Putin continues to BITCH SLAP Obuma..Russian jet threatens U.S. reconnaissance aircraft

As for Putin, he's being a bit daft. The last thing he would want is a more cogent leader in the US with more conservative values. A Trump would react at the drop of a hat. Putin would like that. But a Kasich? No. Kasich thinks two steps ahead. Putin wants someone who either reacts without thinking or is a wimp. Buzzing our ships and shores like he is, Putin is at least guaranteeing it won't be a wimp. People always vote GOP when a threat is perceived so clearly.

Though, I'm sure he'd like nothing more than the mental pigmy reactionary tantrumologist Donald Trump to be making the Big Calls on what to do about his starkly obvious goading. But if Kasich gets in there...not so easy then.
Trump would fire off an insulting tweet at 3am.
That oughta fix Putin.

Bush looked into Putins eyes, Donald will look up his ass....Hillary will look at his wallet and Cruz will look at his citizenship papers.
These really aren't acts of war, they're acts of stupidity. An act of war would be shooting a plane down, not buzzing it. Act of war would be shooting a boat with a missile or torpedo, not buzzing it.

It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. It will be slime on Putins face if one of these Russian jets collides with an American warplane. Then all hell will break loose.
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You PEACENIKS are disgusting! You DO NOT let anyone STEP all over us, simply to have the COWARDS and ASSHOLES of this administration abdicate our role as the ONLY and MAJOR Superpower in the world, LEAD from behind, and watch the world fall apart from the weight of dictators and usurpers! We didn't fight WW II by LEADING FROM BEHIND, and used whatever was necessary to end that war...even if it meant killing 1/4 MILLION Japanese citizens..... dragging it along would have caused MORE DEATH and DESTRUCTION than those 2 bombs could ever do! How many times must WE THE PEOPLE be embarrassed, and revolted by you scum of the left?

You PEACENIKS are disgusting! You DO NOT let anyone STEP all over us, simply to have the COWARDS and ASSHOLES of this administration abdicate our role as the ONLY and MAJOR Superpower in the world, LEAD from behind, and watch the world fall apart from the weight of dictators and usurpers! We didn't fight WW II by LEADING FROM BEHIND, and used whatever was necessary to end that war...even if it meant killing 1/4 MILLION Japanese citizens..... dragging it along would have caused MORE DEATH and DESTRUCTION than those 2 bombs could ever do! How many times must WE THE PEOPLE be embarrassed, and revolted by you scum of the left?

Yet it took the Japs bombing Pearl harbor to begin the war.....Did the Ruskies bomb our ships?
You PEACENIKS are disgusting! You DO NOT let anyone STEP all over us, simply to have the COWARDS and ASSHOLES of this administration abdicate our role as the ONLY and MAJOR Superpower in the world, LEAD from behind, and watch the world fall apart from the weight of dictators and usurpers! We didn't fight WW II by LEADING FROM BEHIND, and used whatever was necessary to end that war...even if it meant killing 1/4 MILLION Japanese citizens..... dragging it along would have caused MORE DEATH and DESTRUCTION than those 2 bombs could ever do! How many times must WE THE PEOPLE be embarrassed, and revolted by you scum of the left?

Yet it took the Japs bombing Pearl harbor to begin the war.....Did the Ruskies bomb our ships?

So you want to WAIT until THEY ACTUALLY do something.... You give them the FIRM WARNING (Oh, I forget we have a COWARD In CHIEF, who the world laughs at!) and if they come within the specified distance to our ships and planes, they meet their demise, LIKE TURKEY did to Putin....I don't see Russia doing a FUCKING THING about that! Do you Moonbeam?

You PEACENIKS are disgusting! You DO NOT let anyone STEP all over us, simply to have the COWARDS and ASSHOLES of this administration abdicate our role as the ONLY and MAJOR Superpower in the world, LEAD from behind, and watch the world fall apart from the weight of dictators and usurpers! We didn't fight WW II by LEADING FROM BEHIND, and used whatever was necessary to end that war...even if it meant killing 1/4 MILLION Japanese citizens..... dragging it along would have caused MORE DEATH and DESTRUCTION than those 2 bombs could ever do! How many times must WE THE PEOPLE be embarrassed, and revolted by you scum of the left?

Yet it took the Japs bombing Pearl harbor to begin the war.....Did the Ruskies bomb our ships?

So you want to WAIT until THEY ACTUALLY d something.... You give them the FIRM WARNING (Oh, I forget we have a COWARD In CHIEF, who the world laughs at!) and if they come within the specified distance to our ships and planes, they meet their demise, LIKE TURKEY did to Putin....I don't see Russia doing a FUCKING THING about that! Do you Moonbeam?

Normally that is how wars are started..yet I see no reason to go to war to satiate your ego....
You PEACENIKS are disgusting! You DO NOT let anyone STEP all over us, simply to have the COWARDS and ASSHOLES of this administration abdicate our role as the ONLY and MAJOR Superpower in the world, LEAD from behind, and watch the world fall apart from the weight of dictators and usurpers! We didn't fight WW II by LEADING FROM BEHIND, and used whatever was necessary to end that war...even if it meant killing 1/4 MILLION Japanese citizens..... dragging it along would have caused MORE DEATH and DESTRUCTION than those 2 bombs could ever do! How many times must WE THE PEOPLE be embarrassed, and revolted by you scum of the left?

Yet it took the Japs bombing Pearl harbor to begin the war.....Did the Ruskies bomb our ships?

So you want to WAIT until THEY ACTUALLY d something.... You give them the FIRM WARNING (Oh, I forget we have a COWARD In CHIEF, who the world laughs at!) and if they come within the specified distance to our ships and planes, they meet their demise, LIKE TURKEY did to Putin....I don't see Russia doing a FUCKING THING about that! Do you Moonbeam?

Normally that is how wars are started..yet I see no reason to go to war to satiate your ego....

Don't worry little Moonbeam, the Obumanation has come up with a sure RESPONSE that will scare the shit out of those feckless Russians......


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