Putin orders Russian Peacekeepers (Military) to Donbass.

Why do you care...............don't you have Peaceful protesters to fuck over right now..........Where is CANADIAN FORCES IN THIS???
Well, the US called in the military on the first day, while Canada allowed the protests to go on for over three weeks and has ended the violent protests without the military and no deaths on either side.
If you don't put troops over there then YOU HAVE NO SAY IN IT.........so STFU
Hopefully that's the way it will stay, but sadly Canada will appease US demands and will supply a token force of peacekeepers.

In any case, the sides are drawn now and that was inevitable. The facade of Russia being the aggressor has been created.

Nordstream2 has at least been suspended and that was critical to ongoing US control over Nato. The situation will continue to exist in the Ukraine until it's cancelled and Russia will look to other options.
Putin's military enter Donetsk and Luganst. apparently that was his plan all along. his says his soldiers are there to maintain the peace. what is veggie joe doing ? he is busy signing executive orders and sanctions. putin only respects force.

Dracula rises in the East, casting a sun blotting shadow. Van Helsing is nowhere to be found. Will those meddling kids foil the undead king's plan? Tune in at 7 to watch the latest episode of as the world sins.
that was his excuse to move military units into Ukraine without firing a shot. now it remains to be seen if he expands his hold onto more Ukranian territory .

And who is gonna stop him if he does (stretch his arms)?
Putin's military enter Donetsk and Luganst. apparently that was his plan all along. his says his soldiers are there to maintain the peace. what is veggie joe doing ? he is busy signing executive orders and sanctions. putin only respects force.
Your post indicates that you support the war instead of a solution through negotiations. The Ukrainian president’s statements from today is quoted and sourced below from Ukrainian news source, not domestic. There are no winners in war and peaceful negotiations have proven to last beyond short-term.

"Regarding the state of war, it's very simple. This issue is clear to us, we believe that there will be no powerful war against Ukraine and there will be no wide escalation by the Russian Federation. If it does, then martial law will be introduced," the statement says.

He also noted that Ukraine is ready to negotiate with the Russian Federation, but in the case of a large-scale attack, there will be martial law.”

Who here thinks that if Donald Trump was still Potus
Putin would be toying around what he's attempting.
The reason is simple.Biden is seen as weak and Incorrigible.
I mean,let's Get 4 Real.
The guy couldn't even manage to go out daily and Campaign.
Goes to beddie early and sleeps in late.
Trump was a verifiable Superman next to Biden.
Big World Depots look for that kind of weakness in
order to take advantage.No World Leader dared to take Trump
for granted.
Plus Putin always wanted to do what was in his mind to do.
With the Theory - What does not Expand ... Contracts.
Putin craves another Soviet state.
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Putin's military enter Donetsk and Luganst. apparently that was his plan all along. his says his soldiers are there to maintain the peace. what is veggie joe doing ? he is busy signing executive orders and sanctions. putin only respects force.
Oh, come on. You know Joe has his priorities.

Why worry about Russia when there are still lots of trannies and gay bestiality practitioners yet to be appointed to key government positions?
Your post indicates that you support the war instead of a solution through negotiations. The Ukrainian president’s statements from today is quoted and sourced below from Ukrainian news source, not domestic. There are no winners in war and peaceful negotiations have proven to last beyond short-term.

"Regarding the state of war, it's very simple. This issue is clear to us, we believe that there will be no powerful war against Ukraine and there will be no wide escalation by the Russian Federation. If it does, then martial law will be introduced," the statement says.

He also noted that Ukraine is ready to negotiate with the Russian Federation, but in the case of a large-scale attack, there will be martial law.”

The problem we have is that you can't believe anything they say.
Putin craves another Soviet state.
putin desired a cooperative situation with the US in peace, and that's also true of China.

The same rules apply for the US as applied for any nation that's being challenged on it's status of being the greatest world power.

But even moreso today with diminishing world resources that will be fought over by the major powers. Essential resources today whereas in history perhaps not so true, as opposed to living space.
putin desired a cooperative situation with the US in peace, and that's also true of China.

The same rules apply for the US as applied for any nation that's being challenged on it's status of being the greatest world power.

But even moreso today with diminishing world resources that will be fought over by the major powers. Essential resources today whereas in history perhaps not so true, as opposed to living space.
Communist China is rooting for Putin.There are waiting with bated breath to
see how Putin's mock invasion works out.Europe needs Russia's oil.
If Putin pulls off this mock Invasion then China will think about doing that
with Taiwan.Don't forget that Under Trump we were Energy Independent and
actually selling our oil.
Oh, come on. You know Joe has his priorities.

Why worry about Russia when there are still lots of trannies and gay bestiality practitioners yet to be appointed to key government positions?
and letting illegal aliens enter the USA unencumbered, and rewarding them with legal status with a path to US citizenship.
as a country it is a difficult choice. the US government would have activate the draft again so the sacrifice would be share equally amount all of us . that would be the fair thing to do. I do have a son and daughter that are of age to serve. it would be hard to accepted it but I would have to accept it. as it stands right now it is voluntary. if they choose to enlist it would their choice .

So you're not going to tell them that they should to volunteer and fight for the Ukraine?

The problem we have is that you can't believe anything they say.
It would be really hard to argue that whatever is publicly stated by anyone, including politically motivated leaders of countries, is ever 100% factual.

Important questions:

1. What are the chances that NATO will ever extend an invite to Ukraine?

1. B: Is this true or false: Ukraine is unlikely ever to be asked to join NATO. With Russia controlling Crimea, Ukraine’s borders are in dispute, making it ineligible by NATO’s own rules.

2. Did the people living in Donetsk (DRP) and Luhansk regions have a vote in 2014 to become independent regions when that occurred, or was it strictly the Ukrainian government’s decision?
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So are you for sending your kids to fight in the Ukraine?
Had Biden not been so arrogant and stupid as to reverse all of Trump's work, this would not be happening. Biden wants to now do very little with stupid sanctions that mean absolutely nothing to Putin. Whose next? Germany? I think so. He wants East Germany back too. Then, China will go after Taiwan because Biden is weak, weak, weak...
Had Biden not been so arrogant and stupid as to reverse all of Trump's work, this would not be happening. Biden wants to now do very little with stupid sanctions that mean absolutely nothing to Putin. Whose next? Germany? I think so. He wants East Germany back too. Then, China will go after Taiwan because Biden is weak, weak, weak...

Wow, could you imagine if that had actually happened?

You never answered....what do you want Biden to do that he's not doing...send troops over to the Ukraine?

Some answers please.
Wow, could you imagine if that had actually happened?

You never answered....what do you want Biden to do that he's not doing...send troops over to the Ukraine?

Some answers please.
Biden isn't doing anything. But, he made huge blunders for the past year that embolden Putin and China. Too late! There is nothing to do. But, he better be sending nukes to Germany and other NATO countries and point them at Putin's house. Putin only understands force and strength.

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