putin aircraft again intercepted in international airspace off Alaska


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2017
Moscow empire see our weakness in Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova. 🇷🇺 They dont hide their plans anymore....If Moscow empire invades Alaska , or Northern California will our MAGA and commie members fight back? You will "offer a good deal" to Moscow 🇷🇺 tsar instead?

putin aircraft again intercepted in international airspace off Alaska

Russian aircraft again intercepted in international airspace off Alaska

Moscow empire see our weakness in Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova. 🇷🇺 They dont hide their plans anymore....If Moscow empire invades Alaska , or Northern California will our MAGA and commie members fight back? You will "offer a good deal" to Moscow 🇷🇺 tsar instead?

putin aircraft again intercepted in international airspace off Alaska

Russian aircraft again intercepted in international airspace off Alaska

Indeed, we'll be in the fight faster than Democrats.
Most "Maga" men have or will enlist in the military, while :progressive Leftists shy away and would "Rather go Red than dead"....
WTF are you trying to kid....
First the TU-95 is obsolete and is spotted from a long way off.
Indeed, we'll be in the fight faster than Democrats.
Most "Maga" men have or will enlist in the military, while :progressive Leftists shy away and would "Rather go Red than dead"....
WTF are you trying to kid....
First the TU-95 is obsolete and is spotted from a long way off.
Shoot 🇷🇺 🐷them down. Only way to teach 🇷🇺🐷katsaps manners.


"Intercepted" in international airspace? How does that work? We have a weak no show president and a giggle V.P. so it might not be unusual to see Russian aircraft ferrying illegal aliens across the border.
Keep poking the bear and sooner or later you will get a reaction....
The bear is poking us. It's no different since the 1950s. My ship was overflown numerous times in the Med and North Atlantic by Soviet and then Russian aircraft on a regular basis. We did our own poking when we transited the Black Sea way back in 1986 and then shadowed their carrier all around the Med for months.

As long as they stay in international airspace all we can do is just watch.
What is it with you and your MAGA/commie bullshit? How many countries did Russia invade when MAGA was in office? How many when the Democrats were in office?
Dems = 2
You sure are mouthy for someone that demands we solve your problems...

"Intercepted" in international airspace? How does that work? We have a weak no show president and a giggle V.P. so it might not be unusual to see Russian aircraft ferrying illegal aliens across the border.
one for sure, the pig- 🇷🇺 🐷 🇸🇦 dogs finally saw technology from the XXI century up close.

As the article says, it was "international air space", so meaningless.

The Ukraine is the one who started the war deliberately, with at least 3 major treaty violation. One was trying to block Russian use of Sevastopol. Two was the Azov Battalion murdering over 30k native Russian Ukrainians. Three was trying to join "an alliance hostile to Russia".

Russia used to have retaliatory nukes in the Ukraine, so the Ukraine was INSIDE the Russian defense grid. So now because of that, there is no way Russia can let the Ukraine ever join NATO. That would allow the US to install a first strike capability. It is never going to be allowed.

People also forget that Kyiv used to be the capital of Russia.
There is no real country of the Ukraine.
The Treaty of Versailles simply stole the Ukraine from the Bolsheviks as punishment for their revolution.
What is it with you and your MAGA/commie bullshit? How many countries did Russia invade when MAGA was in office? How many when the Democrats were in office?
Dems = 2
You sure are mouthy for someone that demands we solve your problems...
Japan can have a hand in it by taking back its islands and northern territory
As the article says, it was "international air space", so meaningless.

The Ukraine is the one who started the war deliberately, with at least 3 major treaty violation. One was trying to block Russian use of Sevastopol. Two was the Azov Battalion murdering over 30k native Russian Ukrainians. Three was trying to join "an alliance hostile to Russia".

Russia used to have retaliatory nukes in the Ukraine, so the Ukraine was INSIDE the Russian defense grid. So now because of that, there is no way Russia can let the Ukraine ever join NATO. That would allow the US to install a first strike capability. It is never going to be allowed.

People also forget that Kyiv used to be the capital of Russia.
There is no real country of the Ukraine.
The Treaty of Versailles simply stole the Ukraine from the Bolsheviks as punishment for their revolution.
DID you find this 🇷🇺crap on 🇷🇺 RT page today ?

back to reality .
the leading expert speaks :
timothy snyder about the genocidal logic of the Moscow 🇷🇺imperialistic invasion


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