Putin orders Russian Peacekeepers (Military) to Donbass.

. But, he better be sending nukes to Germany and other NATO countries and point them at Putin's house. Putin only understands force and strength.
So you want to nuke Russia if they invade Ukraine?

Are you on drugs?
Putin's military enter Donetsk and Luganst. apparently that was his plan all along. his says his soldiers are there to maintain the peace. what is veggie joe doing ? he is busy signing executive orders and sanctions. putin only respects force.

The US will move F-35 fighter jets and Apache attack helicopters already in Europe to the Baltic states and NATO’s eastern flank, according to a senior defense official, following US President Joe Biden’s announcement that the administration will bolster the defenses of NATO allies.

In addition, approximately 800 troops constituting an infantry battalion task force will move from Italy to the Baltic region, the official said.

Four F-35 fighter jets from Germany will deploy to the Baltic states, while another four will deploy to NATO’s southeastern flank. Twenty Apache helicopters from Germany will head for the Baltic states, and another 12 Apaches from Greece deploy to Poland.

These forces are expected to be in place later this week, the official said. Biden said earlier Tuesday that he wanted to be “clear” that these are “totally defensive moves on our part.”

The US has approximately 90,000 troops in Europe on permanent and rotational orders.

Remember when Trump the Traitor tried to cut down US forces in Europe, and tried to divide NATO to appease Putin?
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So you want to nuke Russia if they invade Ukraine?

Are you on drugs?
You don't get it. Dems never have. They are deterrents. We have them in many locations already. It keeps tyrants like Putin in their places. It's called peace through strength. But, don't let a Democrat try to understand that. Instead, you get Joe Biden. Remember what happened with Obama-Biden and their lack of understanding this as well. Putin took Crimea and made things worse in the Middle East.
They are deterrents.

Ahh, so Joe should put nukes in Germany... Gee...uh...do you think Putin knows that our subs can launch nukes at Moscow from under the polar ice cap? And having a nuke in Germany is going to be additional deterrent how exactly? This is to say nothing about the ICBMs in the midwest...

I wouldn't quit my day job if I were you Von Clausewitz.
Ahh, so Joe should put nukes in Germany... Gee...uh...do you think Putin knows that our subs can launch nukes at Moscow from under the polar ice cap? And having a nuke in Germany is going to be additional deterrent how exactly? This is to say nothing about the ICBMs in the midwest...

I wouldn't quit my day job if I were you Von Clausewitz.
We are the main contributor to NATO. Yes, he should now that Putin invaded Ukraine. Put them in all of the NATO countries. It's the only way to stop tyrants is to show force, not wokeness and liberal crap.
We are the main contributor to NATO. Yes, he should now that Putin invaded Ukraine. Put them in all of the NATO countries. It's the only way to stop tyrants is to show force, not wokeness and liberal crap.

Can't argue with that "logic" (there is no logic there).
After weeks and week of Biden's puppetmaster Putin just hanging out at the Ukraine border Veggei Joe sends Commiela Whoris over to solve the problem.....and within two days Putin invades Ukraine.

Please keep this moron on her knees in the WH basement where she belongs.
So you're not going to tell them that they should to volunteer and fight for the Ukraine?

no they are very strong minded. if they choose to enlist that would be their choice. but if they were to enlist in order to fight in ukraine they would have to be deployed there. if the USA under the current administration decides to send soldiers to ukraine then they need to activate the draft. where the whole country shares in the sacrifice.

The US will move F-35 fighter jets and Apache attack helicopters already in Europe to the Baltic states and NATO’s eastern flank, according to a senior defense official, following US President Joe Biden’s announcement that the administration will bolster the defenses of NATO allies.

In addition, approximately 800 troops constituting an infantry battalion task force will move from Italy to the Baltic region, the official said.

Four F-35 fighter jets from Germany will deploy to the Baltic states, while another four will deploy to NATO’s southeastern flank. Twenty Apache helicopters from Germany will head for the Baltic states, and another 12 Apaches from Greece deploy to Poland.

These forces are expected to be in place later this week, the official said. Biden said earlier Tuesday that he wanted to be “clear” that these are “totally defensive moves on our part.”

The US has approximately 90,000 troops in Europe on permanent and rotational orders.

Remember when Trump the Traitor tried to cut down US forces in Europe, and tried to divide NATO to appease Putin?
so when do you think that bedpan joe is going to order all these nato forces to start launching attacks on russian forces.
Putin's military enter Donetsk and Luganst. apparently that was his plan all along. his says his soldiers are there to maintain the peace. what is veggie joe doing ? he is busy signing executive orders and sanctions. putin only respects force.
USA's terrorist puppet regime in Ukraine has refused to honor the Minsk Treaty of Peace and has been bombing the Republics of Donbass and Luhgansk. Those Republics requested Honorable Help from Russia to recognize their independence they requested in 2014. Finally Russia has recognized them and is helping them against USA backed terrorists and Yankees who want to use UKraine as a platform to attack Russia and close with Russia, before Russia can effectively respond.
so when do you think that bedpan joe is going to order all these nato forces to start launching attacks on russian forces.
Good question. The King of kings has put a hook in the jaw of the Prince of Gog to attack Russia. That is when Tsar Putin can destroy Gog's hordes & disarm the Prince of Gog and his "fortress America".
We are the main contributor to NATO. Yes, he should now that Putin invaded Ukraine. Put them in all of the NATO countries. It's the only way to stop tyrants is to show force, not wokeness and liberal crap.
You see, the deterrence (even of a rational enemy) is a bit more complicated thing, than just a simple philosophical consequence of the existence of nuclear bombs.
There are three basic types of the deterrence:

Deterrence Type I - the deterrence against direct enemy's attack against the US Nuclear Forces. The enemy must be sure, that under any possible circumstances (with his best first counter-force strike, with his best ABD, with his best civil defense and evacuation) our retaliation strike will cause unacceptable damage to him.
Deterrence Type II - the deterrence against extremely provocatice behavior which is not an attack against the USA. Technically it is the first strike. It depends on the Credible First Strike Capability. It is, first of all, our capability to degrade enemy's retaliation capability to the acceptable level.
Deterrence Type III - ability to fight and win a Limited Nuclear War.

Right now the USA don't have Deterrence Type III capability at all. Some gravity bombs and W76-2 warheads is nothing.
Right now the USA don't have Deterrence Type II capability against Russia. Under almost any circumstances Russian retaliation strike will cause unacceptable losses in the USA (death of more than 300 million Americans in one year).
Right now the USA are losing even Deterrence Type I capability - some Russian experts believe that under some circumstances, they can destroy 90% of the US nuclear arsenal by their first strike and then coerce the USA in peace on acceptable for Russia terms or intercept significant part of retaliation warheads, and then alleviate the consequences of the double-weakened retaliation strike.

And sending more B61si n Europe can change literally nothing, but adding some instability.
Putin's military enter Donetsk and Luganst. apparently that was his plan all along. his says his soldiers are there to maintain the peace. what is veggie joe doing ? he is busy signing executive orders and sanctions. putin only respects force.
You guys are in lockstep, trump praised Putin for The invasion. I don't know how much more anti-American he can get.
as a country it is a difficult choice. the US government would have activate the draft again so the sacrifice would be share equally amount all of us . that would be the fair thing to do. I do have a son and daughter that are of age to serve. it would be hard to accepted it but I would have to accept it. as it stands right now it is voluntary. if they choose to enlist it would their choice .
The correct answer is no.....

Not a single US soldier should spill blood for Ukraine

Let me know when Polish troops go to Ukraine and help
Putin's military enter Donetsk and Luganst. apparently that was his plan all along. his says his soldiers are there to maintain the peace. what is veggie joe doing ? he is busy signing executive orders and sanctions. putin only respects force.
If Biden had not been forgetful (which is excusable because of his age), he would have welcomed Putin's decision, as he himself welcomed the declaration of independence in Kosovo, a Serbian historical territory, in 2008.

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