Pythona's Eco-Conversion (Trump Deism)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is an eco-idealism vignette inspired by The Emerald Forest.




The valiant field-soldier named Snake-Eyes was a valued member of the American paramilitary-crusaders known as 'G.I. Joes.' G.I. Joe commander Duke informed Snake-Eyes that the wily eco-terrorist Pythona (key member of the super-terrorist organization known as 'Cobra') was captured and being held in G.I. Joe headquarters. Pythona was to be rehabilitated and 're-integrated' into humanity (given her eerie strange terrorism-oriented sentiments) so she could provide G.I. Joe with key wartime consultancy regarding Cobra's devious plans. Duke ordered Snake-Eyes to convince Pythona to actively seek this rehabilitation program (for the sake of her soul!). It was the Age of Terrorism Intrigue. How would U.S. President Donald Trump react?


SNAKE-EYES: This rehabilitation-program is ideal for you, Pythona!
PYTHONA: I don't trust Duke (or G.I. Joe).
SNAKE-EYES: This is your only chance at redemption...
PYTHONA: The G.I. Joes are merely 'minions' of Trump.
SNAKE-EYES: Terrorism is not the cure to global corruption.
PYTHONA: I doubt you've ever been 'satisfied' being a 'G.I. Joe slave.'
SNAKE-EYES: I'm not a slave; I'm a civil-servant and patriot.
PYTHONA: Do you realize Duke is coordinating a giant power-plant plan?
SNAKE-EYES: I'm sure the Trump Administration is eco-conscious...
PYTHONA: Really? Trump has clearly said he only cares about fossil-fuels.
SNAKE-EYES: His advisors are telling him about the need for renewables.
PYTHONA: Renewable-energy will be considered 'alternative' under Trump!
SNAKE-EYES: The key to good governance is optimism (not rage).
PYTHONA: I can't keep a benign-smile when America makes mistakes.
SNAKE-EYES: It's more difficult to build than it is to destroy...
PYTHONA: Do you think G.I. Joe has the authority to defend democracy?
SNAKE-EYES: The G.I. Joes (Duke, Lady Jaye, Flint, etc.) are all patriots.
PYTHONA: I don't see how I could contribute, Snake-Eyes...
SNAKE-EYES: Duke wants your valuable input regarding this power-plant.
PYTHONA: I'm only an eco-terrorist!
SNAKE-EYES: I think you have what it takes to become...a nurse(!).


Duke was shocked to discover that Snake-Eyes had somehow managed to inspire the otherwise eerily Machiavellian mind of the wily and diabolical Pythona (once the respected eco-terrorist of Cobra). Duke had Pythona become his special power-plant consultant and liaison, so she could help him plan the plant's fortifications, ensuring that no deranged terrorist attack by Cobra could be achieved. Pythona realized that she could be just as 'effective' a political-theorist serving the bureaucratic plans of this ambitious American power-plant as she could be serving as an unmerciful eco-terrorist for Cobra. Snake-Eyes was relieved, confident that the Trump Administration would coordinate activities with the CIA and the G.I. Joes to ensure that industry and ideology were not degraded by modern terrorism.



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