Putin laughs - Biden flounders - VP Harris cackles

Monday morning quarterback here....
We should have placed anti-aircraft defense systems in the Ukraine the first time we saw Russian troops beginning to stage on the border and we should have sent two aircraft carriers to the black sea and dared Putin to attack....now its too late...all we can do is watch as this slow moving war kills more and more civilians....
I really don't care if half of Ukraine becomes Russian territory...that's no sweat off my nose...but shelling innocent civilians daily crossed my red line...I guess Biden has no red lines....I guess Biden has never played chess or poker...he must be a checkers and tic tac toe kind of guy....weakness and fear is our worst enemy....and Joe is both...weak and afraide.....
Monday morning quarterback here....
We should have placed anti-aircraft defense systems in the Ukraine the first time we saw Russian troops beginning to stage on the border and we should have sent two aircraft carriers to the black sea and dared Putin to attack....now its too late...all we can do is watch as this slow moving war kills more and more civilians....
I really don't care if half of Ukraine becomes Russian territory...that's no sweat off my nose...but shelling innocent civilians daily crossed my red line...I guess Biden has no red lines....I guess Biden has never played chess or poker...he must be a checkers and tic tac toe kind of guy....weakness and fear is our worst enemy....and Joe is both...weak and afraide.....
Obama drew red lines in the sand for Syria. Then Syria crossed those red lines as Obama did nothing.

No, I think drawing red lines is a mistake if you have no intention of following up because it just makes you look weak and a liar.

Biden is better left in his basement, and hopefully the country he runs does not destroy itself in the interim, or outside forces like Russia destroy it before we can rid ourselves of this imbecile.
Putin wakes up everyday thanking his lucky stars that his enemy's are so inept.
NATO the self-appointed policemen of Europe has turn out to be Keystone cops.
And the toothless UN high court told him to immediately stop the war or else.
Putin just snickers, or else what? ... :dunno:

Odd. I don’t see Russians laughing. I see them raging impotently. Every day they threaten nuclear war. Every day. That’s not a saber rattling. It’s a wind chime.

Putin is begging China for weapons. Putin is demanding the world release his money. Putin is ranting and raving, and denouncing traitors within his own country. He only does video meetings, the risk of assassination is too high to let him meet with his own Government.

I don’t see Putin laughing. I see his impotence, I see him sending everyone out to warn of nuclear death if we don’t back off and give him what he wants. I’m starting to wonder if his missiles can even fly. Or what low percentage of them might be able to.

Putin is seeing his life’s work crumble. Oh he and you will blame others. But it was all him.
Obama drew red lines in the sand for Syria. Then Syria crossed those red lines as Obama did nothing.

No, I think drawing red lines is a mistake if you have no intention of following up because it just makes you look weak and a liar.

Biden is better left in his basement, and hopefully the country he runs does not destroy itself in the interim, or outside forces like Russia destroy it before we can rid ourselves of this imbecile.
You have to back up red lines with action...like sending anti-aircraft weapons to the Ukraine and staging ships in the area...Obama just thought his words were good enough...but that pothead was wrong....and so is his second fiddle Joe....
great thread. roflmao. Actually, I am not laughing over bombed theatres and children.

It will be very difficult to try Putin or Lavrov for war crimes, though.
You won't be laughing when we end up rebuilding the Ukraine....you know we will...the money laundering prospects will be too irresistible for the crooks in DC....
Obama drew red lines in the sand for Syria. Then Syria crossed those red lines as Obama did nothing.
Congress abdicates it war power obligation because it is convenient. When it came time to act they wouldn't back up the President.
The European's are use to America (usually) providing strong decisive leadership.
But it seems obvious they have little confidence following Biden's anemic convoluted leadership dealing with Putin and the Ukrainian situation.
And with Biden's diminishing mental capacity, and VP Cackles on-deck to take his place.
It's the European's worst nightmare on steroids. .... :cool-45:
Congress abdicates it war power obligation because it is convenient. When it came time to act they wouldn't back up the President.
Congress have abdicated much of its Constitutional responsibility by creating the large bureaucracy in the Executive Branch that has created an army of unelected regulators who are essentially passing laws via regulation apart from voter approval.

So what is your point exactly?
Congress have abdicated much of its Constitutional responsibility by creating the large bureaucracy in the Executive Branch that has created an army of unelected regulators who are essentially passing laws via regulation apart from voter approval.

So what is your point exactly?

The decision to send our kids to war should be made by Congress, not the executive.
The decision to send our kids to war should be made by Congress, not the executive.

The Constitution makes the President Commander in Chief. Reagan was President when I joined the Army. Then it was Bush. And Clinton was President next.

Three very different men. And all three deployed troops. And all three had their detractors. But all three were the Commander in Chief in turn. I left the Army when it was my time to do so.

But I obeyed each of them. The Constitution I had sworn to uphold and defend said they were in Charge. And that was all there was to it. Honor demanded my obedience.
The Constitution makes the President Commander in Chief. Reagan was President when I joined the Army. Then it was Bush. And Clinton was President next.

Three very different men. And all three deployed troops. And all three had their detractors. But all three were the Commander in Chief in turn. I left the Army when it was my time to do so.

But I obeyed each of them. The Constitution I had sworn to uphold and defend said they were in Charge. And that was all there was to it. Honor demanded my obedience.
If Vietnam had lasted 3 more years I would have been in the draft lottery. My oldest brother was in one but had a high number so was never called.

It's all true. The Constitutional gives the obligation to declare and fund wars to Congress.
Putin wakes up everyday thanking his lucky stars that his enemy's are so inept.
NATO the self-appointed policemen of Europe has turn out to be Keystone cops.
And the toothless UN high court told him to immediately stop the war or else.
Putin just snickers, or else what? ... :dunno:
Just before Putin exercises his veto--FUCK THE UN.
If Vietnam had lasted 3 more years I would have been in the draft lottery. My oldest brother was in one but had a high number so was never called.

It's all true. The Constitutional gives the obligation to declare and fund wars to Congress.

Yes. To declare war. But is every scuffle no matter how large or small a war? Was Grenada a war? How about Haiti? Pick one.

Congress appropriates the money to support the actions. But we don’t really declare war anymore. Things happen too fast most of the time.

Let’s say that Russia launches nuclear weapons. We have minutes to respond. It would take hours to get enough Congressional Representatives sober enough to even have a debate.

Also there is the UN. Most of the time we have had UN authorization to use force. Not declare war. Korea for one example was by UN resolution.
Yes. To declare war. But is every scuffle no matter how large or small a war? Was Grenada a war? How about Haiti? Pick one.

Congress appropriates the money to support the actions. But we don’t really declare war anymore. Things happen too fast most of the time.

Let’s say that Russia launches nuclear weapons. We have minutes to respond. It would take hours to get enough Congressional Representatives sober enough to even have a debate.

Also there is the UN. Most of the time we have had UN authorization to use force. Not declare war. Korea for one example was by UN resolution.

Imo, the CIC should be able to act a swiftly as possible if Americans or our allies are in imminent danger but if we undertake a humanitarian mission like protecting Syrians from Poison Gas attacks from Syria, Congress should have to be on board with at least a resolution supporting the action.

A nuclear launch by any of the nuclear club sets off the doomsday machine.

Security Counsel members do not need UN Authorization to use force.


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