Putin & His Russian Invasion Get Huge Cheers At Republican AFPAC




My avatar demurs. Don Trump offered his imprimatur to these crazies.
He and Steve Bannon.
He and Steve Miller.
He and Limbaugh, and Fox, and Breitbart, and Gateway Pundit, Epoch Times, et al.
If Trump and Bannon and Miller would have forcefully, regularly offered criticism of these nutjobs, unequivocally condemned them ....... we'd have fewer of these nutjobs.
And they would be less of a nutjob problem for America.


Indded, my own humble avatar has observed the same thing. Not all GOP'rs on this venue voice their support for the likes of Greene, and Gosar, Gohmert, and this Fuentes nutter. But too many do. Duh!

Hell, how many times on this gossipboard have we read the RightField shrill about Democrats being "Communists".....and yet, when a rightside bunch of fringies with a U.S. Congressperson in attendance start chanting support for Putin.....well, now 'Communist' seem OK, let's cheer for 'em.

Color me skeptical about the RightSiders here......and their sincerity, or hell, even their knowledge about communism.

I quite agree.
We may fear Putin (except those in the Greene-fest of the OP, where they cheer him there)......but though we may fear him and his nuclear arsenal, unless or until Russia invades NATO or blows up one of our subs in the Baltic or some other overt act that results in significant American bodybags.....we ain't gonna shoot at Russia.

Oh, I quite agree that there be some loons on 'the left'; but today we are talking about Marjorie Greene, the Fuentes dude, and their crowd cheering for Vladimir Putin as he brutally invades Ukraine.
How did the good poster Bob Blaylock miss that that was the focus of the thread?


Homophobia much?
You do know, poster BB, that their is a vein of thought that those who fear homosexuality the most are struggling with their own sexual identity issues.
I don't know that for sure. I ain't a pychiatrist. But I'm sure you too have heard that concept discussed in various media formats?

Ummm, so my vote for my Township Clerk, County Clerk, Drain Commissioner, Sherrif, are not democratic voting? A popularity vote?
After all, they each run against a slate of opponents that we each can choose from (well not the Drain guy, he's had that job since Christ was a corporal)....and the one with the most vote wins the job.
No Electoral College. No Committee or Commission or Chooser-in-Chief. The guy or gal with the most votes wins the job until the next election. Sounds democratic to me, looks like it too.

Are me and my neighbors missing something?

True that!
Nope.........not a democracy, as you pointed out, you are being Represented by your vote for Township, County Clerk Drain Commissioner....etc. according to the limits and scope established by the United States Constitution. The United States does not have "MOB RULE"........but I could see why you are confused after the left burnt several US cities via the use of a MOB MENTALITY.

As was stated pervious, WILLFUL IGNORANCE is no excuse. Simply read Article Four, Section Four Clause One of the United States Constitution which "guarantees" republican representation at all levels of government.

"The United States (federal government) shall guarantee to every State in the Union A REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT" -- Article 4, Section 4, Clause 1 ;) Again.......as you pointed out there are State/Local governments also that are guaranteed "constitutional representation".

If the US was indeed a democracy.........you would have no electoral college that votes for the highest office in the land, the US presidency. Just why do you assume they have a running vote count for the "popular vote" and then a vote total for the EC? :abgg2q.jpg: Because the popular vote elects NOTHING, it simply represents the number of leeches that can ride the TAX PAYER TRAIN.

The terms State/People are used synonymously as per the example established in the 10th amendment to the United States Constitution.

Read a book on occasion and stop drinking the left wing "Kool Aid".
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Some of these exchanges get silly.
I know y'all know that.
Still, that shouldn't keep us from doing a little Snarkfest with some of the really fringie ones.

Like the guy clutching his pearls over gay folk.

"You're trying to condemn us on account of some extreme outliers..."
OK, yupper. My avatar could be persuaded that some may be doing that to some outliers.
For example, outliers like these:

  • openly embraces all manner of filth far more depraved .....support faggots, trannies, and other depraved sexual perverts.
  • And when a faggot wants to run for office
  • "... happily support and embrace a faggot, or any other depraved sex pervert.
  • just how depraves and sick and evil homosexuality is. You openly side with faggots, and from there, you think you have a moral high ground from which to look down on me because of a false association with much lesser evil.

PS....good poster Blaylock, you know there could be a hint of over-compensation in your efforts above. No?
But, if you don't subscribe to that bit of pop-pysch.....then take a hint from poster Poindexter.

To wit:

when people rightfully call you out for being a homophobic bigot -- don't clutch your pearls
Yes, they are taken seriously.....

But keep on pretending that Republicans don't strongly pander to white supremacists....

Care to tell me a policy they advocate for that you don't support??

Because all of their policies are the same white grievance, manufactured culture war BS that mainstream republicans campaign on everytime they are needing to scare white voters out to the polling stations
They are not a serious organization akin to CPAC.
I think the OP believes he was watching a CPAC gathering.

AFPAC is basically the white version of BLM.
You have just compared gay people to Nazis and white supremacists... You do understand that right??

So...in the future, when people rightfully call you out for being a homophobic bigot -- don't clutch your pearls like a little bitch......

Also, if white supremacists and Nazis are irrelevant...why did you spend the last 938387 comments making yourself look like a moron trying to claim that Democrats are white supremacists and Nazis?

Like I said...yall are frail minded little bitches

It is very telling that you think being gay is comparable to being a neo-nazi or a white supremacist

Not sure what more anyone needs to know about you

Some of these exchanges get silly.
I know y'all know that.
Still, that shouldn't keep us from doing a little Snarkfest with some of the really fringie ones.

Like the guy clutching his pearls over gay folk.

OK, yupper. My avatar could be persuaded that some may be doing that to some outliers.
For example, outliers like these:

PS....good poster Blaylock, you know there could be a hint of over-compensation in your efforts above. No?
But, if you don't subscribe to that bit of pop-pysch.....then take a hint from poster Poindexter.

To wit:

What is your point?

You seem to think that because I call out a sick, depraved perversion for what it is, while you openly embrace and defend that perversion, that you think this gives you some sort of moral high ground from which to look down on me.

As I said before, your “high ground” is a bottomless pit.
"What is your point?
You seem to think that because I call out a sick, depraved perversion ....... you think this gives you some sort of moral high ground from which to look down on me."


Good poster Blaylock, you seemingly believe I assume the moral high ground, sit the high horse.

Well, lemme explain: Height is relative. It depens upon the comparison, the perspective.
My avatar would argue that that high horse only seems high.
Most especially to those on small ponies.

Just sayin'.
Truth is never "snarky".......its simply the truth as backed by the objective facts in evidence. Inversely, the snarkiness often comes from those who do not want to accept the truth that has been presented. Example......."Ummm (notice the sarcastic snarkiness), so my vote for .....yada, yada, yada, is not "democratic" voting? A popularity contest"?

And then the deflection when the evidence presented proves that the system used in the United States is not a popularity contest.....but a republican form of voting where the larger populated states do not get to run rough shod over the less populated states.........nothing but crickets. Snarky when you "assumed" you were correct......silence when you were proven wrong via the actual words found in the US Constitution.

The United States is "unique".........as it allows democratic voting at the state and local levels, where a true representation of such can be codified correctly, each state, each local represented by the will of the people, but the true genius is the federal system of electing representatives equally among the now 50 states each with their own constitution and bylaws. No one or 2 largely populated states can garner the authority to rule the lesser populated states and leave them without a vote even thought they et.al., are actually the United States of America....when considered IN UNION.

Satan's only 2 tools........deceit and deflection were just exercised. Deceit at first (like a roaring lion)........then when caught in the deceit......DELFECTION. On to the next false premise in an attempt to devour the truth.

"Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." -- 1 Peter 5:8

Truth is the only thing Satan fears. ".........for he is a liar and the father of it." -- John 8:44

Truth: We live and reside in a Republic, a Constitutional Republic were all law is calibrated by Union of all 50 states. As the Constitution is a direct product of all States/Peoples.
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1. The US is not a democracy..........its a representative constitutional "REPUBLIC", only the willful ignorant claim the US is some type of social democracy.

"Ummm, so my vote for my Township Clerk, County Clerk, Drain Commissioner, Sherrif, are not democratic voting? A popularity vote?
After all, they each run against a slate of opponents that we each can choose from....and the one with the most vote wins the job.
No Electoral College. No Committee or Commission or Chooser-in-Chief. The guy or gal with the most votes wins the job until the next election.
Sounds democratic to me, looks like it too.
Are me and my neighbors missing something?"

The United States is "unique".........as it allows democratic voting at the state and local levels, where a true representation of such can be codified correctly,

Democratic voting at local levels?
Like, my Township Clerk, County Sherrif?

It seems then, my neighbors and me are engaging in 'representational democracy'....where the Clerk and the Sheriff that we democratically choose will then 'represent' us in the administration and governance of our society.

We are good with that.
It seems to be working.
At least, for us.
You can type all the emographs you want -- won't change the fact that when a neo-nazi or a white supremacist wants to run for office -- he sees the Republican party as their best chance to win nominations...why is that??

What is it about the Republican voting base that has record number of neo-nazis and white supremacists running for office as Republicans??

If Democrats are all white supremacists and Nazis -- why didn't any of them show up at AFPAC?? Was Corey Booker there? Did Congresswoman Lauren Underwood show up on stage praising Nick Fuentes?? No....Marjorie Taylor Greene, the moron other morons like yourself worship -- she is the one who did it.....MORE THAN ONCE.....
Robert Byrd. Now STFU you racist punk. Embrace that Klan that YOUR party owns boy.
You cannot even bring yourselves to admit to just how depraved and sick and evil homosexuality is. You openly side with faggots, and from there, you think you have a moral high ground from which to look down on me because of a false association with much lesser evil. Your “high ground” is a bottomless pit.
Sex, Not Just Marriage, Is Only Between a Male and a Female

Then why don't you come right back at them with the truth that inside every Gayist is a Straight man crying to get out? But they can't, because it is a hopeless addiction and obsession that takes complete control of their will, like any other crippling psychological disorder.

That's why Rock Hudson played such a convincing heterosexual. Think about it.
Thank god those people are harmless and go nowhere with right wing voters. It would suck if we had BLM on our stages like the DNC does.
These are the same folks that stormed the Capitol on Jan 6 and you are still trying to tell us they are harmless.
Sex, Not Just Marriage, Is Only Between a Male and a Female

Then why don't you come right back at them with the truth that inside every Gayist is a Straight man crying to get out? But they can't, because it is a hopeless addiction and obsession that takes complete control of their will, like any other crippling psychological disorder.

That's why Rock Hudson played such a convincing heterosexual. Think about it.
Surprise..........I disagree. :smoochEE: "Shame" is what made Rock Hudson stay in the closet. Today there is no SHAME associated with this abnormal lifestyle.
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:blahblah:Agree......disagree, its all ad hominem bullshit seeking accolade. The majority of Hollywood actors who were engaging in homosexuality......never came out of the closet publicly because of the "shame" associated with the abnormal sex act as defined by the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) as late as 1968, and it was not changed until 1987 when it was redefined (as is all liberal propaganda....that revises history actual).

Here is a short of list of hollywood homosexuals prior to the supposed age of liberal enlightenment when perversion was allowed on main street.

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One must ask themselves this question? How can TRUTH be revised? Truth does not evolve, opinions evolve, thus societies can evolve.........but truth cannot be revised or it was never truth in the beginning. What was true 3500 years ago is just as true today.

Example: the statement "all men are created equal". This is a truth. Was it made into fiction when the majority of US society legalized slavery? Hardly, the statement was true......it simply took decades for society to evolve in order to accept this truth when the majority of US Citizens made the industry of flesh peddling ILLEGAL and eventually granted voting rights and the right to own property to females and minorities. Some fought tooth and nail to stop this evolution from becoming the law of the land.

Another truth: It was the democrat party that fought against rights for women and minorities in having the right to vote and own property. Today.......they want to REVISE that history actual. But its a simple test for truth. Find one historical example of a republican who owned a slave. KKK, Jim Crow, etc., all had their origins in the democrat party. In fact the modern democrat party had a former representative leader of the KKK in their ranks until his death in 2010. Robert Byrd. He held both high offices of Majority and Minority leader in the senate at different times.
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