QAnon: The search for Q

Q is Trump. This was proven through statistical probability of the same exact coincidences happening repeatedly being a mathematical impossibility
I don’t think so. Have you seen the doc in the OP?
I followed Q for 2 years. I know pretty much everything there is to know about it. Q and Trump are synonymous. When I say Q is trump I don’t literally mean trump is typing the Q drops and posting them himself, but it’s an operation that he’s intimately connected to
Do you think it was started as a LARP and then got real?
No, unless we’re willing to say that trump is knowingly and willingly part of the LARP. There have been countless “proofs” that have been observed that make it absolutely impossible that trump himself isn’t personally involved in it
I have my own theories about that but need to do much more research. We know Flynn is deep into Q and he is close with Trump. We know Trump is aware but I’m not sure about his personal involvement. I’d love to dig into Bannon and Steven Miller and see if either or both have been coordinating with Flynn
Of course he’s aware. He made that well known through tweets, but most people who only read the tweets at face value have no idea. When you pair it up with Q drops it’s clear as day. He made veiled references to it on regular occasions during press briefings and interviews, and he even took number 17 at 2 different football games when he was presented with jerseys. I’m telling you; from someone who followed this intimately for 2 years, trump is personally involved with it
Q is Trump. This was proven through statistical probability of the same exact coincidences happening repeatedly being a mathematical impossibility
I don’t think so. Have you seen the doc in the OP?

I'm going to watch these videos but personally I have always thought Q was internet wiz Brad Parscale at the direction of Stephen Miller.

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No doubt, I wanted to first send this A-Hole a PM. He's probably fearful of being called out for the stupid jerk he is. That said, how does one go about putting this jerk on ignore? People all over the world may read his hateful rhetoric and lies, and that reflects on all Americans.
I’ve reported him and he will be banned shortly. Ignore is a good call as well.

How dare people be allowed to speakthe truth.

Is it not interesting that you cant engage me on truth, so you want me silenced?

So American. :auiqs.jpg:
Four pages now and still no explanation of what Q is.....
I've linked, the OP has a link. Go play golf. And watch out for Jewish laser beams targeting you.

It began with a conspiracy theory of Trump targeting Satanist Hillary supporters and now encompasses a cadre of false conspiracy theories on a host of subjects, see e.g. congresswoman Green's idiocy. And if you really think Trump won the election and votes were magically changed, then there's a good chance you too are a qanon idiot.

Wow...the Antisemitism.


And I am an advocate of your right to spew such bile.
well Trump is physically a prop spouting nonsense. (-:

But the source isn't trump. It may be connected to Bannon.
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

So far every Q supporter on this forum denies they know anything about Q. I think they have decided to pledge an oath of silence.

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No doubt, I wanted to first send this A-Hole a PM. He's probably fearful of being called out for the stupid jerk he is. That said, how does one go about putting this jerk on ignore? People all over the world may read his hateful rhetoric and lies, and that reflects on all Americans.
I’ve reported him and he will be banned shortly. Ignore is a good call as well.

How dare people be allowed to speakthe truth.

Is it not interesting that you cant engage me on truth, so you want me silenced?

So American. :auiqs.jpg:
qanon is TRUTH. It's real. It's sourced. It's ALLLLL verifified. and Trump one, dammit. ###MAGA!!!!!
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

No interest. Know nothing about them and dont care
It’s really interesting and ties into a lot of the things we are seeing in our politics. It’s an easy watch. I’d be very curious about what somebody like you thinks about it
"It ties into?" What the fuck does that mean? Q-anon is a minute fringe. How many of them are there, a dozen?
Watch the documentary and let me know what you think is legit and what you think is bullshit
The stupid fake wigs and beards on the dudes are the first clue.

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No doubt, I wanted to first send this A-Hole a PM. He's probably fearful of being called out for the stupid jerk he is. That said, how does one go about putting this jerk on ignore? People all over the world may read his hateful rhetoric and lies, and that reflects on all Americans.
I’ve reported him and he will be banned shortly. Ignore is a good call as well.

How dare people be allowed to speakthe truth.

Is it not interesting that you cant engage me on truth, so you want me silenced?

So American. :auiqs.jpg:
qanon is TRUTH. It's real. It's sourced. It's ALLLLL verifified. and Trump one, dammit. ###MAGA!!!!!

So is media matters.
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

I haven't consumed anything by Vice in years, but I'll try to take a look it this one.

Thanks for the update.
Q is Trump. This was proven through statistical probability of the same exact coincidences happening repeatedly being a mathematical impossibility
I don’t think so. Have you seen the doc in the OP?
I followed Q for 2 years. I know pretty much everything there is to know about it. Q and Trump are synonymous. When I say Q is trump I don’t literally mean trump is typing the Q drops and posting them himself, but it’s an operation that he’s intimately connected to
I’d be very curious about what you think of the VICE piece I mentioned in the OP. As somebody that followed for years i wonder how accurate you see their depiction of it and theories about who is involved
I don’t trust anything VICE has to say, that’s my response to this. Q isn’t an organization, it’s not a cult, it’s not even a group. Most people who follow it don’t even know each other nor have they ever met. It is and always was simply a platform used by Trump to wake people up to the world’s deepest darkest truths that have been hidden from us by evil people. If it’s really a cult then it’s the first cult ever to exist that has no leader, no group organization, that suggests for people to think for themselves and decide their own truth after researching whatever is available to them
Most of it is interviewing people involved. The creators of 8chan and some of the most prominent Anons out there pushing the stories. You don’t have to trust a thing Vice says. I’m actually interested in what you think they got wrong.

The LARP theory comes from Defango who claims he was part of the creation of Q based of another LARP that he won called Cicada.
It’s not a straw man it’s an actual person or network of people spreading information. You can call it fake and evil. You can call it informative and eye opening. I’m just having a discussion about it. Why are you already so angry and accusatory? Have you seen the doc I’m talking about?


Then link to a few of Q's posts?

Wait, you can't - there aren't any. There are only posts from you Nazis about your hatred of Q.

Without your hatred, there would be no evidence of this "Q" at all.

The Reich needs a golem, a bogyman to keep the drones focused. Q is your enemy - you must band together with the Reich to defeat Q.
Dude, watch the series this thread is about or go somewhere else. You don’t know what your talking about because you haven’t seen the subject. You’re just here spreading ignorant and hateful shit. What’s up with that?
Nobody cares about the series except lefty morons like you.
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

Just watch Star Trek TNG. It's all explained. Hint: he showed up on Star Trek Voyager too.
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

I'll check it out, but I thought the original impetus was an anonymous internet poster claiming, without any substantiation, they had a "q" level security clearance and actual evidence (unshared) that Trump was chasing Satan worshipping pedos connected to Hillary.

In short, they're focking nuts, and now proven to be dangerous to public servants and our democracy. Back at the turn of the 19th century, we had a way of dealing with their "ilk."
The doc explores 4 theories of how it started and who drives it. I’ll be curious about your take on it after you watch. I’m even more curious what an actual QAnon believer thinks of the doc

"I’m even more curious what an actual QAnon believer thinks of the doc"

Then you're asking in the wrong place. I have yet to see a single "QAnon believer" on this forum. Try asking on the QAnon forum, wherever the hell that is.
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

I haven't consumed anything by Vice in years, but I'll try to take a look it this one.

Thanks for the update.
Make sure you have your Binky, it sounds skeery.
Q is Trump. This was proven through statistical probability of the same exact coincidences happening repeatedly being a mathematical impossibility
I don’t think so. Have you seen the doc in the OP?
I followed Q for 2 years. I know pretty much everything there is to know about it. Q and Trump are synonymous. When I say Q is trump I don’t literally mean trump is typing the Q drops and posting them himself, but it’s an operation that he’s intimately connected to
Do you think it was started as a LARP and then got real?
No, unless we’re willing to say that trump is knowingly and willingly part of the LARP. There have been countless “proofs” that have been observed that make it absolutely impossible that trump himself isn’t personally involved in it
I have my own theories about that but need to do much more research. We know Flynn is deep into Q and he is close with Trump. We know Trump is aware but I’m not sure about his personal involvement. I’d love to dig into Bannon and Steven Miller and see if either or both have been coordinating with Flynn
Of course he’s aware. He made that well known through tweets, but most people who only read the tweets at face value have no idea. When you pair it up with Q drops it’s clear as day. He made veiled references to it on regular occasions during press briefings and interviews, and he even took number 17 at 2 different football games when he was presented with jerseys. I’m telling you; from someone who followed this intimately for 2 years, trump is personally involved with it
Check out the doc I referenced in the OP. I’d love for you to rip into it and discuss details with me
Q is Trump. This was proven through statistical probability of the same exact coincidences happening repeatedly being a mathematical impossibility
I don’t think so. Have you seen the doc in the OP?
I followed Q for 2 years. I know pretty much everything there is to know about it. Q and Trump are synonymous. When I say Q is trump I don’t literally mean trump is typing the Q drops and posting them himself, but it’s an operation that he’s intimately connected to
I’d be very curious about what you think of the VICE piece I mentioned in the OP. As somebody that followed for years i wonder how accurate you see their depiction of it and theories about who is involved
I don’t trust anything VICE has to say, that’s my response to this. Q isn’t an organization, it’s not a cult, it’s not even a group. Most people who follow it don’t even know each other nor have they ever met. It is and always was simply a platform used by Trump to wake people up to the world’s deepest darkest truths that have been hidden from us by evil people. If it’s really a cult then it’s the first cult ever to exist that has no leader, no group organization, that suggests for people to think for themselves and decide their own truth after researching whatever is available to them
Most of it is interviewing people involved. The creators of 8chan and some of the most prominent Anons out there pushing the stories. You don’t have to trust a thing Vice says. I’m actually interested in what you think they got wrong.

The LARP theory comes from Defango who claims he was part of the creation of Q based of another LARP that he won called Cicada.
So many little brains.
Q is Trump. This was proven through statistical probability of the same exact coincidences happening repeatedly being a mathematical impossibility
I don’t think so. Have you seen the doc in the OP?

I'm going to watch these videos but personally I have always thought Q was internet wiz Brad Parscale at the direction of Stephen Miller.
Miller is somebody I’d be interested in digging into. The doc is on demand if you have cable. I’ll be interested in what you think of their conclusions
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

No interest. Know nothing about them and dont care

If you care about the future of the GOP and conservatism, you'd better care.
They are ruining the Republican party, and Trump is loving it.
Why else would he call that dipshit moron Marjorie Green and give her a pep talk?
Qanon is ruining the GOP?

Odd since nobody in the GOP cares anything about them.

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