Putin orders Russian Peacekeepers (Military) to Donbass.

Guys, the problem isn't Ukraine. The problem is Putin is trying to rebuild the old USSR which also included the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. THEY are NATO which means if Russia attacks them, WE MUST get involved. If we do, it will probably go nuclear very quickly because WE can stop Russia especially if we have the backing of Britain, France Germany and all other NATO allies.

MAD is still on the table, fellahs. This could get REALLY REALLY BAD if he wants the Baltic states too.
Ok, and what's wrong with Putin rebuilding the old USSR ? Otherwise why is he wanting to do that ?? Don't give me none of this Putin is just an old patriot of the USSR, and he longs for that opportunity to be the new ruler of the revamped USSR if he could accomplish that. Something happened in the world, and Russia has become very suspicious at the way things have been going. What do they see that caused them to exit the world stage with violence ??

Did the win by the leftist in the USA, therefore trigger the new direction of world nations like Russia and possibly next China to say to themselves that there is no way we will fall or follow what we are seeing in the United States today ?? Think about it.
Moscow horde collapses in Ukraine , i dont know how many spretsnaz they have lost my guess 50-70%

Your creditability is gone once you do the fake ass long ago videos here................Once a LIAR always a liar............

Maybe you can fool some others.........

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