Putin orders Russian Peacekeepers (Military) to Donbass.

Biden can use this as the invasion he predicted all along. And there's little doubt that the provocation was centered on Donbass.

Should we start thinking of the unimaginable in which Russians and Americans get killed?

Or has there been enough precautions taken to keep this a war between two proxies?
Why do you care...............don't you have Peaceful protesters to fuck over right now..........Where is CANADIAN FORCES IN THIS???

If you don't put troops over there then YOU HAVE NO SAY IN IT.........so STFU
Yup, Putin didn't pull this shit when Trump was in office.
Anyone want to place odds as to why?
Because like it or not,know it or not ... President Trump
was an indefatigable leader.Wouldn't even shy away from WH
Press reporters when they obvioulsy had it in for him.
Biden and even Hillary are the exact opposite.Weaklings,yet power
obsessed and seemingly have little to no apparent conscience.
Horrendous combination.
A very long time ago I watched an interview with the former Prime Minister of Russia Stepashin and, among others, a question was asked about how Putin was negotiating, the answer was this, not verbatim, but the essence stuck in my memory - The first his offer to the opponent is very profitable, the second is not very profitable, and it is impossible to reject the third one......
They got what they got and served them right!
Putin's military enter Donetsk and Luganst. apparently that was his plan all along. his says his soldiers are there to maintain the peace. what is veggie joe doing ? he is busy signing executive orders and sanctions. putin only respects force.
Putin's military enter Donetsk and Luganst. apparently that was his plan all along. his says his soldiers are there to maintain the peace. what is veggie joe doing ? he is busy signing executive orders and sanctions. putin only respects force.

Give President Joe a break already. He hasn't had his Cream of Wheat and bowel movement yet this morning.

American intelligence was warning the world and loudly. They took the extreme step of outlining in detail what Russia would do. It was meant to put Putin on his heels.

As usual, the Europeans whispered and smirked behind the U.S back probably saying "they are just trying to create hysteria for personal gain". Even Kasparov believed that Putin was playing poker and was bluffing.

Bottom line, the rise of Russia after it's collapse is all of the Wests doing. Too many wanted to make easy money over the short term, while other nations governments took a long view and built alliances to cut the West out of the same money stash it helped create.
Give President Joe a break already. He hasn't had his Cream of Wheat and bowel movement yet this morning.


So are you for sending your kids to fight in the Ukraine?
as a country it is a difficult choice. the US government would have activate the draft again so the sacrifice would be share equally amount all of us . that would be the fair thing to do. I do have a son and daughter that are of age to serve. it would be hard to accepted it but I would have to accept it. as it stands right now it is voluntary. if they choose to enlist it would their choice .

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