Putin's Neo-Nazi Svboda and Right Sektor Problem in Ukraine


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Media making Ukraine into a comic strip. Russia bad Ukraine good LOL.


MARCH 11, 2014

Ukraine: the Enemy of Your Enemy is Not Always Your Friend


To progressives who have been celebrating the revolution in Ukraine: Be careful what you wish for. Ukraine now has the first European government in decades in which outright fascist parties have gained a significant role in the executive branch. In other European countries, far-right parties have won seats in the parliament, but not secured real power in the cabinet. Of course, not all Ukrainian revolutionaries are fascists or Nazis, as asserted in recent Russian propaganda. But it is equally wrong and irresponsible to assert that the presence of fascists and Nazis in the new government is merely Russian propaganda.
Media making Ukraine into a comic strip. Russia bad Ukraine good LOL.

View attachment 607917

MARCH 11, 2014

Ukraine: the Enemy of Your Enemy is Not Always Your Friend


To progressives who have been celebrating the revolution in Ukraine: Be careful what you wish for. Ukraine now has the first European government in decades in which outright fascist parties have gained a significant role in the executive branch. In other European countries, far-right parties have won seats in the parliament, but not secured real power in the cabinet. Of course, not all Ukrainian revolutionaries are fascists or Nazis, as asserted in recent Russian propaganda. But it is equally wrong and irresponsible to assert that the presence of fascists and Nazis in the new government is merely Russian propaganda.

Good Lord, you commies never quit. Despite their flaws, Ukraine is a sovereign country fully recognized by the world until putty went cuckoo in 2014.


US gov’t knew NATO expansion to Ukraine would force Russia to intervene​



". . . Ukraine and Georgia’s NATO aspirations not only touch a raw nerve in Russia, they engender serious concerns about the consequences for stability in the region. Not only does Russia perceive encirclement, and efforts to undermine Russia’s influence in the region, but it also fears unpredictable and uncontrolled consequences which would seriously affect Russian security interests. Experts tell us that Russia is particularly worried that the strong divisions in Ukraine over NATO membership, with much of the ethnic-Russian community against membership, could lead to a major split, involving violence or at worst, civil war. In that eventuality, Russia would have to decide whether to intervene; a decision Russia does not want to have to face.. . .

Burns’ warnings came true just a few years later.. . ."


US gov’t knew NATO expansion to Ukraine would force Russia to intervene​



". . . Ukraine and Georgia’s NATO aspirations not only touch a raw nerve in Russia, they engender serious concerns about the consequences for stability in the region. Not only does Russia perceive encirclement, and efforts to undermine Russia’s influence in the region, but it also fears unpredictable and uncontrolled consequences which would seriously affect Russian security interests. Experts tell us that Russia is particularly worried that the strong divisions in Ukraine over NATO membership, with much of the ethnic-Russian community against membership, could lead to a major split, involving violence or at worst, civil war. In that eventuality, Russia would have to decide whether to intervene; a decision Russia does not want to have to face.. . .

Burns’ warnings came true just a few years later.. . ."

This is a very important article.

Senior US government officials knew as far back as 2008 that the possibility of adding Ukraine to NATO was seen as a serious “military threat” by Russia, one that crosses Moscow’s security “redlines” and could force it to intervene.

Yet Western leaders continued insisting that Ukraine would join the US-led military alliance, right up until Russia did indeed intervene in February 2022.

At the annual NATO summit back in 2008, the George W. Bush administration publicly called for adding Russia’s neighbors Ukraine and Georgia to the military alliance. NATO’s secretary-general declared that the two countries would eventually become members.

But privately, US diplomats knew that this move would be seen as an existential threat by Moscow, and could provoke Russian military intervention in Ukraine.

The former US ambassador to Russia, William J. Burns, who is now director of the CIA, warned in a February 2008 embassy cable that Ukraine constituted a security “redline” for Moscow.
So? They just ran a color revolution right here in the US, same as they did the Arab spring, and all the color revolutions they did in the Soviet Republics.


Most Americans are too dumb to get it.
Media making Ukraine into a comic strip. Russia bad Ukraine good LOL.

View attachment 607917

MARCH 11, 2014

Ukraine: the Enemy of Your Enemy is Not Always Your Friend


To progressives who have been celebrating the revolution in Ukraine: Be careful what you wish for. Ukraine now has the first European government in decades in which outright fascist parties have gained a significant role in the executive branch. In other European countries, far-right parties have won seats in the parliament, but not secured real power in the cabinet. Of course, not all Ukrainian revolutionaries are fascists or Nazis, as asserted in recent Russian propaganda. But it is equally wrong and irresponsible to assert that the presence of fascists and Nazis in the new government is merely Russian propaganda.
If Ukraine becomes an authoritarian state that invades its neighbors during peace times, I'll support anybody that opposes them. Until then, Russian sympathizers, go fuck yourselves.
Media making Ukraine into a comic strip. Russia bad Ukraine good LOL.

View attachment 607917

MARCH 11, 2014

Ukraine: the Enemy of Your Enemy is Not Always Your Friend


To progressives who have been celebrating the revolution in Ukraine: Be careful what you wish for. Ukraine now has the first European government in decades in which outright fascist parties have gained a significant role in the executive branch. In other European countries, far-right parties have won seats in the parliament, but not secured real power in the cabinet. Of course, not all Ukrainian revolutionaries are fascists or Nazis, as asserted in recent Russian propaganda. But it is equally wrong and irresponsible to assert that the presence of fascists and Nazis in the new government is merely Russian propaganda.
There are idiots on both sides pretending to refight WWII. Every nation Russia invaded prior to 1941 aided, to some degree or another, the Nazis against Russia. The Ukraine and the Baltics provided some of the concentration camp labor.

Putin is playing that the Ukraine is going to be part of a Nato invasion of Russia, and that's simply baseless propaganda. Putin sees this as his last best chance to return Russia to an imperialist state with holding unwilling nations with puppet govts. Donbass and Crimea were both issues that didn't have simple solutions to satisfy all of the people living there. But Putin wasn't looking for compromises.
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Yes. If Hillary had won Syria would have been bombed to the Stone Age. Putin asserting himself in Ukraine is a message to the Neocons.
Well I think we and Russia pretty well bombed Syria to the stone age. But it goes back to W's invasion of Iraq. Or to BushI's. But then, is Iraq better off today than before 2003? Our sanctions were killing children and not bother Saddam too much.
There are idiots on both sides pretending to refight WWII. Every nation Russia invaded prior to 1941 aided, to some degree or another, the Nazis against Russia. The Ukraine and the Baltics provided some of the concentration camp labor.

Putin is playing that the Ukraine is going to be part of a Nato invasion of Russia, and that's simply baseless propaganda. Putin sees this as his last best chance to return Russia to an imperialist state with holding unwilling nations with puppet govts. Donbass and Crimea were both issues that didn't have simple solutions to satisfy all of the people living there. But Putin wasn't looking for compromises.

Putin is spanking Ukraine for being a slut and flirting with NATO and putting NATO missiles 500 miles from Moscow. Biden's weakness in reigning in the Neocons started this war. Trump had them on a tight leash. Probably why he hired so many of them. Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies closer.
Putin is spanking Ukraine for being a slut and flirting with NATO and putting NATO missiles 500 miles from Moscow. Biden's weakness in reigning in the Neocons started this war. Trump had them on a tight leash. Probably why he hired so many of them. Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies closer.
Trump was pulling out of nato.
Yes. If Hillary had won Syria would have been bombed to the Stone Age. Putin asserting himself in Ukraine is a message to the Neocons.

1) You don't know what a neocon is, do you? Be honest

2) OK, and what is that "message?"
Trump was pulling out of nato.

My God leftist make things up, but seriously, you are a total and complete idiot. You just argued that we needed to pay for all of NATO or our "allies" will quit, stupid fuck. That's categorically ridiculous. What point to NATO is there without European allies? How stupid are you? It's incredible
Putin is spanking Ukraine for being a slut and flirting with NATO and putting NATO missiles 500 miles from Moscow. Biden's weakness in reigning in the Neocons started this war. Trump had them on a tight leash. Probably why he hired so many of them. Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies closer.

Biden has endorsed every US war. To find the nearest Neocon, Biden has to find his pants. Do you think he can find his pants? Maybe, probably not
My God leftist make things up, but seriously, you are a total and complete idiot. You just argued that we needed to pay for all of NATO or our "allies" will quit, stupid fuck. That's categorically ridiculous. What point to NATO is there without European allies? How stupid are you? It's incredible
No, he is correct.

What Trump was campaigning for, before he got into office, and before he was plied by the MIC and the industries that provide jobs for Americans, he did want to get rid of NATO, or radically change its mission. He wanted to scale it back to simply an Anti-terrorist mission.

I dug up the tweet. . go ask Politichic. We got into this earlier. I am not going to go dig it up again.

US gov’t knew NATO expansion to Ukraine would force Russia to intervene​



". . . Ukraine and Georgia’s NATO aspirations not only touch a raw nerve in Russia, they engender serious concerns about the consequences for stability in the region. Not only does Russia perceive encirclement, and efforts to undermine Russia’s influence in the region, but it also fears unpredictable and uncontrolled consequences which would seriously affect Russian security interests. Experts tell us that Russia is particularly worried that the strong divisions in Ukraine over NATO membership, with much of the ethnic-Russian community against membership, could lead to a major split, involving violence or at worst, civil war. In that eventuality, Russia would have to decide whether to intervene; a decision Russia does not want to have to face.. . .

Burns’ warnings came true just a few years later.. . ."

NATO wanted this....that much is obvious.... They probably didn't count on China having Russia's back though.

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