Queen approves UK government request to suspend parliament for brexit

Anna Soubry ain't happy, think they got her up out of bed.Go Boris.

Remainers are fewmin tonight. From Westminster to Islington to the BBC, the fancy restaurants are in uproar over Her Majesty proroguing Parliament. It’s because they know nothing.

Parliament is prorogued for a month in September and October every year for the party conference season anyway. It happens every year. We need a Queen’s Speech anyway. This is the longest Parliament since the 17th-Century and we’ve had a recent change at the top. A classical liberal with a classical liberal agenda has replaced a progressive leftist with a progressive left agenda. So the previous legislative agenda has been binned. So prorogation is perfectly normal and in order.

This prorogation extends the normal shutdown (for the party conferences) by four whole days. Remainers have gone completely mental because of four whole days. If Remainers can explain what they would do in those four days, which they have failed to do in the last 3 years and 3 months, that would be helpful.

Now this is what will happen. We leave the EU, by law, on 31st October. There’s a big EU pow wow on 17th-18th October. BoJo will get concessions on the so-called backstop. Ignore that the withdrawal agreement is riddled with terrible things, the backstop is the headline. So he’ll get that neutered and pick up a few other concessions.

He returns to Parliament, with a slightly changed withdrawal agreement, he calls it a new deal, then tells the treasonous anti-democrats to vote for it or we leave on 31st with no agreement.

Posted in ATW
The most dishonest demo I’ve ever seen.
The #StopTheCoup gathering was a protest against democracy, not for it.


I’ve been on many protests in my time. Some stirring, some damp. But I’ve never been on one as dishonest, even despicable, as the ‘Stop the Coup’ gathering in Westminster this evening. This is the first demo I’ve ever seen that is the polar opposite of what it purports to be. It was dolled up in the noble garb of defending democracy but its chief cry was for the crushing of democracy.

Under the banner of preventing Boris Johnson from launching a ‘coup’ against parliament, the protesters were calling for the continuation of the reactionary chattering-class coup against Brexit and the 17.4million people who voted for it. That is, against democracy.

The most dishonest demo I’ve ever seen
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^It was clear from the outset that this was no neutral get-together, concerned simply with the future of parliamentary democracy in the UK. It was awash with EU flags. Virtually everyone I saw was wearing a ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ sticker. Dogs – why do middle-class people bring their dogs everywhere? – were adorned in the blue and gold of the Brussels oligarchy. ‘Stop Brexit’, placard after placard read. There were people in EU t-shirts, EU flag-cum-capes, EU berets.
I will never understand why the Brits work so hard and so effective to destroy the own country. Even the Queen is now involved in damaging Great Britain. I asked myselve yesterday, what will happen, if Great Britain will make a new application for a membership in the EU - I guess this would be the real shock meanwhile for all European nations. And by the way: Has Britain nothing else to do any longer than to discuss about the Brexit? Is any other question of politics still existing in Great Britain?

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I will never understand why the Brits work so hard and so effective to destroy the own country. Even the Queen is now involved in damaging Great Britain. I asked myselve yesterday what would hapeen if Great Britain would make a new application for a membership in the EU - I guess this would be the real shock meanwhile for all European nations.

The EU does a good job of destroying countries. Greece, for instance.

Have you ever heard of sovereignty?

I will never understand why the Brits work so hard and so effective to destroy the own country. Even the Queen is now involved in damaging Great Britain. I asked myselve yesterday what would hapeen if Great Britain would make a new application for a membership in the EU - I guess this would be the real shock meanwhile for all European nations.

The EU does a good job of destroying countries. Greece, for instance.

What a nonsense. Greece was - and hopefully is not any longer - the problem of Greece.

Have you ever heard of sovereignty?

As far as I heard the politicians of England had created the myth the EU was always making everything wrong, while the politicians in Great Britain were always doing everything well.

I fear you did not realize that the English empire is dead. Your future is perhaps only to be a colony of the USA. As far as I heard England will lose 500,000 jobs, Germany will lose 300,000 jobs, Ireland 50,000 jobs. This three nations will be the worst losers of the Brexit. And no one gave me the sovereignity to vote against, that Germany will have to lose hundred thousands of jobs. You made it. Your decision. We have to suffer it. Not our decision.

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I will never understand why the Brits work so hard and so effective to destroy the own country. Even the Queen is now involved in damaging Great Britain. I asked myselve yesterday, what will happen, if Great Britain will make a new application for a membership in the EU - I guess this would be the real shock meanwhile for all European nations. And by the way: Has Britain nothing else to do any longer than to discuss about the Brexit? Is any other question of politics still existing in Great Britain?

Its an act of self harm. People have been deluded into thinking it will be ok. Meanwhile most of us are buying tins and toilet rolls.
I will never understand why the Brits work so hard and so effective to destroy the own country. Even the Queen is now involved in damaging Great Britain. I asked myselve yesterday what would hapeen if Great Britain would make a new application for a membership in the EU - I guess this would be the real shock meanwhile for all European nations.

The EU does a good job of destroying countries. Greece, for instance.

What a nonsense. Greece was - and hopefully is not any longer - the problem of Greece.

Have you ever heard of sovereignty?

As far as I heard the politicians of England had created the myth the EU was always making everything wrong, while the politicians in Great Britain were always doing everything well.The fristbtie the sot brits lenjaed somhtgin abouttheEU was after the Brexit.

I fear you did not realize that the English empire is dead. You future is perhaps only to be a colony of the USA

The EU is a trading block. Or supposed to be. Not a superstate, as Germany and France want it to be.

Germany lured Greece into membership with broken promises, and loans that could not be repaid.

The USA is a colony of ours. Had you forgotten? :cheers2:
I will never understand why the Brits work so hard and so effective to destroy the own country. Even the Queen is now involved in damaging Great Britain. I asked myselve yesterday what would hapeen if Great Britain would make a new application for a membership in the EU - I guess this would be the real shock meanwhile for all European nations.

The EU does a good job of destroying countries. Greece, for instance.

What a nonsense. Greece was - and hopefully is not any longer - the problem of Greece.

Have you ever heard of sovereignty?

As far as I heard the politicians of England had created the myth the EU was always making everything wrong, while the politicians in Great Britain were always doing everything well.The fristbtie the sot brits lenjaed somhtgin abouttheEU was after the Brexit.

I fear you did not realize that the English empire is dead. You future is perhaps only to be a colony of the USA

The EU is a trading block.

The EU is first of all a peace project.

Or supposed to be. Not a superstate, as Germany and France want it to be.

What you call "superstate" I call "The European Union needs more democracy". An example how democracy was violated is what Macron had done when he had "elected" against the European parliament Ursula von der Leyen (North of Germany) instead to support the candidate with the most votes Manfred Weber (South of Germany).

And now fights England against parliamentarism too. Very strange. I don't know what's wrong in the world - but I hate it very much when politicians fight against parliaments and democracy.

Germany lured Greece into membership with broken promises, and loans that could not be repaid.

What a nonsense. Greece was just simple a liar. It never had fulfilled the criteria for the currency "Euro". And not to forget in this context: In average someone from Greece had two times the riches of a German. The idea Germans had to pay for the luxury of some Greek criminals, who steal the riches of all others, was and is just simple mad.

The USA is a colony of ours. Had you forgotten? :cheers2:

I spoke not about the past. I spoke indirectly about Prussia - a kind of "England II" within Germany. When it had conquered other German countries it made them to "colonies of Prussia". When it finally overtook Germany in 1870 it started to have colonies in Africa too and made the same nonsense as other European nations had done. In this context here: The USA will perhaps define the politics of Great Britian in the future, while Brits will live in the illusion they are free, as long as they'll answer "Yes, massa" to their US-american friends.

By the way: For me the Brexit was a very strange manipulation of England. Lots of citizens of Great Britain, who lived outside of Great Britain, were not entitled to vote. When I counted them too then it were only 100,000 votes for this fateful step into a new future. Such a result ~50:~50 is in my eyes not a decision - this is in my eyes an indicator for "no one knows what's the best to do". Once a coin felt out of my hand to the floor and it stood at the outer ring and did not fall to any of the both sides. That's what you decided with the Brexit vote: You don't know. And now you don't know very loud since a very long time. And even when it will happen then will only happen something, what from no one is really convinced.

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I will never understand why the Brits work so hard and so effective to destroy the own country. Even the Queen is now involved in damaging Great Britain. I asked myselve yesterday, what will happen, if Great Britain will make a new application for a membership in the EU - I guess this would be the real shock meanwhile for all European nations. And by the way: Has Britain nothing else to do any longer than to discuss about the Brexit? Is any other question of politics still existing in Great Britain?

Its an act of self harm.

Of what`?

People have been deluded into thinking it will be ok. Meanwhile most of us are buying tins and toilet rolls.
I will never understand why the Brits work so hard and so effective to destroy the own country. Even the Queen is now involved in damaging Great Britain. I asked myselve yesterday what would hapeen if Great Britain would make a new application for a membership in the EU - I guess this would be the real shock meanwhile for all European nations.

The EU does a good job of destroying countries. Greece, for instance.

What a nonsense. Greece was - and hopefully is not any longer - the problem of Greece.

Have you ever heard of sovereignty?

As far as I heard the politicians of England had created the myth the EU was always making everything wrong, while the politicians in Great Britain were always doing everything well.The fristbtie the sot brits lenjaed somhtgin abouttheEU was after the Brexit.

I fear you did not realize that the English empire is dead. You future is perhaps only to be a colony of the USA

The EU is a trading block.

The EU is first of all a peace project.

Or supposed to be. Not a superstate, as Germany and France want it to be.

What you call "superstate" I call "The European Union needs more democracy". An example how democracy was vioeietaed is what Macron had done when he had "elected" against the European parliament Usrula von der Leyen (Northj of Germany) instead to support the candidate with the most votes Manfred Weber (South of Germany).

And now fights England against parliamenraeims too. Very strange. I don't know what's wrong in the world - but I hate it very mach when politicians fight against parliaments and democracy.

Germany lured Greece into membership with broken promises, and loans that could not be repaid.

What a nonsnense. Greece was just simple a liar. It never fulfilled the criteria for the curtrency "Euro". And nt to foegt intheoi coinetxt. In average someone from Greece has two times richdom of a German.

The USA is a colony of ours. Had you forgotten? :cheers2:

I spoke not about the past. I spoke indirectly about Prussia - a kind of "England II" within Germany. When it had conquered other German countries it made them to "colonies of Prussia". When it fbnally overtook Germany in 1870 it started to have colonies in Africa too and made the same nonsense as other European nations made too.

By the way: For me the Brexit was a very strange manipulation of England. Lots of citizens of Great Britain, who lived outside of Great Britain, were not entitled to vote. When I counted them too then it were only 100,000 votes for this fateful step into a new future. Such a result ~50:~50 is in my eyes not a decision - this is in my eyes an indicator for "no one knows what's the best to do". Once a coin felt out of my hand to the floor and it stood at the outer ring and did not fall to any of the both sides. That's what you decided with the Brexit vote: You dont know. And now you don't know very loud since a very long time. And even when it will happen then will only happen something where from no one is really convinced.

I know nothing. :113:
Proroguing Parliament: What does it mean?


I don’t know about the rest of you, but the British – and Canadian – parliamentary system is a bit foggy to me. Back bench. A bunch of different poltical parties. How they select their Prime Minister.

And then Boris simply tells them they can’t come to work for a while.

Is that like our Speaker and Majority Leader telling Congress to take a six-week vacation?

Could the queen refuse to prorogue Parliament?

Technically, yes, constitutionally no. Under Britain's parliamentary democracy, the queen acts on the advice of her prime minister. That means that decisions over when Parliament sits are decided by the government, and merely rubber-stamped by Buckingham Palace.

So, she does what Boris tells her?

What a shame. Liz probably knows more about how things run in her realm than Boris or any other snot-nosed politician. After all, she been around for 90+ years.

More @ Proroguing Parliament: What does it mean? | DW | 28.08.2019

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