Putin a zionist shill for Israel.

All world leaders work for the BIS, and thus, toward a one world government.

Yeah I knew most did but I thought since Russia had reformed itself and was off the dollar,he was genuinely interested in world peace.I mean the bankers cant be happy that Russia is off the dollar right?

Kennedy,Hussein,Gadhafil they were all killed because they were off trhe dollar.so what is confusing is how come Putin has not been offed as well for taking them off.thoughts?o_O
Bingo!!!! And the bankers will have their wars. And our corporate state media machine once again is pounding the drums as Eric Prince posts editorials promoting privatized mercenary armies to do america's dirty work for profit.
All world leaders work for the BIS, and thus, toward a one world government.

Yeah I knew most did but I thought since Russia had reformed itself and was off the dollar,he was genuinely interested in world peace.I mean the bankers cant be happy that Russia is off the dollar right?

Kennedy,Hussein,Gadhafil they were all killed because they were off trhe dollar.so what is confusing is how come Putin has not been offed as well for taking them off.thoughts?o_O
Bingo!!!! And the bankers will have their wars. And our corporate state media machine once again is pounding the drums as Eric Prince posts editorials promoting privatized mercenary armies to do america's dirty work for profit.

so what our YOUR thoughts for WHY Putin has not been assassinated as well since he has them off the dollar? surely they could take him out JFK style and replace him with someone who would do what the bankers wanted him to do ala LBJ?

The reason he hasn't been assassinated is because Russia is a member of the BIS and the time is growing short. Soon the dollar won't be the world reserve currency.

The dollar is dependent on petroleum, and obviously, this causes a problem for the whole, "climate change" paradigm in the first place.

The BIS has complicated financial instruments of trade between central banks, and many of the largest banks are moving toward making everything electronic. Before they can do that, there will be a "Cyber" false flag to make the internet much less free than it is today. Added to that, there is all sorts of misinformation about, "chipping" people, don't listen to any of it, it is bunk. Already, they have the ability to link in your identification with bio-metrics, IOW, your fingerprint and iris scans. Once this is all accomplished, there will be a world currency, rationing, a soft police state, martial law, etc.

Welcome to the official site United Future World Currency - NEWS: G-8 ‘World Currency’ Coin’s Creator Seeks Russia Participation

check out my other thread i made recently.as you can see,the sheep in America are so much brainwashed they dont get it that Trump same as Putin is a zionist shill,a bunch of cowards to much in denial and afraid to look at the evidence in the OP here. they will take the time to watch movies and hollywood films but evidence that their hero is a fraid,they cowardly run off from and look the other way.:rolleyes:

Face it Trump supporters,you have been duped.

To be fair, it's not like Hilary supporters are anymore aware of any of this, nor would Hilary's win have put us on a different course. Obama's didn't either. Goldman Sachs is always in the white house either way. This election nonsense is for the unsubstantial people to busy/distract themselves with. Wall Street got bailed out across "both" "liberal" and "conservative" administrations. The corporate state now owns the media machine and you can thank Bill Clinton for deregulating the FCC; 50 some odd companies back in the 1980s down to 6 multinational corporations these days. What do we expect them to push? The corporate state agenda, and the war drums are being beaten again.

"#Resistance" is another ruse. Folks like Rachael making $30K ain't resisting anything at all. Ever. And askling for anything from power is futile, it must always be taken.
I used to think this man was someone for world peace the fact he was instrumental in getting Russia off the dollar but he is just as much of a gatekeeper puppet front man for Israel as Alex Jones and Jim Marrs .same as Marrs, Jonesand Trump I am afraid ,he is also part of the controlled opposition same as them.I thought for sure he at least was one of the good guys.no such luck. He fails to mention the atrocities and horrors that Stalin committed while condemning Germany as well as failing to mention Israels deliberate attack on the USS Liberty.Fuck you Putin.:up_yours:

only question now is who will be Israels first paid shill to troll this thread.

No, I don't think he's a Zionist shill, he was mostly talking about history in that video.

On the other hand, he does nothing to prosecute the Stalinist crimes of the Soviet Union, when many people were murdered. There are KGB agents, prison guards and others who were active during that period, who are still alive and remain unpunished. True, they are in their 80s and 90s, but still. If they can go after Nazi war criminals of the same age group, why not go after Stalinists who have killed?
Yeah I knew most did but I thought since Russia had reformed itself and was off the dollar,he was genuinely interested in world peace.I mean the bankers cant be happy that Russia is off the dollar right?

Kennedy,Hussein,Gadhafil they were all killed because they were off trhe dollar.so what is confusing is how come Putin has not been offed as well for taking them off.thoughts?o_O
Bingo!!!! And the bankers will have their wars. And our corporate state media machine once again is pounding the drums as Eric Prince posts editorials promoting privatized mercenary armies to do america's dirty work for profit.
Yeah I knew most did but I thought since Russia had reformed itself and was off the dollar,he was genuinely interested in world peace.I mean the bankers cant be happy that Russia is off the dollar right?

Kennedy,Hussein,Gadhafil they were all killed because they were off trhe dollar.so what is confusing is how come Putin has not been offed as well for taking them off.thoughts?o_O
Bingo!!!! And the bankers will have their wars. And our corporate state media machine once again is pounding the drums as Eric Prince posts editorials promoting privatized mercenary armies to do america's dirty work for profit.

so what our YOUR thoughts for WHY Putin has not been assassinated as well since he has them off the dollar? surely they could take him out JFK style and replace him with someone who would do what the bankers wanted him to do ala LBJ?

The reason he hasn't been assassinated is because Russia is a member of the BIS and the time is growing short. Soon the dollar won't be the world reserve currency.

The dollar is dependent on petroleum, and obviously, this causes a problem for the whole, "climate change" paradigm in the first place.

The BIS has complicated financial instruments of trade between central banks, and many of the largest banks are moving toward making everything electronic. Before they can do that, there will be a "Cyber" false flag to make the internet much less free than it is today. Added to that, there is all sorts of misinformation about, "chipping" people, don't listen to any of it, it is bunk. Already, they have the ability to link in your identification with bio-metrics, IOW, your fingerprint and iris scans. Once this is all accomplished, there will be a world currency, rationing, a soft police state, martial law, etc.

Welcome to the official site United Future World Currency - NEWS: G-8 ‘World Currency’ Coin’s Creator Seeks Russia Participation

check out my other thread i made recently.as you can see,the sheep in America are so much brainwashed they dont get it that Trump same as Putin is a zionist shill,a bunch of cowards to much in denial and afraid to look at the evidence in the OP here. they will take the time to watch movies and hollywood films but evidence that their hero is a fraid,they cowardly run off from and look the other way.:rolleyes:

Face it Trump supporters,you have been duped.

To be fair, it's not like Hilary supporters are anymore aware of any of this, nor would Hilary's win have put us on a different course. Obama's didn't either. Goldman Sachs is always in the white house either way. This election nonsense is for the unsubstantial people to busy/distract themselves with. Wall Street got bailed out across "both" "liberal" and "conservative" administrations. The corporate state now owns the media machine and you can thank Bill Clinton for deregulating the FCC; 50 some odd companies back in the 1980s down to 6 multinational corporations these days. What do we expect them to push? The corporate state agenda, and the war drums are being beaten again.

"#Resistance" is another ruse. Folks like Rachael making $30K ain't resisting anything at all. Ever. And askling for anything from power is futile, it must always be taken.

Be thankful you did not know this idiot ex friend of mine who seriously thinks there is no different law for politicians than there is for us. when I tried to explain to him how clinton has many people killed off cause they knew too much he came back saying the most retarded thing ever that if that was really true,then he would be on trial for it,not getting it that politicians get away with crimes everyday we go to jail for.he is the ONLY idiot i ever met that actually believe that nonsense. Guess the REAL world scares him.:rolleyes:

If you tried to explain any of that stuff abut Clinton that he did he would come back and say to you-thats not true.no matter what evidence you showed him. I think you now understand WHY i wisely dont want to have anything to do with that idiot?

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