Putin's red-line : don't allow Ukraine to fall in western hands and then get fortified by the west.

nonsense. ever since Hitler's takeover attempt of Europe, we've resisted oppression of every kind to the max of our ability, and usually with success on our own. this goes down to the international and even the inter-city (via demonstrations that can grow violent) levels over here in Europe, by the way.

and now our governments are proposing that we add more of our own soldiers and military gear into that defense effort.
i think that's a good idea; we should not rely on others for our vital defense capabilities, and we maintain more control over the diplomatic aspects as well, which appears to be necessary, Americans.

You fought the war in Vietnam in nasty ways, creating many civilian casualties, and you haven't done much better (but each time using new types of mass-attrocities that hardly got reported on in western mass media news, or at least not with sufficient weight to ensure that such attrocities stop while the conflict was still ongoing).

So thank you for your efforts and expenditures and your sacrifices, Americans, but your methods create too much ideological hatred against all western people in all parts of the world that are not the west. Since we have a more diverse and continuously growing population set of immigrants from all over the world over here in Europe, i think Europe defending it's own territories according to European-local needs, is far better than hoping you Americans get things right in your foreign policy making.
The Dutch? Not Much.

A country that was a gutless doormat in two world wars has a psychological need to claim that a proud country's troops, like we Marines in Vietnam, are psychotic baby-killers.

Cowardice is the crime that enables all others.
Europeans are the past, a dying, self-destrictive civilization.

as for edequacy- their self-influcted energy crisis is absolutely wonderful :)
Can we say, that Russians are not Europeans, because only Russians are 'real', 'rational-thinking', 'civilised', 'strong and nuclear-armed' Europeans (The Third Rome), and EU Europeans are not 'real' Europeans, but only 'green-obsessed degradants' and 'deviants' (zelenobesy i pidarasy)?
Can we say, that Russians are not Europeans, because only Russians are 'real', 'rational-thinking', 'civilised', 'strong and nuclear-armed' Europeans (The Third Rome), and EU Europeans are not 'real' Europeans, but only 'green-obsessed degradants' and 'deviants' (zelenobesy i pidarasy)?
no, I would not emphasize the word Europeans and put sacred meaning in it (am I stupid Ukrainian to do it?) , it's just a geography term, but, there are 2 clear things -
1) Europeans which are to the West from Russia are on the much later stage of ethnogenesis (by Lev Gumilev), on that one which radically puts personal pleasure over interests of society, (and all perversions being just a consequence of it), and as we know from History this final stage of bread and circuses is a terminal one for Roman empire or for present West.

2) Absolute determination in building an ideologized Utopia is lethal. We saw it in USSR, we see it now in the West, either in Green madness, or in 69 genders etc.
There have been two maidans in the last 30 years. That means every 4 years? Yeah, you are right about clinical idiots.
You seem not to count smaller coups as maidans :)
though, indeed, last period is 7 years, if we count coming maidan against Zelensly to happen in early 2022 :)

and who is the next clown smart Euro-Ukrainians are going to vote for? :lol:

really, Esay, Ukrainians voted for a clown who just played a successful president in a comic show.

do you still argue that you are complete idiots? absolutely brainless, infantile, incapable of sober action? not capable and not deserving responsibility for yourselves :)
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You seem not to count smaller coups as maidans :)
though, indeed, last period is 7 years, if we count coming maidan against Zelensly to happen in early 2022 :)

and who is the next clown smart Euro-Ukrainians are going to vote for? :lol:

really, Esay, Ukrainians voted for a clown who just played a successful president in a comic show.

do you still argue that you are complete idiots? absolutely brainless, infantile, incapable of sober action? not capable and not deserving responsibility for yourselves :)
Make up your mind, dude. In one post, you claim the Russians and Ukrainians are the same people (in line with your pathetic czar). In another one, you describe the Ukrainians as inferior towards the Russians. You look quite ridiculous. Do you have a split personality disorder?
Make up your mind, dude. In one post, you claim the Russians and Ukrainians are the same people (in line with your pathetic czar). In another one, you describe the Ukrainians as inferior towards the Russians. You look quite ridiculous. Do you have a split personality disorder?

Every nation has some % of stupid people, our stupid people are predominantly conxentrated in Ukraine :)
Every nation has some % of stupid people, our stupid people are predominantly conxentrated in Ukraine :)
Having some experience in communicating with the Russians, I find your assertion untrue.
Can we say, that Russians are not Europeans, because only Russians are 'real', 'rational-thinking', 'civilised', 'strong and nuclear-armed' Europeans (The Third Rome), and EU Europeans are not 'real' Europeans, but only 'green-obsessed degradants' and 'deviants' (zelenobesy i pidarasy)?
Distracted by the Bear Acting Like a Bear While the Wolf Is About to Pounce on Our Neck

Dostoevsky wanted Russia to take Constantinople (Istanbul) and become the Third Rome, not only the dominant empire but also as the center of all Christian religions. There is that messianic feeling among certain Russians, but neither he nor they decide the nation's destiny.

Because the Islamic jihad is creeping ahead unnoticed, we can't take our eye off it to busybody with Russia's 300-year-old defense policy. Iran also has a messianic complex, has encircled Mecca, and seeks to be the only permissible sect in Islam.
Having some experience in communicating with the Russians, I find your assertion untrue.

lol, it just proves you are from this very unique area with rich concentration of voting-for-clowns wizzards.. :)
lol, it just proves you are from this very unique area with rich concentration of voting-for-clowns wizzards.. :)
That is better to have a clown for the president, than to be a nation of clowns.
That is better to have a clown for the president, than to be a nation of clowns.

Esay, let us recall your words.
You want direct American rule in Ukraine and to be the 51th state of the USA.

in other words you want to be a part of the USA and Americans to share their wealth with you.

to be noted, GDP per capita in Russia is 3 times lower than in the US but 3 times higher than in Ukraine. (in 1991 when USSR collapsed Ukrainian GDP per capita was higher than in Russia :) ).

there is direct American rule in Ukraine, there is no problem with it.

but how realistic is to expect that Americans will share their wealth with Ukrainians? I hope you are not going to deny that such views are very wide spread in Ukraine..

add to this that Ukrainians decided that electing a clown as a president of your already failed state is the best way to achieve this aim... :)

to which category will you attribute yourself and most of your compatriots with such hopes - to clowns, to idiots or maybe you can find another derogatory name to fully describe your state of mind? :lol:
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Esay, let us recall your words.
You want direct American rule in Ukraine and to be the 51th state of the USA.

in other words you want to be a part of the USA and Americans to share their wealth with you.

to be noted, GDP per capita in Russia is 3 times lower than in the US but 3 times higher than in Ukraine. (in 1991 when USSR collapsed Ukrainian GDP per capita was higher than in Russia :) ).

there is direct American rule in Ukraine, there is no problem with it.

but how realistic is to expect that Americans will share their wealth with Ukrainians? I hope you are not going to deny that such views are very wide spread in Ukraine..

add to this that Ukrainians decided that electing a clown as a president of your already failed state is the best way to achieve this aim... :)

to which category will you attribute yourself and most of your compatriots with such hopes - to clowns, to idiots or maybe you can find another derogatory name to fully describe your state of mind? :lol:
What? The views that the US should share their wealth are widespread in Ukraine? Pfff... You are an idiot, and don't even try to hide this fact.
What? The views that the US should share their wealth are widespread in Ukraine? Pfff... You are an idiot, and don't even try to hide this fact.
oh, sorry, I should have said the EU, it is absolutely different thing, most Ukrainians want Europeans, not Americans to share their wealth with Ukrainians! :lol:

it is only you who for some obscured reason want Americans instead of Europe, probably due to America being more distant from Ukraine :)
, or maybe you can give another explanation of your inadequacy? :)
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oh, sorry, I should have said the EU, it is absolutely different thing, most Ukrainians want Europeans, not Americans to share their wealth with Ukrainians! :lol:

it is only you who for some obscured reason want Americans instead of Europe, probably due to America being more distant from Ukraine :)
, or maybe you can give another explanation of your inadequacy? :)
I can only repeat what I wrote in my previous post. You are an idiot and even don't try to hide this fact.
I can only repeat what I wrote in my previous post. You are an idiot and even don't try to hide this fact.

why, because I question American resolve to feed you? :)

is it inappropriate in Ukraine? or Nazis will just kill you? :)
why, because I question American resolve to feed you? :)

is it inappropriate in Ukraine? or Nazis will just kill you? :)
Because look at your posts. I don't believe someone can write them with a straight face and expect to be treated seriously.

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