Put a Democrat in Office - THIS Is What You Get


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
After seeing every Democrat in the US House of Representitives voting AGAINST the Parents' Bill of Rights bill, to restrict parents from controlling their kids' genders, and what they're being taught in school, I'm not surprised to see a total lunatic (Richard Levine) occupying a federal government job (four-star admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps - PHSCC), which your taxes pay for.

This brief exchange between Sen Rand Paul (R-KY), and Levine (who calls himself "Rachael"). is indicative >>

Don't miss the moronic statement by Washington Democrat Sen. Patty Murray, who calls Paul's comments, "misrepresentations" (they're not), and says Levine should be "treated with respect" (he should not).
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After seeing every Democrat in the US House of Representitives voting AGAINST the Parents' Bill of Rights bill, to restrict parents from controlling their kids' genders, and what they're being taught in school, I'm not surprised to see a total lunatic (Richard Levine) occupying a federal government job (four-star admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps - PHSCC), which your taxes pay for.

This brief exchange between Sen Rand Paul (R-KY), and Levine (who calls himself "Rachael). is indicative >>

The statist left has an agenda for sure, power & control being just one of them. I will suggest that the statist left in general appears, to me anyways, to have spiritual issues big time.

"Mental illness is the most cruel of all a societies issues."
The statist left has an agenda for sure, power & control being just one of them. I will suggest that the statist left in general appears, to me anyways, to have spiritual issues big time.

"Mental illness is the most cruel of all a societies issues."
The irony is that it is the liberal community that proports to value critical thinking while sadly lacking that quality. They are either over or behind their skis on most issues.
The statist left has an agenda for sure, power & control being just one of them. I will suggest that the statist left in general appears, to me anyways, to have spiritual issues big time.

"Mental illness is the most cruel of all a societies issues."
Statist? Is drunken Glenn Beck still on the air someplace? He says stupid stuff like "statist".
After seeing every Democrat in the US House of Representitives voting AGAINST the Parents' Bill of Rights bill, to restrict parents from controlling their kids' genders, and what they're being taught in school, I'm not surprised to see a total lunatic (Richard Levine) occupying a federal government job (four-star admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps - PHSCC), which your taxes pay for.

This brief exchange between Sen Rand Paul (R-KY), and Levine (who calls himself "Rachael"). is indicative >>

Don't miss the moronic statement by Washington Democrat Sen. Patty Murray, who calls Paul's comments, "misrepresentations" (they're not), and says Levine should be "treated with respect" (he should not).

Both the "wanna-be" bitch and the real bitch--Patty Murray should be incarcerated for crimes against humanity.
Both the "wanna-be" bitch and the real bitch--Patty Murray should be incarcerated for crimes against humanity.
Patricia is destined to remain in the senate until death does its part. We Eastern Washingtonians have long ago lost the battle for a state called "Eastern Washington". Spokane has went blue & Commiefornians fleeing the nightmare they created in Commiefornia are migrating into eastern Washington to recreate the nightmare they created in Commiefornia. If Patricia passed away she would no doubt be replaced by another one that harbors her ideology, sad to say.
Commiefornia are migrating into eastern Washington
Please don't paint with such a broad brush. Many former Commiefornians, myself included, that have moved here make many eastern Washintonians look like flaming liberals. Spokane should be wiped from the face of the state as the west siders have taken it over. I understand your point and I saw it happen in OR, but many of us would like to be Greater Idaho. I am even considering WY to get away from the commies and I live in probably the reddest county in WA.
Patricia is destined to remain in the senate until death does its part. We Eastern Washingtonians have long ago lost the battle for a state called "Eastern Washington". Spokane has went blue & Commiefornians fleeing the nightmare they created in Commiefornia are migrating into eastern Washington to recreate the nightmare they created in Commiefornia. If Patricia passed away she would no doubt be replaced by another one that harbors her ideology, sad to say.
Washingtonian conservatives need to have LOTSSSSSSSSSSS of KIDS. - and keep them away from the public schools, especially universities (woke factories)
Let's not forget at least half of the women working for Biden are real, biological women.
Targeting, transgender confusing, indoctrinating, and teaching highly impressionable, physically / mentally under-developed children, teaching them to lie to and hide things from their parents, mutilating their genitals, and making it legal to kidnap children from their parents IOT mutilate their genitals is a FREAKIN' CULT run by sick, f*ed up extremists who have shown an obsession with murdering, screwing, sexualizing, brainwashing, sexually mutating, and / or trafficking CHILDREN.

Please don't paint with such a broad brush. Many former Commiefornians, myself included, that have moved here make many eastern Washintonians look like flaming liberals. Spokane should be wiped from the face of the state as the west siders have taken it over. I understand your point and I saw it happen in OR, but many of us would like to be Greater Idaho. I am even considering WY to get away from the commies and I live in probably the reddest county in WA.
In Wyoming, watch out for bears. "The summer months are chock full of fatal bear attacks" in Wyoming, especially NW Wyoming. 2nd in the US, behind only Alaska.
Targeting, transgender confusing, indoctrinating, and teaching highly impressionable, physically / mentally under-developed children, teaching them to lie to and hide things from their parents, mutilating their genitals, and making it legal to kidnap children from their parents IOT mutilate their genitals is a FREAKIN' CULT run by sick, f*ed up extremists who have shown an obsession with murdering, screwing, sexualizing, brainwashing, sexually mutating, and / or trafficking CHILDREN.

View attachment 781170
These loons need to be in mental institutions, not in government jobs, financed by taxpayers.

In Wyoming, watch out for bears. "The summer months are chock full of fatal bear attacks" in Wyoming, especially NW Wyoming. 2nd in the US, behind only Alaska.
NW. WY is Yellowstone Park and Grand Tetons. Telling folks there to watch out for bears is like telling you to watch out for gators.

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