Putin Executive Producer Of New Siberian Reality TV Show--Or In Denial(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The Democrats in Congress will be again maybe listening to Republicans do their sacred chant, Just "What Did They Know, and When Did They Know It(?)!"

First there will be the Putin Hacking Investigation. Second there should be the Comey Letter-Writing investigation(?): Who knew nothing, at it turned out(?)! Then there is the matter of the content and Executive Producer, (to be named): Of the new Siberian Reality TV Show, "When Did They Do It," maybe a rough translation(?)!

The production is expected to include rape, murder, drugs, booze, mayhem, abuse--and possibly a Liberal, "Pussy Grabs Back!" It is expected that someone will win(?), just like in America(?)!
Russian reality TV show Game2: Winter to 'allow' rape and murder in Siberia

The Los Angeles Freeway System is less clogged, when accident-free, during any studio dark days. These could now be expected to go on for a few months, while everyone goes on to become some new, "Apprentice." and not even working for the new Administration!

2016 was Prelude(?)! 2017 will follow!

My own grandfather's ranch was located on the other side of the Los Angeles River, when Universal Studios first opened March 15, 1915. Fourteen days later he even helped vote the San Fernando Valley into City of Los Angeles, the dedicated fewer than 900 votes. Soon there would be water, after all!

It would go on to be part of a "Vast Wasteland," later on.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(It does really get better than this(?)!)

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