Putin's red-line : don't allow Ukraine to fall in western hands and then get fortified by the west.

Russians can civilize someone? What a joke. Better begin 'civilize' North Caucasus. Before they kicked your ass again.
I start thinking that relentless Ukrainian provocations are a form of begging Russia to take you back, to take off the burden of responsibility for your own fate after the West keeps you hungry and begging for new IMF grants to keep your bankrupt economy semi alive :)
I start thinking that relentless Ukrainian provocations are a form of begging Russia to take you back, to take off the burden of responsibility for your own fate after the West keeps you hungry and begging for new IMF grants to keep your bankrupt economy semi alive :)
Thinking? You had better not do that. A Russian and 'thinking' is the same as a worm and 'flying'.
Russians can civilize someone? What a joke. Better begin 'civilize' North Caucasus. Before they kicked your ass again.
I agree our civilizing practice failed in Ukraine, now Ukrainians are rejecting Russian speaking urban and industrialized civilization, destroying remains of Soviet built industry and pushing educated youth outside of the country.
I agree our civilizing practice failed in Ukraine, now Ukrainians are rejecting Russian speaking urban and industrialized civilization, destroying remains of Soviet built industry and pushing educated youth outside of the country.
That is ok. After the time, you fail at everything you touch.
Thinking? You had better not do that. A Russian and 'thinking' is the same as a worm and 'flying'.

Lol, unimaginable happens, Ukraine imports its national symbol and fetish, pork fat, and guess from which country?
- Russia!!! :)
Ukraine, the owner of one of the best soil on Earth, imports cucumbers from Russia!

another decade and you will return to the natural state of yours - prehistoric tribes.

this is the reason, by the way, why Russia is not going to invade Ukraine unless you provoke us - you destroy yourselves better.
Lol, unimaginable happens, Ukraine imports its national symbol and fetish, pork fat, and guess from which country?
- Russia!!! :)
Ukraine, the owner of one of the best soil on Earth, imports cucumbers from Russia!

another decade and you will return to the natural state of yours - prehistoric tribes.

this is the reason, by the way, why Russia is not going to invade Ukraine unless you provoke us - you destroy yourselves better.
Yes, the Ukrainians failed to build their state. And?
Yes, the Ukrainians failed to build their state. And?

actually, nothing, I mean reunification of what is left of Ukraine with Russia is inevitable, there is not much sense in discussing inevitable things
but we can discuss if we can minimize your losses in this process, if you wish :)

for example, should we take Galitsia and Volyn... anyway, any thoughts where Western border of Russia should be are welcome :)
actually, nothing, I mean reunification of what is left of Ukraine with Russia is inevitable, there is not much sense in discussing inevitable things
but we can discuss if we can minimize your losses in this process, if you wish :)

for example, should we take Galitsia and Volyn... anyway, any thoughts where Western border of Russia should be are welcome :)
I would prefer a curved line of Rostov-Belgorod-Kursk-Briansk and farther north.
I would prefer a curved line of Rostov-Belgorod-Kursk-Briansk and farther north.
Right now - may be. But what will be after the collapse of Ukrainian economy? Would you prefer to go to Russia personally, or to invite Russia to your Chernigov?
I would prefer a curved line of Rostov-Belgorod-Kursk-Briansk and farther north.

you should also take into account that reunification is seen unacceptable by Russian public opinion until Ukrainians beg us long and hard, as it was in 1600s.

in present situation to make it possible Ukrainians must live for quite a time without heating in winter, without electricity, without bridges, power stations, industries, generally - without infrastructure and industry. And without food.

are you sure you will succed in achieving it by yourselves or some friendly fire is required from Russia? :)

Generally, if Ukraine finally manages to drag Russia into the war - we will unlikely spare territories which we are not going to control.
And vice versa, future Russian lands of what is called Ukraine now can count on Russian efforts to preserve local infrastructure and industry.

I suspect there will not be any occupation. There will be American style weeks and months long destruction of Ukraine. With no Russian casuslties.
With possible nuclear strikes if Americans/NATO suddenly decide to get involved and attack Russian territory.
Stikes first in Ukrainian territory against Anerican/NATO troops.

Frankly saying I don't understand why these idiots in the West think that nuclear weapons are a toy which we spend a lot of money on just to have, without perspective of using it... :)

I mean be cateful about your wishes, that curved line can easily be a border between inhabited Russia and uninhabited Wild Steppe, as it was for centuries...
Right now - may be. But what will be after the collapse of Ukrainian economy? Would you prefer to go to Russia personally, or to invite Russia to your Chernigov?
I am not pleased with either of those variants.
you should also take into account that reunification is seen unacceptable by Russian public opinion until Ukrainians beg us long and hard, as it was in 1600s.

in present situation to make it possible Ukrainians must live for quite a time without heating in winter, without electricity, without bridges, power stations, industries, generally - without infrastructure and industry. And without food.

are you sure you will succed in achieving it by yourselves or some friendly fire is required from Russia? :)

Generally, if Ukraine finally manages to drag Russia into the war - we will unlikely spare territories which we are not going to control.
And vice versa, future Russian lands of what is called Ukraine now can count on Russian efforts to preserve local infrastructure and industry.

I suspect there will not be any occupation. There will be American style weeks and months long destruction of Ukraine. With no Russian casuslties.
With possible nuclear strikes if Americans/NATO suddenly decide to get involved and attack Russian territory.
Stikes first in Ukrainian territory against Anerican/NATO troops.

Frankly saying I don't understand why these idiots in the West think that nuclear weapons are a toy which we spend a lot of money on just to have, without perspective of using it... :)

I mean be cateful about your wishes, that curved line can easily be a border between inhabited Russia and uninhabited Wild Steppe, as it was for centuries...
I have heard this bullshit about the nuclear veapon from the Russians in the course of the last several years. The louder the dog barks, the more it means it isn't going to bite. Go away with this babbling.
I have heard this bullshit about the nuclear veapon from the Russians in the course of the last several years. The louder the dog barks, the more it means it isn't going to bite. Go away with this babbling.
you just don't like the idea of nuclear weapons to be tested in Ukraine :)
while one can hardly find a safer place, some Lvov, which nobody really wants to control due to crappy and malicious character of Western Ukrainians...
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you just don't like the idea of nuclear weapons to be tested in Ukraine :)
while one han hardly find a safer place, some Lvov, which nobody really wants to control due to crappy and malicious character of Western Ukrainians...
No, I don't like the idea of futile babbling. Go tell these scary tales to somebody else.
No, I don't like the idea of futile babbling. Go tell these scary tales to somebody else.
OK, Ukraine will be destroyed with conventional weapons.

just to please you, non-brother :)
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OK, Ukraine will be destroyed with conventional weapons.

just to please you, non-brother :)
Yeah, destroying is what the Russians do the best. That is why you savages should be kept in check.
and we will, as democrats, republicans and other political flavors that rule NATO according to the will of their peoples,
not be giving in to Communism, the Russians, or the Muslims for that matter. Like them, we will defend our right to live according to our own laws, in our own jurisdictions.

but achieving that needs to focus on diplomacy in international debate in circles ranging from very large to private rooms, and on intelligence gathering, followed by always-plenty-sufficient but never overwhelming arms production and stockpiling, and the avoiding of employing more offensive capable military personnel than is necessary to fully achieve and maintain MAD[1] capabilities, to prevent conventional wars between superpower rivals (of which there have been far too many already throughout the histories, and each was in it's day to day details rather ugly. i think we can all agree on *that*).

you do this to convince trustworthy adversaries' leaders that *you* can be trusted,
and to untrustworthy adversaries as a whole country or group of countries to convince *their* smarter people that you're not an actual threat to them. an untrustworthy adversary is going to have a lot harder time ramping up the total powers of their armies if their populations to not feel a need for such expenditure and risk for pre-emptive pruning attack.

[1] Mutually Assured Destruction : nuclear arms, chemical and biological weaponry, cyber weaponry on a national scale, and quite possible in other 'specialisms found in the military professions'.

Defend the right to bully others, tell others what to do, even if you don't do it yourselves... kind of thing.

Some call it hypocrisy, others call it bullshit.
Yeah, destroying is what the Russians do the best. That is why you savages should be kept in check.
we created Ukraine, we are responsible for possible danger it may pose to the World and have full right and obligation to destroy it if it goes mad and betrays fatherland.. :)

just watched a Ukrainian expert,
2/3 of Ukrainians have income less than $200 a month...
only 1% of Ukrainians consider themselves middle class and higher

what a burden Ukraine is....

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