Putin likes Trump

STRONG PATRIOTS will be a tough sell for the RW's in the future.

when Scared to death of Muslims and Russian LOVERS has become their MO ..
Considering how Obama has armed Mexican Drug cartels and terrorists, helped them take over their own countries, and has been complicit in an un-necessary body count that reaches into the thousands, I don't think Conservatives have much to worry about...
STRONG PATRIOTS will be a tough sell for the RW's in the future.

when Scared to death of Muslims and Russian LOVERS has become their MO ..
Considering how Obama has armed Mexican Drug cartels and terrorists, helped them take over their own countries, and has been complicit in an un-necessary body count that reaches into the thousands, I don't think Conservatives have much to worry about...

Please provide "credible" sources to back up your claims.
Yep. I love it when NaziCons whistle past the political graveyard.
You must be thinking about Obama and Hillary, whistling past Stevens grave after Hillary had just told his family he died because of a video and promising to put the film maker in jail.... pathetic.
STRONG PATRIOTS will be a tough sell for the RW's in the future.

when Scared to death of Muslims and Russian LOVERS has become their MO ..
Considering how Obama has armed Mexican Drug cartels and terrorists, helped them take over their own countries, and has been complicit in an un-necessary body count that reaches into the thousands, I don't think Conservatives have much to worry about...

Please provide "credible" sources to back up your claims.
The list is long and the links have been posted NUMEROUS times. If you can't find them you are as 'confused' and 'technologically challenged' as Hillary...

(Once again we see the 'Saul Alynski' / 'Liberal 101' playbook....'provide what I will consider to be 'credible'. :lmao:)
Obama, who hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to protect a now-dead US ambassador

Next I'll bet you're gonna say President Obama ordered Stevens to Benghazi that day.
Sorry, but you're WRONG AGAIN! (Man you DO suck at trying to speak for others..)
Obama, who hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to protect a now-dead US ambassador

Next I'll bet you're gonna say President Obama ordered Stevens to Benghazi that day.
Sorry, but you're WRONG AGAIN! (Man you DO suck at trying to speak for others..)

Along with all your other lies it would be a lie of your caliber.
Along with all your other lies it would be a lie of your caliber.

What lie, dumbass? G accused me of potentially saying something next that I would never say. get your lips off g's ass and pump the brakes...
You know which lies I'm talking about. You're the one who knowingly spouts them.

No idea what you're talking about, but you libs try to speak for me so often (and suck at it so badly and fail so often) that I just can't keep up...
"Very talented, no doubt about that."

Russian President Vladimir Putin praised Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Thursday, but declined to weigh in on whether the real estate mogul would be a good president.

"He is a very flamboyant man, very talented, no doubt about that... He is an absolute leader of the presidential race, as we see it today. He says that he wants to move to another level of relations, to a deeper level of relations with Russia. How can we not welcome that? Of course we welcome it," Putin told reporters in Moscow, according to Reuters.

But the Russian president declined to weigh in on Trump's controversial language and proposals, such as banning all Muslims from entering the United States.

"It's not our affair to determine his worthiness. That's up to the United States voters," he said, according to ABC. "As for his internal political issues and his turns of speech which he uses to raise his popularity, I repeat, it’s not our job to judge them."

Trump has said that he would aim to work with Putin if he were elected president, saying he got to know him when they both appeared on "60 Minutes," even though the two men appeared on the show in different cities. Trump has also praised Russia's military intervention in Syria.

Putin has had a frosty relationship with President Barack Obama.

Vladimir Putin Praises Donald Trump: 'He Is A Very Flamboyant Man'

Like that old saying: "It takes one to know one"...

Seems like loads of Americans like him as well.
Reagan spends tons of taxpayer money dealing with Russia and nuclear threats keeping (what has now become) dipshit candyass rightwingers alive, and the line forms to the right to kiss Pootin's ass.

shame on all of you traitor assholes.
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Putin likes Trump - because he's afraid of Hillary. He should be.

Why the hell would anyone be afraid of that old scag??

I doubt Putin even knows she's alive nor would he give a rats ass if he did know.

Get real. You and idiots like you are the only ones who like Hitlery.

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