Q1 2019 watch - if under 3.0% - where is Trump’s economic miracle - can Trump beat O’s 2.9% ever?

AzogtheDefiler, post: 22807430,
IDC if it increases by a penny, it still increases.

Still can’t answer a simple question about making a comparison

So what was the second term compared to the first term? Was the amount of increase the same or more or less. You tell me.

If the first term increased by two pennies and the second term increased by one penny then the second term is actually a 50 percent reduction in the amount of deb to be dealt with and an improvement.

Obama improved America’s debt situation when comparing his first term to his second.

TrumpO is making it worse so you must waste time arguing about semantics.

Why deny Obama’s good record and ignore TrumpO’s horrible record in debt just to get a like from an idiot message board poster who is in love with TrumpO.

What warped logic. So if my kid gets a 50 on their first test and a 55 on the their next text, both are still Fs but I should be happy because the 55 is not as bad as the 50? What the F is “TrumpO”? Are you in a mental institution?
AzogtheDefiler, post: 22807430,
IDC if it increases by a penny, it still increases.

Still can’t answer a simple question about making a comparison

So what was the second term compared to the first term? Was the amount of increase the same or more or less. You tell me.

If the first term increased by two pennies and the second term increased by one penny then the second term is actually a 50 percent reduction in the amount of deb to be dealt with and an improvement.

Obama improved America’s debt situation when comparing his first term to his second.

TrumpO is making it worse so you must waste time arguing about semantics.

Why deny Obama’s good record and ignore TrumpO’s horrible record in debt just to get a like from an idiot message board poster who is in love with TrumpO.

If the first term increased by two pennies and the second term increased by one penny then the second term is actually a 50 percent reduction in the amount of deb to be dealt with and an improvement.



$16.4 trillion at the end of his first term. $19.9 trillion at the end of his second term.

Obama improved America’s debt situation when comparing his first term to his second.

Is $19.9 trillion really an improvement over $16.4 trillion?
Trump promised four or five

U.S. trade negotiators open a new round of talks in China this week. But there appears to be little pressure for a settlement, even as the year-old conflict begins to weigh on the global economy.

"I don't know if they're going to make a deal," President Trump told reporters last week. "Maybe they will. Maybe they won't. I don't care, because we're taking in tens of billions of dollars' worth of tariffs."

The trade war began last summer when the Trump administration slapped tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese imports.

The U.S. now adds a 25% tax to some $250 billion in Chinese imports. Although Trump paints his tariffs as a windfall for the U.S. Treasury, economists say the bulk of the cost is paid by American businesses and consumers buying Chinese goods.

The battle has depressed trade between the countries. U.S. exports to China fell more than 30% in June compared to a year ago, while imports from China shrank by nearly 8%.

Leaders of the Federal Reserve have pointed to growing trade tensions as one factor behind a slowdown in worldwide economic growth.

"Uncertainties around global growth and trade continue to weigh on the outlook," Fed Chairman Jerome Powell told members of the House Financial Services Committee earlier this month.

The Fed is widely expected to cut interest rates this week, in an effort to prop up sagging growth in the U.S. Growth slowed from an annual rate of 3.1% in the first three months of the year to just 2.1% between April and June.
What warped logic. So if my kid gets a 50 on their first test and a 55 on the their next text, both are still Fs but I should be happy because the 55 is not as bad as the 50? What the F is “TrumpO”? Are you in a mental institution?

You should be happy your kid got a 50 having such an ignorant parent.

That’s a stupid analogy. Of course we should be happy if the debt owed by the US government is lower as time goes by.

You should be unhappy that TrumpO has caused the debt to go up faster with loss of revenue and higher spending.

And then blame the Fed.

Q2 GDP Up 2.1% Not bad considering we have the very heavy weight of the Federal Reserve anchor wrapped around our neck. Almost no inflation. USA is set to Zoom!
10:40 AM - Jul 26, 2019

Uhhh isn’t the greatest economy ever already zooming.
What warped logic. So if my kid gets a 50 on their first test and a 55 on the their next text, both are still Fs but I should be happy because the 55 is not as bad as the 50? What the F is “TrumpO”? Are you in a mental institution?

You should be happy your kid got a 50 having such an ignorant parent.

That’s a stupid analogy. Of course we should be happy if the debt owed by the US government is lower as time goes by.

You should be unhappy that TrumpO has caused the debt to go up faster with loss of revenue and higher spending.

And then blame the Fed.

Q2 GDP Up 2.1% Not bad considering we have the very heavy weight of the Federal Reserve anchor wrapped around our neck. Almost no inflation. USA is set to Zoom!
10:40 AM - Jul 26, 2019

Uhhh isn’t the greatest economy ever already zooming.

So you admit you’re stupid as a 50 and a 55 are both Fs. You’re such a fucking moron.
Is $19.9 trillion really an improvement over $16.4 trillion?

Add the additional debt from the first term and compare it to the additional debt from the second term and that then subtract one from the other. Idiot. Can you do that?

Yup, $9.3 trillion, Obama added tons of debt.
It was actually more than that, because of TARP, but I don't want you to whine more than you already have.
LMAO. My middle schooler is better at math than you. What a stupid person you are.

Can your middle schooler do what I asked?

Add the additional debt from the first term and compare it to the additional debt from the second term and that then subtract one from the other.
LMAO. My middle schooler is better at math than you. What a stupid person you are.

Can your middle schooler do what I asked?

Add the additional debt from the first term and compare it to the additional debt from the second term and that then subtract one from the other.

Even if you’re adding less debt, you’re still adding debt. Do you agree or disagree?
AzogtheDefiler, post: 22818080
Even if you’re adding less debt, you’re still adding debt. Do you agree or disagree?

Agree. That’s what I’m saying. Obama reduced the amount of debt being added to the “national” debt when comparing his second term to his first term. And that is good even though the “national” debt continued to grow through his first term.

If you bothered to read my posts I did not say the the “national” debt was being reduced.

My point was that Obama had the economy on a trajectory toward reducing debt, and along comes TrumpO claiming his tax cuts and trade deals would make it possible to eliminate the debt in eight years. Zero debt in eight years. That was TrumpO's campaign pledge.

Almost three of his four years are gone. He got his tax cuts and has been working his trade deal magic and TrumpO is giving us $trillion dollar deficits.

TrumpO is ADDING more debt. He has turned the good economy he inherited upside down. .

And all I’m hearing from rightwing goofballs and lunatics is that TrumpO has brought us the greatest economy ever and that Obama sucked having the slowest recovery since WWII.

I beg to differ.

Where do you stand on that? Are you done quibbling over semantics which is all the Toddster can do?
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AzogtheDefiler, post: 22818080
Even if you’re adding less debt, you’re still adding debt. Do you agree or disagree?

Agree. That’s what I’m saying. Obama reduced the amount of debt being added to the “national” debt when comparing his second term to his first term. And that is good even though the “national” debt continued to grow through his first term.

If you bothered to read my posts I did not say the the “national” debt was being reduced.

My point was that Obama had the economy on a trajectory toward reducing debt, and along comes TrumpO claiming his tax cuts and trade deals would make it possible to eliminate the debt in eight years. Zero debt in eight years. That was TrumpO's campaign pledge.

Almost three of his four years are gone. He got his tax cuts and has been working his trade deal magic and TrumpO is giving us $trillion dollar deficits.

TrumpO is ADDING more debt. He has turned the good economy he inherited upside down. .

And all I’m hearing from rightwing goofballs and lunatics is that TrumpO has brought us the greatest economy ever and that Obama sucked having the slowest recovery since WWII.

I beg to differ.

Where do you stand on that? Are you done quibbling over semantics which is all the Toddster can do?

But debt was still being added and rates were super low. Neither he nor Trump seem to care about the deficit.
AzogtheDefiler, post: 22818905
Neither he nor Trump seem to care about the deficit.

Getting away from the recession Obama ‘cared’ enough about debt to slow the rate of growth of debt.

TrumpO on the other hand was further from the worst recession since the Great Depression and with good employment numbers and low Fed rate to begin with, and then he enacts tax cuts which are failing to do what was forecast sending the economy to producing $trillion dollar deficits.

And you lump TrumpO and Obama together as if I pointed out nothing about the huge difference in their economic record.

You are not intellectually honest at all are you?
AzogtheDefiler, post: 22818905
Neither he nor Trump seem to care about the deficit.

Getting away from the recession Obama ‘cared’ enough about debt to slow the rate of growth of debt.

TrumpO on the other hand was further from the worst recession since the Great Depression and with good employment numbers and low Fed rate to begin with, and then he enacts tax cuts which are failing to do what was forecast sending the economy to producing $trillion dollar deficits.

And you lump TrumpO and Obama together as if I pointed out nothing about the huge difference in their economic record.

You are not intellectually honest at all are you?

To me neither cared. You ignored the fact that he lowered rates to the floor. Trump has dealt with higher rates and that equates to higher interest expense. Neither was willing to make the hard choice of cutting entitlements
AzogtheDefiler, post: 22818905
Neither he nor Trump seem to care about the deficit.

Getting away from the recession Obama ‘cared’ enough about debt to slow the rate of growth of debt.

TrumpO on the other hand was further from the worst recession since the Great Depression and with good employment numbers and low Fed rate to begin with, and then he enacts tax cuts which are failing to do what was forecast sending the economy to producing $trillion dollar deficits.

And you lump TrumpO and Obama together as if I pointed out nothing about the huge difference in their economic record.

You are not intellectually honest at all are you?

Getting away from the recession Obama ‘cared’ enough about debt to slow the rate of growth of debt.

Yeah, Obozo was a real budget hawk....always pushing to cut spending...…….DURR.
AzogtheDefiler, post: 22819247
You ignored the fact that he lowered rates to the floor.

Obama didn’t lower rates. You are back to being an idiot so quickly,

He didn’t directly

You just fucking said he did. Dayum, you rightards are truly insane. :cuckoo:

How literal, Fawn. I restated what I meant.
Yeah, after you were shown what an idiot you were for making such a ridiculous comment. :badgrin:

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