Putin mocks the West moral decline

Science has proven children do not fully mentally develop until late in their teens; however, Democratsc/ liberals, in an organized large scale, are targeting, preying on, manipulating, indoctrinating, sexualizibg, grooming highly impressionable children, telling them to keep seccrets from and lie to their parents while they go after and prey on these kids.

Liberals are advocating for the genital mutilation of small children as part of their sick agenda.

The United States President and FBI worked together with Teachers Unions to label parents outraged and opposed to this as 'Domestic Terrorists'.

Their death cult is advocating the murder of children at any point during pregnancy up until the moment of birth. Even then some death cultists have argued a baby outside the womb fighting for life after a failed abortion attempt should be murdered because ending its life was the original goal of the mother.

** An illegal can walk 2 feet on to US soil, push a baby out, and Democrats want to give it every right US citizens have, but some want to kill that American baby on the table fighting for life after a failed abortion, to deny it those same rights as an American citizen.

Sick fucks like Bill Clinton has had sex with children, and the Left defends him. A portrait of the sick fuck wearing Lewinski's blue dress hung on the wall at Pedo Island. Other sick Democrats such as former Governor Bill Richardson had sex with kids - documented fact; yet, Mac is so unable to cope with the sick, immoral shit his preferred party has done he declares it all to be a lie.

Joe Biden right now is violating both Constitution and US law through the execution of his Open Border policy that facilitates drug / human / CHILD / SEX trafficking, helping it prosper and making the Cartels - the human / child sex trade slavers - rich, and he does not bat an eye.

His policies incentivise the risk of families trying to make it to the US. Parents are so desperate to get here, get their kids here, that they sell them to Cartels and Coyotes. Along the way approx 85-90% of the girls are raped and abused. The trail is litttered with the dead bodies of those killed or left behind.

And Biden has a great deal to do with this happening on such a large, record-setting scale.

But please, snowflakes, tell me how the US is NOT in moral decline and how Democrats, their policies, and many sick agendas are NOT contributing.
It's too bad the gop, like the demonrats, run wealthy businessmen all the time. Then we wonder why we have problems.
No one here has said they are. Deflection much?

So why would anyone listen to him when it comes to morals?

Would you listen to a 3 time married serial adulterer when they lectured you about marital fidelity?

Would you listen to Sam Bankman if he lectured you about business ethics?
The US is absolutely in moral decline, we have been since the war on God started in the 60's, and it has continued to this day, getting worse as each decade goes by. It's not that hard to see, if a despot like Putin recognizes it and speaks about it, how bad does that make it? Unfortunately, it's not going to get any better since those on the left supporting it have labeled it as 'progress', and new generations desensitized to it and taught that religion is 'backwards' are coming into adulthood with a set of 'morals' that Satan himself would be proud of. But it's also preordained, so imo it's going to run its course as described by God, and those of us that realize what it is and are watching it happen can only have faith in the Word we profess to believe in. In the end, all you have is your love and your faith, better store up on both before it's too late.
Just recently the US stood up before the world to condemn Putin for his attrocities against humanity, killing women and children, in Ukraine....how moral of us to do so ... when it benefits us politically to do so.

At the same time these same piticians remain silent on the genocide and attrocities committed by China against the Muslim Uyhurs in China ... can't make Xi mad or risk offending him / China, right Joe?
So why would anyone listen to him when it comes to morals?

Would you listen to a 3 time married serial adulterer when they lectured you about marital fidelity?

Would you listen to Sam Bankman if he lectured you about business ethics?

Do you listen to the words of Jesus Christ? He is the only sinless person to have ever existed?

If not, who do you 'listen to' when it comes to human behavior? And who said the op was posting Putin's speech with the intention that everyone should heed his word? Perhaps the op was posting it to show that even an immoral despot recognizes the decline and the depravity in the direction humanity is headed? This is a message board where subjects are brought up for discussion, no? If you don't like the topic, then stay out of it. All you petty and immature lefties do is use whatever you can to attack, attack, attack, it's all you know how to do. I pity you.
The right's Jesus fan club is doing more to drive people away from religion than any other factor.

It is somewhat difficult to be a Christian sometimes. It is much easier to ascribe to the idea that you can do anything you want as long as you don’t get caught. It is like being a child without a parent and their ”stupid” rules. Seems pretty cool to a child and those that still think like children. That is why religion is on the decline.
How about organized political parties and movements?(Democratic Party, in particular)

Satan only directs them to attack 'organized religion', his enemy, the Dem Party is his house. Actually the Dem Party is just part of his house, sadly he has many these days.
So why would anyone listen to him when it comes to morals?

Because what he says has a large measure of truth in it ... and Democrats / snowflakes know this.

Again, it is not WHAT Putin is saying that has triggered them, its the fact that it is PUTIN saying it.

Again, maybe Democrats would take it better if it was coming from Don Lemon, Joy Behar, Woopi Goldberg, or Joe himself?!
How about organized political parties and movements?(Democratic Party, in particular)
Sure, if you equate politics and religion. I sure don't.

Look at how much you rubes have tithed to your orange con man for his various grifts.
I know. Putin and his Trumpsters are just smarter than the rest of us.

Its not so much that we are smarter. Its that you are in denial and have your head up your ass.


While Democrats teach kids in school how the US is evil (CRT), when Putin says Ametica is in moral decline these same Democrats become triggered and snap at him for saying so.

WTF? Democrats claim we are inherently racist, evil, and in decline ... until someone like Putin says so.


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