It looks like another 15 were wounded in the attack in France.....well....even more innocent people who did not use a gun to defend themselves.....gun control worked even better in France today.....
I'm for civil unions....I don't want radical gay leftists attacking....oh, I don't know....innocent bakers and photographers or, once they get going, churches who won't marry gays.....I'm into that Freedom of Religion thing.....
Color me surprised. Hey btw they banned gay marriage there last year. What's your opinion about that?

Hmmmm...since the piece in the first post is an anti gun piece....are they wrong....does Puerto Rico not have gun control....and do they not have that murder rate? Tell me.....is the piece wrong....?
The criminal element can not be controlled.

And that leaves only one avenue. Control the remainder of the citizenry and make yourself appear to be in control...

of gun violence.
Wow.....the NRA....there is strict gun control in Puerto Rico...and it has the worlds highest murder rate....but the NRA is all wrong about changing their laws to let innocent, law abiding people have guns........

Yeah....what they are doing now with their gun control is working so well.....

Notice at the end...they talk to a democrat politician........

Gangs, drugs and guns....the gang part is the problem......just like it is everywhere else in the United States.....
Color me surprised. Hey btw they banned gay marriage there last year. What's your opinion about that?

Hmmmm...since the piece in the first post is an anti gun piece....are they wrong....does Puerto Rico not have gun control....and do they not have that murder rate? Tell me.....is the piece wrong....?
Puerto Rico has a lot of problems. They have strict gun control... but are latched at the hip to a country that has as many guns as it has citizens.
Here's a question... why do you care?
Hmmmm....let's look at which political party has been in control of Puerto Rico....gun murder capital of the world.....with strict gun control laws......which disarm everyone but the criminals...and police....

So......one republican since 1973, and they were in office for 4 years.......the rest....democrats.....

List of Governors of Puerto Rico - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

2 republicans since 1949, one "independent"....the rest democrats..........hmmmmm is there a pattern here......
Color me surprised. Hey btw they banned gay marriage there last year. What's your opinion about that?

Hmmmm...since the piece in the first post is an anti gun piece....are they wrong....does Puerto Rico not have gun control....and do they not have that murder rate? Tell me.....is the piece wrong....?
Puerto Rico has a lot of problems. They have strict gun control... but are latched at the hip to a country that has as many guns as it has citizens.
Here's a question... why do you care?

I care because innocent people can't protect themselves or their families....they are disarmed in the face of criminal gangs....and obviously the police can't do anything to help......
Color me surprised. Hey btw they banned gay marriage there last year. What's your opinion about that?

Hmmmm...since the piece in the first post is an anti gun piece....are they wrong....does Puerto Rico not have gun control....and do they not have that murder rate? Tell me.....is the piece wrong....?
Puerto Rico has a lot of problems. They have strict gun control... but are latched at the hip to a country that has as many guns as it has citizens.
Here's a question... why do you care?

Puerto Rico is an island....with strict gun control laws......that means all guns have to be smuggled in...and not just driven across a state border....so the usual clap trap of gun grabbers doesn't apply.......so the criminals have guns....but honest citizens are prevented by law from having them......how's that worked out for them..........?

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