Putin Interview Did you watch?

Did the great Tucker challenge Putin in his claim that he was justified in invading Ukraine?

Did the great Tucker ask Putin why he has imprisoned anyone who has opposed him without a trial?

Did the great Tucker ask Putin why he murdered has murdered scores of journalists/businessmen/opponents?

Please point it out to me. I will go back and watch. Go.
Nevermind, I can see your mind is already made up without even watching the video.
Like I said, your opinion is useless as it is baseless.
But do go on being the mushroom you are.
Nevermind, I can see your mind is already made up without even watching the video.
Like I said, your opinion is useless as it is baseless.
But do go on being the mushroom you are.
So, in other words, Tucker did not ask any of the questions I brought up? Yeah, thought so.

Your admission of defeat is duly noted. :itsok:
Eastern Europe is still only a few decades away from being dominated by communism, so they still remember what happened and still go towards their old cultures. the peaceful break of Czechoslovakia and the less peaceful break of Yugoslavia show that.

Putin is more like a Czar than a communist.

Russians, actual Russians seem to mostly be going along with Putin. Something in their national character still appeals to the strongman.
I spent some time in Slovakia...
Beautiful place....very similar to Austria but different all at the same time.

Austria is EU and extremely modern. The second you cross the border the infrastructure disappears and its like going back to the 1950's almost instantly. The aged tractors in the wheat fields and lack of electricity and phone lines very telling.

Where Slovakia is trying...they simply don't have the financial resources to modernize much. The people are nice and extremely "gossipy". EVERYONE knew who we were and what we did and were about. (Teaching English summer school classes at the Narnia school)

They are a very indecisive people by nature. Can't make up their minds about anything. (Frustrating and funny all at the same time).
I spent some time in Slovakia...
Beautiful place....very similar to Austria but different all at the same time.

Austria is EU and extremely modern. The second you cross the border the infrastructure disappears and its like going back to the 1950's almost instantly. The aged tractors in the wheat fields and lack of electricity and phone lines very telling.

Where Slovakia is trying...they simply don't have the financial resources to modernize much. The people are nice and extremely "gossipy". EVERYONE knew who we were and what we did and were about. (Teaching English summer school classes at the Narnia school)

They are a very indecisive people by nature. Can't make up their minds about anything. (Frustrating and funny all at the same time).

Trying to recover from 5 decades of communism isn't easy I guess.
This wasn't a debate, it was an interview.

Putin got exposed as a bullshitter, pure and simple. That he wrapped it up in questionable interpretations of history just shows he is a well educated bullshitter.
Indeed... every single person that approaches this from an "anti-Carlson" approach is not doing it right.
This was not about Carlson, and the fact that this is where they go with it- only shows they have been well, and easily, manipulated by CNN and company. Because that is all they have been saying for 3 days straight.

This was in interview. And interviews with interesting people are always interesting.
Too bad so many lack either the intellect, or the will to form their own opinion on it.
And those cultures are coming back with a vengeance.

Yet we all got the Germans to agree to stay on their side of the rivers from now on. And France and Germany don't fight over their borders anymore either.

Russia has to learn to play nice, and try imperialism the way we do it, with Big Macs and Blue Jeans.
They gave away AK's and shitty technology, that didn't work. Problem is they have a hard time creating things people want to buy.
I wasn't going to watch it but I realize that I would be ignorant and irresponsible as a citizen to not. I watched it in 1.5x, here are my initial thoughts:

1) Putin gave the lengthy history monologue at the beginning to basically make Tucker uncomfortable. "Would this be the extent of this major interview? A 30 minute history lesson from Putin?" He was using a classic Russian strong arm "I'm in control don't you forget about it". Tucker had to fear that he would be duped into this and come home with little of an interview. To both peoples credit they did at least talk for 2 hours.

2) His re-enactment of history is impressive in volume, I can't speak to any of its accuracy as I'm not an expert on Russian history, except, his characterization of Germany and Poland before WWII is most certainly incorrect.

He suggested that Poland collaborated with Hitler. Now, there may have been some factions, as there were in any nation, but no way in hell did Poland elites "invite" Germany to attack Poland, A blitzkrieg vs literally an army on horseback. Furthermore, what makes this assertion even more suspect is that there is no way that Polands elite would know if France and England would have come to their defense per their pact which would have ruined any colloboration. Even Hitler has been quoted as telling his generals that if France and England get involved you must retreat. This levels of cowardice and lack of spine by the West when they did NOT keep their word, per their pact; lead to 40M or so dead (my numbers are based on memory). These same Europeans now call out Trump on NATO, when they themselves have a history of violating their obligations. Trump did not and will not leave NATO, he will make them pay their dues and buy U.S military goods.

3) Putin only provides this interview with purpose, probably multi-pronged: to get out his message, for propaganda purposes domestic and primarily in the West, and, possibly out of his own lack of confidence in his position. He is a shrewd operator, but, he has some opposition and increasing lost faith in the war as Russian parents don't like having their kids come home in bodybags. I suspect he is reaching because he knows this war may take too long for him politically and will keep Russia stuck in another quagmire as they experienced in Afghanistan.

4) The timing also is interesting as the end of winter is near and Ukraine and Europe survived it. This should have been theoretically the worst of times for Ukraine and it cannot have gone unnoticed.

5) It is clear that Americas main threat by a mile is China, as some of us have said and for which I give Biden and Blinken credit for wisely seeing when they pulled out of the M.E (haphazardly as it were). Russia is going to be subservient to China, America would be wise to weaken China which would as a function weaken Russia. Putin keeps raising China up in his interview as he fears them also in a different manner being on their border. Regardless, he is also signalling the facts to the world, "we may be bad, but my Big Brother is worse".

6) The whole neo-nazi argument is tiring and silly. He didn't attack Ukraine to confront neo-nazis. I could far quicker accept his argument regarding Ukraine and NATO being the reason before I would believe this. They want territory. I am willing to bet even China hopes they fail as they want a wounded Russia. The West needs to balance this and stop throwing our industries away while we weaken ourselves domestically by throwing norms under the bus.

In the end, Putin does expose one fact, he is willing to get into the ring quite publicly for a very long period of time and he understands the world and history better than our Western leaders. He is good at manipulating people, he knows when he speaks and when Tucker speaks (at times), he is speaking to the U.S hierarchy/apparartuses and vice versa.
Indeed... every single person that approaches this from an "anti-Carlson" approach is not doing it right.
This was not about Carlson, and the fact that this is where they go with it- only shows they have been well, and easily, manipulated by CNN and company. Because that is all they have been saying for 3 days straight.

This was in interview. And interviews with interesting people are always interesting.
Too bad so many lack either the intellect, or the will to form their own opinion on it.
An interview is an opportunity to learn and look deeper into what is going on inside the interviewees mind. And in that Carlson failed. Carlson's own bias in actually loving communism and strong leadership regardless of the massive loss of life is what destroyed the opportunity. Carlson blames Ukrainians for dying at Russian hands. WHAT?
I wasn't going to watch it but I realize that I would be ignorant and irresponsible as a citizen to not. I watched it in 1.5x, here are my initial thoughts:

1) Putin gave the lengthy history monologue at the beginning to basically make Tucker uncomfortable. "Would this be the extent of this major interview? A 30 minute history lesson from Putin?" He was using a classic Russian strong arm "I'm in control don't you forget about it". Tucker had to fear that he would be duped into this and come home with little of an interview. To both peoples credit they did at least talk for 2 hours.

2) His re-enactment of history is impressive in volume, I can't speak to any of its accuracy as I'm not an expert on Russian history, except, his characterization of Germany and Poland before WWII is most certainly incorrect.

He suggested that Poland collaborated with Hitler. Now, there may have been some factions, as there were in any nation, but no way in hell did Poland elites "invite" Germany to attack Poland, A blitzkrieg vs literally an army on horseback. Furthermore, what makes this assertion even more suspect is that there is no way that Polands elite would know if France and England would have come to their defense per their pact which would have ruined any colloboration. Even Hitler has been quoted as telling his generals that if France and England get involved you must retreat. This levels of cowardice and lack of spine by the West when they did NOT keep their word, per their pact; lead to 40M or so dead (my numbers are based on memory). These same Europeans now call out Trump on NATO, when they themselves have a history of violating their obligations. Trump did not and will not leave NATO, he will make them pay their dues and buy U.S military goods.

3) Putin only provides this interview with purpose, probably multi-pronged: to get out his message, for propaganda purposes domestic and primarily in the West, and, possibly out of his own lack of confidence in his position. He is a shrewd operator, but, he has some opposition and increasing lost faith in the war as Russian parents don't like having their kids come home in bodybags. I suspect he is reaching because he knows this war may take too long for him politically and will keep Russia stuck in another quagmire as they experienced in Afghanistan.

4) The timing also is interesting as the end of winter is near and Ukraine and Europe survived it. This should have been theoretically the worst of times for Ukraine and it cannot have gone unnoticed.

5) It is clear that Americas main threat by a mile is China, as some of us have said and for which I give Biden and Blinken credit for wisely seeing when they pulled out of the M.E (haphazardly as it were). Russia is going to be subservient to China, America would be wise to weaken China which would as a function weaken Russia. Putin keeps raising China up in his interview as he fears them also in a different manner being on their border. Regardless, he is also signalling the facts to the world, "we may be bad, but my Big Brother is worse".

6) The whole neo-nazi argument is tiring and silly. He didn't attack Ukraine to confront neo-nazis. I could far quicker accept his argument regarding Ukraine and NATO being the reason before I would believe this. They want territory. I am willing to bet even China hopes they fail as they want a wounded Russia. The West needs to balance this and stop throwing our industries away while we weaken ourselves domestically by throwing norms under the bus.

In the end, Putin does expose one fact, he is willing to get into the ring quite publicly for a very long period of time and he understands the world and history better than our Western leaders. He is good at manipulating people, he knows when he speaks and when Tucker speaks (at times), he is speaking to the U.S hierarchy/apparartuses and vice versa.
Thank you... I may not agree entirely here with you, but at least you GAVE AN ACTUAL OPINION.
And didn't preface it with "yeah.... Carlson sucks and anyone who watches it worships Putin".

Putin was a student of USSR, and then became deeply entrenched in that mindset.
In my first statement about this interview, I said "it is clear Putin is living in the past". His opinions are still based on idealism from 1980. And I believe in his mind, he runs the country as if it is still USSR.

Secondly, of course he was going to set the tone of the interview, and of course Carlson had no choice but to let him. Carlson could not interviewed him in typical western style or the interview would have collapsed and Putin would have acted like the high school bully that he is.
Thank you... I may not agree entirely here with you, but at least you GAVE AN ACTUAL OPINION.
And didn't preface it with "yeah.... Carlson sucks and anyone who watches it worships Putin".

Putin was a student of USSR, and then became deeply entrenched in that mindset.
In my first statement about this interview, I said "it is clear Putin is living in the past". His opinions are still based on idealism from 1980. And I believe in his mind, he runs the country as if it is still USSR.

Secondly, of course he was going to set the tone of the interview, and of course Carlson had no choice but to let him. Carlson could not interviewed him in typical western style or the interview would have collapsed and Putin would have acted like the high school bully that he is.
There are ways around that WITHOUT being oppositionally defiant and rude....but i guess you dont understand the difference. There was an opportunity lost during that interview....and it's a great shame. Carlson was granted the interview because he is too full of himself and his ego to see his own shortcomings.
There are ways around that WITHOUT being oppositionally defiant and rude....but i guess you dont understand the difference. There was an opportunity lost during that interview....and it's a great shame. Carlson was granted the interview because he is too full of himself and his ego to see his own shortcomings.
You realize you are repeating talking points.
Of course you are.

In the last Putin interview, that only lasted for 20 minutes.
Putin's first answer to a question lasted 4 and a half minutes without interruption, without a follow up question.
2nd question his answer was 3:50 without interruption and no follow up.
3rd question just over 4 minutes.

So why did no one accuse her of being "too soft"??

Putin only allowed the interview to be 20 minutes. In which he spoke all but maybe-maybe 30 seconds - uninterrupted.
I pretty much knew what he was going to say regarding the Ukraine, but what most interested me were the questions regarding God and religion, especially with the Stalinist history of killing anyone religious.

Carlson said that the Bible says thou shalt not kill, so how do you justify killing? Actually, that is a misinterpretation. The commandment not to kill is really not to murder. But Putin went on this long history lesson about the Eastern Orthodox church and how it had its roots in Russia culturally, which is why I think he identifies with it. He then added, you do what you have to do for the well being of your people. So, he is not so much a Christian as he is someone looking for a cohesive Russian identity that will unify his country. It is similar as to why Hitler said he was a Christian. He was simply trying to appeal to the culture in a cohesive way, but privately Hitler lambasted Christianity as being feeble and weak and wished he had a religion like the Japanese or Islam where you could send people to die for God in battle. Putin then seemed to indicate that he did not believe that the hand of God was involved in world affairs, which to me is an indication he does not really believe in God at all, which explains a lot in terms of his actions.

I'm pretty sure all psychopathic rulers through the ages don't really believe in a God, or they would not be doing what they are doing.
You realize you are repeating talking points.
Of course you are.

In the last Putin interview, that only lasted for 20 minutes.
Putin's first answer to a question lasted 4 and a half minutes without interruption, without a follow up question.
2nd question his answer was 3:50 without interruption and no follow up.
3rd question just over 4 minutes.

So why did no one accuse her of being "too soft"??

Putin only allowed the interview to be 20 minutes. In which he spoke all but maybe-maybe 30 seconds - uninterrupted.

I would have if it was the subject of discussion. But that's Putin's SOP. He doesn't get interviewers smarter than him.

Carlson was a history major...he knew beyond all doubts that Putin was rewriting history. He also knows the consequences of totalitarian regimes upon the citizens.

He DID NOT CARE! Carlson is about Carlson....it's All about Carlson as far as he cares....the absolute worst thing anyone can think and he is now a shining example of it. Hey, everyone struggles a bit with that sort of attitude....but reasonable people don't make it a life motto. Carlson does!

The whole thing is a bad joke now....
"Two narcissist walk into a bar...."
Splendid interview. Tucker got to ask all his questions and Putin answered them.

With an antiwar movement in America growing slowly, this is likely going to help.
Tucker's takeaways are the stuff that gets large numbers of people killed.

Did you watch the interview?
What was your take on things after watching it?

What did you think was right, wrong, or indifferent?

If you haven't seen it....

About 35 minutes into it

pretty interesting so far…. Russia explaining itself reminds me of America explaining itself for going to Iraq, Vietnam , Korea , Afghanistan, etc
Splendid interview. Tucker got to ask all his questions and Putin answered them.

With an antiwar movement in America growing slowly, this is likely going to help.
Thank you.... again for an actual response.

I don't know if I would call it "splendid", in fact I know I wouldn't.

Like I said in the opening, it is difficult to watch because it is pretty impossible to interview someone who has absolute power in his realm, or near that. It is one thing to interview this man somewhere other than Russia, and interviewing him in Russia. Where you are 100% controlled. In Carlson's "reaction" video, he says he is making it while "waiting for their car to arrive"... clearly having no idea when it was coming because the Putin government wasn't about to let him get his own transportation.
A person would be a fool to challenge Putin, and be argumentative to him - in Russia. That would be very foolish. And all this false bravado you see from others commenting here - they would be pissing in their pants in the same circumstances.
One other little thing....
Tucker got owned and massively outclassed by Putin.

Tucker was way beyond his depth in this "interview"
It ain’t a contest brother it’s an interview.

Russia invading Ukraine it’s like America invading or going to war with 100 countries or even more than it did

American exceptionalism is a losing strategy not good for diplomacy… we shd be neutral toward russia Ukraine

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