PURE EVIL: Pelosi Who Supports Abortion Up to Birth – Smears Trump Supporters for Not Respecting “Dignity and Worth of Every Person”

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time

Has no language that abortion until birth as a general outline, it is only for emergencies.

Summary: S.701 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)All Information (Except Text)​

There is one summary for S.701. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

Shown Here:
Introduced in Senate (03/08/2023)​

Women's Health Protection Act of 2023
This bill prohibits governmental restrictions on the provision of, and access to, abortion services.
Before fetal viability, governments may not restrict providers from
  • using particular abortion procedures or drugs,
  • offering abortion services via telemedicine, or
  • immediately providing abortion services if delaying risks the patient's health.
Furthermore, governments may not require providers to
  • perform unnecessary medical procedures,
  • provide medically inaccurate information, or
  • comply with credentialing or other conditions that do not apply to providers who offer medically comparable services to abortions.
Additionally, governments may not require patients to make medically unnecessary in-person visits before receiving abortion services or disclose their reasons for obtaining services.
After fetal viability, governments may not restrict providers from performing abortions when necessary to protect a patient's life and health. The same provisions that apply to abortions before viability also apply to necessary abortions after viability. Additionally, states may authorize post-viability abortions in circumstances beyond those that the bill considers necessary.
Further, the bill recognizes an individual's right to interstate travel, including for abortion services.
The bill also prohibits governments from implementing measures that are similar to those restricted by the bill or that otherwise single out and impede access to abortion services, unless the measure significantly advances the safety of abortion services or health of patients and cannot be achieved through less restrictive means.
The Department of Justice, individuals, or providers may sue states or government officials to enforce this bill, regardless of certain immunity that would otherwise apply.
What a gaslighting hypocritical fossil. The nerve of this woman. Trump supporters are nothing but patriots filled with dignity, compassion, and respect.

We want to preserve life, not kill it.

Sometimes I wonder if the government is full of nothing but comedians.
What a gaslighting hypocritical fossil. The nerve of this woman. Trump supporters are nothing but patriots filled with dignity, compassion, and respect.

We want to preserve life, not kill it.

SCOTUS handed the Democrats a huge win with this issue.

Be careful what you wish for - it may destroy you.
What a gaslighting hypocritical fossil. The nerve of this woman. Trump supporters are nothing but patriots filled with dignity, compassion, and respect.

We want to preserve life, not kill it.

In US politics, true evil has manifested itself as the Democrat Party. Democrats promote:

  • Groomers (teachers and others who push abnormal sexual lifestyles onto little kids)
  • Infanticide (abortion and late term abortion)
  • Marxism/Socialism
  • Child Genital Mutilation (many threads here on that already)
  • Stripping of Free Speech Rights
  • Stripping of Religious Rights
  • Stripping of Right to Bear Arms
  • CRT Hate and Racism
  • Election Theft
  • Open Borders
  • Destructive Monetary and Economic Policies
  • High Taxes
  • Massive Debt-Causing Spending

I could continue but those should be sufficient to horrify any good person who has even a minimal moral compass. Anyone who says that the Democrat Party does not support these things is an obvious liar. They are all provable beyond a shadow of a doubt.

The Democrat Party ultimately must be designated as a hate group and dissolved. Their involvement in slavery and the Civil War should have dissolved them long ago. The organization should be broken up and its' assets distributed to African Americans for reparations.
Her hypocrisy is noteworthy but that aside, she is right.

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