Putin likes Trump

Hillary is going to ram the murderous ex-KGB so far up the Big Quack's ass that his prostate will be no problem.. WTF you idiots got behind this CLOWN is a crime against intelligence.

Taxachusettes senators have killed more Americans than Putin. You bed wetters kept a murderer in the US Senate.

That crime is called TREASON. How you bed wetters can continue to support the meat muppet faggot is the crime against intelligence and sanity.

Can you give an example where Putin made Obama look like a pussy? Link.
Didn't Obama just applied sanctions against Russia? Punishing Putin without firing a single bullet. Putin can't do a darn thing which makes him look like clown and pussy.

Can you give an example where Putin made Obama look like a pussy? Link.
Didn't Obama just applied sanctions against Russia? Punishing Putin without firing a single bullet. Putin can't do a darn thing which makes him look like clown and pussy.

Go with it. I was expecting the Big Quack to say "Hitler had some good points." The Big Quack out did even my low expectations of him. JFC what a clown.
Can you give an example where Putin made Obama look like a pussy? Link.
Didn't Obama just applied sanctions against Russia? Punishing Putin without firing a single bullet. Putin can't do a darn thing which makes him look like clown and pussy.

'Hey Vlad, I think something's wrong with
the 'Reset' button...'

One big difference between Putin's 'Leadership' style and foreign policies and Obama's is that when Putin wants to overthrow a government or protect his friends he doesn't sell arms to, support, train, and protect a bunch of terrorists and 'rebels' to do the work for him is some 'proxy war' so people won't really know that he is behind it and / or have to get his hands 'dirty', like Obama. No, he rolls the tanks, the helicopters, the jest, and the troops in, kicks the proxy rebels asses, takes what he wants and rides a bear bare-chested into the fray so everyone will know it is him who is doing it.

(In Obama's defense, Putin does have bigger boobs than he does...)
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Hillary is going to ram the murderous ex-KGB so far up the Big Quack's ass that his prostate will be no problem.. WTF you idiots got behind this CLOWN is a crime against intelligence.

Acknowledging that Putin is a strong leader, is not getting behind him. Face facts, Putin is a man and a leader. Obama is a pussy and a follower.

It is what it is, deal with it.
Hillary is going to ram the murderous ex-KGB so far up the Big Quack's ass that his prostate will be no problem.. WTF you idiots got behind this CLOWN is a crime against intelligence.

Acknowledging that Putin is a strong leader, is not getting behind him. Face facts, Putin is a man and a leader. Obama is a pussy and a follower.

It is what it is, deal with it.

yes, it is what it is .. you KGB loving little traitor.
Oh, Barry....the 1980s just called...they called you a dumbass, said you should have listened to Romney, offered your their foreign policies because yours ain't working, and said Putin has made you his bitch!


It warms my heart to watch you NaziCon Putin worshipers. Would you rather live in Russia?
Awww, I think we struck a nerve by pointing out Putin has out-maneuvered / out-played Obama. It's nothing to be embarrassed about, Lakhota. After all, Putin is ex-KGB. Obama is ex-Community Organizer. :p
It warms my heart to watch you NaziCon Putin worshipers. Would you rather live in Russia?
Awww, I think we struck a nerve by pointing out Putin has out-maneuvered / out-played Obama. It's nothing to be embarrassed about, Lakhota. After all, Putin is ex-KGB. Obama is ex-Community Organizer. :p

It's funny, because back when the USSR existed, bed wetters like Lakoturd wanted to live in Russia.

Russia wasn't accepting parasites through.

Russia isn't our enemy and it is hard for the left to be against tyranny without being hypocritical.

Sounds like the left have no clue how to exist without an enemy. Poor brainwashed puppets...
STRONG PATRIOTS will be a tough sell for the RW's in the future.

when Scared to death of Muslims and Russian LOVERS has become their MO ..

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