Putting it all together...


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
The combined global land and ocean surface temperature for April-June 2010 was 1.26°F (0.70°C) above the 20th century average--the warmest April-June period on record.

• For the year-to-date, the global combined land and ocean surface temperature of 57.5°F (14.2°C) was the warmest January-June period. This value is 1.22°F (0.68°C) above the 20th century average.

• June 2010 was the fourth consecutive warmest month on record (March, April, and May 2010 were also the warmest on record). This was the 304th consecutive month with a global temperature above the 20th century average. The last month with below-average temperature was February 1985.

• It was the warmest June and April-June on record for the Northern Hemisphere as a whole and all land areas of the Northern Hemisphere.

• Arctic sea ice continued its annual decline, typically reaching a September minimum. Similar to May 2010, the Arctic sea ice continued to decline at a record rapid rate--the fastest measured for June (more than 50 percent greater than average).

Janet Ritz: The Planet Has a Fever

Russia and Europe have also been enduring record heat with Russia losing 12% of its crops to drought.

And all this with the Sun going through its lowest level of activity in 80 years...
The combined global land and ocean surface temperature for April-June 2010 was 1.26°F (0.70°C) above the 20th century average--the warmest April-June period on record.

• For the year-to-date, the global combined land and ocean surface temperature of 57.5°F (14.2°C) was the warmest January-June period. This value is 1.22°F (0.68°C) above the 20th century average.

• June 2010 was the fourth consecutive warmest month on record (March, April, and May 2010 were also the warmest on record). This was the 304th consecutive month with a global temperature above the 20th century average. The last month with below-average temperature was February 1985.

• It was the warmest June and April-June on record for the Northern Hemisphere as a whole and all land areas of the Northern Hemisphere.

• Arctic sea ice continued its annual decline, typically reaching a September minimum. Similar to May 2010, the Arctic sea ice continued to decline at a record rapid rate--the fastest measured for June (more than 50 percent greater than average).

Janet Ritz: The Planet Has a Fever

Russia and Europe have also been enduring record heat with Russia losing 12% of its crops to drought.

And all this with the Sun going through its lowest level of activity in 80 years...

Ummmm maybe.

The US government has halted payments to the CRU, AFTER all the "investigations" due to concerns about the underlying science which the "investigations" didn't bother to address.

US Government Halts Funds For Climate Unit

Then there's the issues with NOAA's equipment. Are they cooking the numbers or is the instrumentation faulty? Either way the readings are higher than the actual temperatures would inidicate. Australians are having a hard time believeing NOAA when they had record lows across the country.

The Australian’s overheated time warp misses half of 2010 | Watts Up With That?

NOAA’s Jan-Jun 2010 Warmest Ever: Missing Data, False Impressions | Watts Up With That?

Then of course there are the reports coming in that the GRACE satelite is riddled with major biases...which would render its data worthless. This is a peer reviewed article detailing the satelites issues.

C3: 2010 Peer-Reviewed Study: GRACE Satellite Measurements of Sea Level Rise & Ice Sheet Mass Loss Are Worthless

I can go on but why bother. It is clear to see that the reports of "record heating" are in serious need of review. There are huge questions about the veracity of the data in light of the very real cold records that have been broken worldwide. 1.7 million animals were killed in Mongolia last winter and 175 people were killed in South America thsi week due to record cold.

The Warmers claim record cold but the factual record and littany of deaths due to record cold belie the assertions.

Record warmth? I rather doubt it.
Suppose Columbus had listened to the deniers of his day!

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Merchants-Doubt-Handful-Scientists-Obscured/dp/1596916109/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8]Amazon.com: Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming (9781596916104): Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. Conway: Books[/ame]

"Oreskes and Conway tell an important story about the misuse of science to mislead the public on matters ranging from the risks of smoking to the reality of global warming. The people the authors accuse in this carefully documented book are themselves scientists—mostly physicists, former cold warriors who now serve a conservative agenda, and vested interests like the tobacco industry. The authors name these scientists—all with powerful connections in government and the media—including Robert Jastrow, Frederick Seitz, and S. Fred Singer. Seven compelling chapters detail seven issues (acid rain, the dangers of smoking and secondhand smoke, the ozone hole, global warming, the Strategic Defense Initiative, and the banning of DDT) in which this group aimed to sow seeds of public doubt on matters of settled science. They did so by casting aspersions on the science and the scientists who produce it. Oreskes, a professor of history and science studies at UC–San Diego, and science writer Conway also emphasize how journalists and Internet bloggers uncritically repeat these charges. This book deserves serious attention for the lessons it provides about the misuse of science for political and commercial ends."
Suppose Columbus had listened to the deniers of his day!

Amazon.com: Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming (9781596916104): Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. Conway: Books

"Oreskes and Conway tell an important story about the misuse of science to mislead the public on matters ranging from the risks of smoking to the reality of global warming. The people the authors accuse in this carefully documented book are themselves scientists—mostly physicists, former cold warriors who now serve a conservative agenda, and vested interests like the tobacco industry. The authors name these scientists—all with powerful connections in government and the media—including Robert Jastrow, Frederick Seitz, and S. Fred Singer. Seven compelling chapters detail seven issues (acid rain, the dangers of smoking and secondhand smoke, the ozone hole, global warming, the Strategic Defense Initiative, and the banning of DDT) in which this group aimed to sow seeds of public doubt on matters of settled science. They did so by casting aspersions on the science and the scientists who produce it. Oreskes, a professor of history and science studies at UC–San Diego, and science writer Conway also emphasize how journalists and Internet bloggers uncritically repeat these charges. This book deserves serious attention for the lessons it provides about the misuse of science for political and commercial ends."

I will get the book as it sounds like an entertaining read. However, as regards GW the number of scientists in disagreement over that particular theory numbers in the tens of thousands. There is no cabal of scientists attempting to control public opinion, well not on the sceptical side at least. On the pro AGW side there exists a cabal just like the book seems to be attacking. So I wonder when the authors will tackle this particular story.
Suppose Columbus had listened to the deniers of his day!

Amazon.com: Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming (9781596916104): Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. Conway: Books

"Oreskes and Conway tell an important story about the misuse of science to mislead the public on matters ranging from the risks of smoking to the reality of global warming. The people the authors accuse in this carefully documented book are themselves scientists—mostly physicists, former cold warriors who now serve a conservative agenda, and vested interests like the tobacco industry. The authors name these scientists—all with powerful connections in government and the media—including Robert Jastrow, Frederick Seitz, and S. Fred Singer. Seven compelling chapters detail seven issues (acid rain, the dangers of smoking and secondhand smoke, the ozone hole, global warming, the Strategic Defense Initiative, and the banning of DDT) in which this group aimed to sow seeds of public doubt on matters of settled science. They did so by casting aspersions on the science and the scientists who produce it. Oreskes, a professor of history and science studies at UC–San Diego, and science writer Conway also emphasize how journalists and Internet bloggers uncritically repeat these charges. This book deserves serious attention for the lessons it provides about the misuse of science for political and commercial ends."

I will get the book as it sounds like an entertaining read. However, as regards GW the number of scientists in disagreement over that particular theory numbers in the tens of thousands. There is no cabal of scientists attempting to control public opinion, well not on the sceptical side at least. On the pro AGW side there exists a cabal just like the book seems to be attacking. So I wonder when the authors will tackle this particular story.

You really are quite naive.

There is a cabal trying to control public opinion. It consists of oil companies, coal companies, and auto companies.
Suppose Columbus had listened to the deniers of his day!

Amazon.com: Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming (9781596916104): Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. Conway: Books

"Oreskes and Conway tell an important story about the misuse of science to mislead the public on matters ranging from the risks of smoking to the reality of global warming. The people the authors accuse in this carefully documented book are themselves scientists—mostly physicists, former cold warriors who now serve a conservative agenda, and vested interests like the tobacco industry. The authors name these scientists—all with powerful connections in government and the media—including Robert Jastrow, Frederick Seitz, and S. Fred Singer. Seven compelling chapters detail seven issues (acid rain, the dangers of smoking and secondhand smoke, the ozone hole, global warming, the Strategic Defense Initiative, and the banning of DDT) in which this group aimed to sow seeds of public doubt on matters of settled science. They did so by casting aspersions on the science and the scientists who produce it. Oreskes, a professor of history and science studies at UC–San Diego, and science writer Conway also emphasize how journalists and Internet bloggers uncritically repeat these charges. This book deserves serious attention for the lessons it provides about the misuse of science for political and commercial ends."

I will get the book as it sounds like an entertaining read. However, as regards GW the number of scientists in disagreement over that particular theory numbers in the tens of thousands. There is no cabal of scientists attempting to control public opinion, well not on the sceptical side at least. On the pro AGW side there exists a cabal just like the book seems to be attacking. So I wonder when the authors will tackle this particular story.

You really are quite naive.

There is a cabal trying to control public opinion. It consists of oil companies, coal companies, and auto companies.

I'm the naive one? The auto companies except for Ford are controlled by the governement, the oil companies get corporate welfare from that same government and the coal companies are likewise subsidized by that same government.

Five points if you can figure out the common denominator there Chris old boy.
I will get the book as it sounds like an entertaining read. However, as regards GW the number of scientists in disagreement over that particular theory numbers in the tens of thousands. There is no cabal of scientists attempting to control public opinion, well not on the sceptical side at least. On the pro AGW side there exists a cabal just like the book seems to be attacking. So I wonder when the authors will tackle this particular story.

You really are quite naive.

There is a cabal trying to control public opinion. It consists of oil companies, coal companies, and auto companies.

I'm the naive one? The auto companies except for Ford are controlled by the governement, the oil companies get corporate welfare from that same government and the coal companies are likewise subsidized by that same government.

Five points if you can figure out the common denominator there Chris old boy.

Suppose Columbus had listened to the deniers of his day!

Amazon.com: Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming (9781596916104): Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. Conway: Books

"Oreskes and Conway tell an important story about the misuse of science to mislead the public on matters ranging from the risks of smoking to the reality of global warming. The people the authors accuse in this carefully documented book are themselves scientists—mostly physicists, former cold warriors who now serve a conservative agenda, and vested interests like the tobacco industry. The authors name these scientists—all with powerful connections in government and the media—including Robert Jastrow, Frederick Seitz, and S. Fred Singer. Seven compelling chapters detail seven issues (acid rain, the dangers of smoking and secondhand smoke, the ozone hole, global warming, the Strategic Defense Initiative, and the banning of DDT) in which this group aimed to sow seeds of public doubt on matters of settled science. They did so by casting aspersions on the science and the scientists who produce it. Oreskes, a professor of history and science studies at UC–San Diego, and science writer Conway also emphasize how journalists and Internet bloggers uncritically repeat these charges. This book deserves serious attention for the lessons it provides about the misuse of science for political and commercial ends."
Another day, the same old one-dimensional projection from the warmist cargo cult.

The people who claimed the Earf was flat were the "scientific" orthodoxy of their day....The true flat-Earthers and fundamentalist orthodoxy are populating IPCC, CRU, UCAR, NCAR and NASA.
Suppose Columbus had listened to the deniers of his day!

Amazon.com: Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming (9781596916104): Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. Conway: Books

"Oreskes and Conway tell an important story about the misuse of science to mislead the public on matters ranging from the risks of smoking to the reality of global warming. The people the authors accuse in this carefully documented book are themselves scientists—mostly physicists, former cold warriors who now serve a conservative agenda, and vested interests like the tobacco industry. The authors name these scientists—all with powerful connections in government and the media—including Robert Jastrow, Frederick Seitz, and S. Fred Singer. Seven compelling chapters detail seven issues (acid rain, the dangers of smoking and secondhand smoke, the ozone hole, global warming, the Strategic Defense Initiative, and the banning of DDT) in which this group aimed to sow seeds of public doubt on matters of settled science. They did so by casting aspersions on the science and the scientists who produce it. Oreskes, a professor of history and science studies at UC–San Diego, and science writer Conway also emphasize how journalists and Internet bloggers uncritically repeat these charges. This book deserves serious attention for the lessons it provides about the misuse of science for political and commercial ends."
Another day, the same old one-dimensional projection from the warmist cargo cult.

The people who claimed the Earf was flat were the "scientific" orthodoxy of their day....The true flat-Earthers and fundamentalist orthodoxy are populating IPCC, CRU, UCAR, NCAR and NASA.

What about your "Cult of Confusion"? One day CO2 is "deminimus" and the next it's saturated! Make up your minds.
Suppose Columbus had listened to the deniers of his day!

Amazon.com: Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming (9781596916104): Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. Conway: Books

"Oreskes and Conway tell an important story about the misuse of science to mislead the public on matters ranging from the risks of smoking to the reality of global warming. The people the authors accuse in this carefully documented book are themselves scientists—mostly physicists, former cold warriors who now serve a conservative agenda, and vested interests like the tobacco industry. The authors name these scientists—all with powerful connections in government and the media—including Robert Jastrow, Frederick Seitz, and S. Fred Singer. Seven compelling chapters detail seven issues (acid rain, the dangers of smoking and secondhand smoke, the ozone hole, global warming, the Strategic Defense Initiative, and the banning of DDT) in which this group aimed to sow seeds of public doubt on matters of settled science. They did so by casting aspersions on the science and the scientists who produce it. Oreskes, a professor of history and science studies at UC–San Diego, and science writer Conway also emphasize how journalists and Internet bloggers uncritically repeat these charges. This book deserves serious attention for the lessons it provides about the misuse of science for political and commercial ends."
Another day, the same old one-dimensional projection from the warmist cargo cult.

The people who claimed the Earf was flat were the "scientific" orthodoxy of their day....The true flat-Earthers and fundamentalist orthodoxy are populating IPCC, CRU, UCAR, NCAR and NASA.

What about your "Cult of Confusion"? One day CO2 is "deminimus" and the next it's saturated! Make up your minds.


You really need to just go away and relax for a while. Do some reading. Recharge your batteries. Your responses make zero sense, to anyone, and only make you look not so smart.
Suppose Columbus had listened to the deniers of his day!

Amazon.com: Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming (9781596916104): Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. Conway: Books

"Oreskes and Conway tell an important story about the misuse of science to mislead the public on matters ranging from the risks of smoking to the reality of global warming. The people the authors accuse in this carefully documented book are themselves scientists—mostly physicists, former cold warriors who now serve a conservative agenda, and vested interests like the tobacco industry. The authors name these scientists—all with powerful connections in government and the media—including Robert Jastrow, Frederick Seitz, and S. Fred Singer. Seven compelling chapters detail seven issues (acid rain, the dangers of smoking and secondhand smoke, the ozone hole, global warming, the Strategic Defense Initiative, and the banning of DDT) in which this group aimed to sow seeds of public doubt on matters of settled science. They did so by casting aspersions on the science and the scientists who produce it. Oreskes, a professor of history and science studies at UC–San Diego, and science writer Conway also emphasize how journalists and Internet bloggers uncritically repeat these charges. This book deserves serious attention for the lessons it provides about the misuse of science for political and commercial ends."
Another day, the same old one-dimensional projection from the warmist cargo cult.

The people who claimed the Earf was flat were the "scientific" orthodoxy of their day....The true flat-Earthers and fundamentalist orthodoxy are populating IPCC, CRU, UCAR, NCAR and NASA.

Your posts are getting to be more and more embarrassing.

Do you have a drug or alcohol problem?
Suppose Columbus had listened to the deniers of his day!

Amazon.com: Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming (9781596916104): Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. Conway: Books

"Oreskes and Conway tell an important story about the misuse of science to mislead the public on matters ranging from the risks of smoking to the reality of global warming. The people the authors accuse in this carefully documented book are themselves scientists—mostly physicists, former cold warriors who now serve a conservative agenda, and vested interests like the tobacco industry. The authors name these scientists—all with powerful connections in government and the media—including Robert Jastrow, Frederick Seitz, and S. Fred Singer. Seven compelling chapters detail seven issues (acid rain, the dangers of smoking and secondhand smoke, the ozone hole, global warming, the Strategic Defense Initiative, and the banning of DDT) in which this group aimed to sow seeds of public doubt on matters of settled science. They did so by casting aspersions on the science and the scientists who produce it. Oreskes, a professor of history and science studies at UC–San Diego, and science writer Conway also emphasize how journalists and Internet bloggers uncritically repeat these charges. This book deserves serious attention for the lessons it provides about the misuse of science for political and commercial ends."
Another day, the same old one-dimensional projection from the warmist cargo cult.

The people who claimed the Earf was flat were the "scientific" orthodoxy of their day....The true flat-Earthers and fundamentalist orthodoxy are populating IPCC, CRU, UCAR, NCAR and NASA.

Your posts are getting to be more and more embarrassing.

Do you have a drug or alcohol problem?

I don't know if he does or not. How about you? Some of your responses are even more ridiculous.
I will get the book as it sounds like an entertaining read. However, as regards GW the number of scientists in disagreement over that particular theory numbers in the tens of thousands. There is no cabal of scientists attempting to control public opinion, well not on the sceptical side at least. On the pro AGW side there exists a cabal just like the book seems to be attacking. So I wonder when the authors will tackle this particular story.

You really are quite naive.

There is a cabal trying to control public opinion. It consists of oil companies, coal companies, and auto companies.

I'm the naive one? The auto companies except for Ford are controlled by the governement, the oil companies get corporate welfare from that same government and the coal companies are likewise subsidized by that same government.

Five points if you can figure out the common denominator there Chris old boy.

You need to get educated....

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