Putin’s Buddy Trump Is About To Get National Security Briefings. Intel Officers Are Worried.

What a bunch of dumb asses. Any one can tell you, nothing on the internet is really secure. Don't put anything in an e-mail that you don't want your everyone to see.

Yeah, gotcha. So there's no point in not just sending secret information over the internet, that makes perfect sense.

And you call other people dumb asses why again?

And it never gets deleted either.

And to you that justifies that we shouldn't have security, just send secret e-mails over the internet. The dog in your avatar is the brains of your outfit, isn't he?

No like I said, don't put any thing in an email that you don't want exposed to the world. No matter what precautions are taken.......if the server is exposed to the internet, it is not completely secure. Encryption helps but there are cracks, why do you think the keys keep getting larger?

I see, so by no, you don't think it's OK for Hillary to put her e-mail on an open server, you mean yes, it's fine. Thanks for clarifying that
Yet no one seems to be concerned about the lady who has proven that she can't hold onto her emails...

:lmao: Hillary is a "lady" that's funny. She's an amoral woman hating whore who destroys women who stand up to being raped by her sexual predator husband. "Women" like candy corn who support her are amoral gits

“The notion that the Trump team could request intel briefings on Russia when they clearly have close ties is horrifying,” said one former intelligence official.

Members of the intelligence community are worried that Donald Trump ― who has deep ties to Russia and is apparently the preferred presidential candidate of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin ― could have access to highly classified national security briefings as early as Friday.

Trump and presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton will begin receiving the briefings after the Democratic National Convention ends on Thursday, ABC Newsreported Monday. As the Republican nominee for president, Trump is now among a handful of people who do not hold a security clearance but have the potential to get these briefings. But he also has closer ties to a foreign government than perhaps any presidential candidate in recent history.

Trump has called for following Moscow’s lead on various global issues and questionedwhether it’s necessary for the U.S. to always defend other members of NATO, the alliance created during the Cold War to protect American partners from an expansionist Soviet Union. His rhetoric about foreign policy neatly matches the message coming out of Moscow: that America has little need for its long-time partners in Europe ― particularly in NATO ― or elsewhere, and that the U.S. should have less influence internationally. Trump has extensive business and financial ties to Russia. The Washington Post has described his relationship with Putin as a “bromance.” Troll accounts tied to the Russian government have promoted Trump on Twitter, the New Yorker’s Adrian Chen noted last year. And this week, mysterious hackers released internal Democratic National Committee emails ― a move that security experts and reporters are increasingly convinced was an attempt by the Russian government to swing the presidential election to Trump.

Trump’s deep relationship with Russia has the intelligence community worried.

“Never have we had a candidate so tied to a foreign power, especially one that is so hostile to the U.S. in many ways, and one that is actively messing with our election,” said one former senior intelligence official. “Many [in the intelligence community] don’t care about U.S. politics and pride themselves on being nonpartisan, but the ties to Russia are deeply disturbing.”

[Read More: The Real Winner Of The GOP Convention Was Vladimir Putin]

More: Putin’s Buddy Trump Is About To Get National Security Briefings. Intel Officers Are Worried.

They should be worried. So am I. In addition to Trump's bromance with Putin - Trump's wife has connections to the Russian Communist Party through her father.

You just don't know what's going to come out of Trump's mouth. Every day/week Republicans have to circle the wagons on something he has said.

He is the most incompetent, unqualified, dangerous candidate this nation has ever seen. He is a threat to National Security for several reasons. Republicans couldn't have found a worse candidate if they had gone out on a scavenger hunt. He has no respect, no honor, no dignity, and the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone is to himself and Russia.


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