Queer DNA isolated. Now they just need to work on a cure.

Really? You can do a lot to enforce equal protection under our laws.

And thee people can't be persuaded. All that is left is protecting others from them.

We already have laws that do that. What more do you want?

Enforcement. Simple

So, bigots should go to jail because they say all heterosexual males are potential rapists? That would be interesting, to say the least.

where are the anti-heterosexual bigots? that's kind of bizarre. and I don't think anyone said bigots should go to jail for being morons. but they sure can be fired.

There are no laws, nor should there be, that a person must lose their job because they hold an opinion. And have you nor heard from bigots that all men are rapists?

Ya. Ok.

Guess what? If I had someone working for me and they spewed bigotry, they'd be fired period.
Wouldn’t it be nice if the US wasn’t known for having a bunch of weirdos and freaks?
Libs are a embarrassment to this country.

Lind aren't the weirdos and freaks, loser. That's why trumptards are only a third of the country.

But thanks for the idiot troll by
For some it isn’t set in stone. For others, I believe it is.
And it is not ours to judge. And if you want to go that route, God said to love the sinner. He also had to send Christ because we are all sinners, to save us. There is much hypocrisy within some churches. They will overlook infidelity, but not of being gay. They will forgive the adulterer or felon, but not the gay. Until we have walked in the shoes of another, if they are bringing no harm to others, I don’t believe we are to judge.
I know some gays that read the Bible daily, believe Christ is our Savior, and would not harm a flea, and have hope to one day see heaven. Only God knows if there is a genetic component for some at this point. It will be His decision as to whether they receive His glory one day. Not ours.
We are not to judge the heart and intention of those engaged in sin, but when we defend the standards of just what sin is, that is not passing judgement, that is defending God's Laws.

To say that sexual preference is a choice seems apparent to me, but to say it is passing judgement on a person is not so apparent, when there are two parts to the Gospel; that we are steeped in predefined sin and Christ came to save us from that sin.

You cannot have forgiveness from sin mean anything if we constantly bleach exactly what sin is.

One, no one who doesn't believe what you do cares about what the gospel says. And no one in our secular government should give a damn about what you think is a sin.

And Jesus thought treating each other as you would be treated is what matters. And he never said a single word about homosexuality.

You think sexual preference is a choice? Really? Do you think you could get up tomorrow and be attracted to a man? I know I wouldn't be attracted to a woman. And I'm pretty sure it would skeeve you to have sex with a guy.

So it isn't choice.and I think anyone who thinks it is must be fighting off those feelings themselves.
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Wouldn’t it be nice if the US wasn’t known for having a bunch of weirdos and freaks?
Libs are a embarrassment to this country.

Lind aren't the weirdos and freaks, loser. That's why trumptards are only a third of the country.

But thanks for the idiot troll by
I hope I didn’t hurt your feelings, Jillian. I know how sensitive you people are. :)
Wouldn’t it be nice if the US wasn’t known for having a bunch of weirdos and freaks?
Libs are a embarrassment to this country.

Lind aren't the weirdos and freaks, loser. That's why trumptards are only a third of the country.

But thanks for the idiot troll by
I hope I didn’t hurt your feelings, Jillian. :)

You aren't sane enough or smart enough to hurt anyone's feelings.

But you are a loser
We already have laws that do that. What more do you want?

Enforcement. Simple

So, bigots should go to jail because they say all heterosexual males are potential rapists? That would be interesting, to say the least.

where are the anti-heterosexual bigots? that's kind of bizarre. and I don't think anyone said bigots should go to jail for being morons. but they sure can be fired.

There are no laws, nor should there be, that a person must lose their job because they hold an opinion. And have you nor heard from bigots that all men are rapists?

Ya. Ok.

Guess what? If I had someone working for me and they spewed bigotry, they'd be fired period.

And that would be your freedom to do. It shouldn't be a law, however.
One, I never mentioned a gene.
Two, it would make everyone of high moral character happy.
You really believe that sexuality and morality are linked? How one expresses their sexuality---can be quantified in a moral fashion..but sexual preference? I bet you are one of those people that think pedophilia and homosexuality are morally the same.
Yes they are. A moral person would never perform sexual acts in the Oval Office.

A moral person would never watch 15 year old girls get undressed or gran women by the genitals or have the hits for under age girls.

A moral person would.never vote for someone who did those things.

You lose

Did you vote for a man who, as the most powerful man in the office, used the least powerful woman for his adulterous sexual pleasures? Someone just said something about moral people not doing that.

no one voted for Bill Clinton after he had his thing with monica. He never ran for anything again, silly child.

but i'll remind you that a) monica was 21; b) it was consensual; c) she wasn't the one who complained about it, the cow linda tripp was; and 4) monica went to work as an intern saying she was going to "get [her] presidential kneepads.

so while I appreciate your sudden concern for women, it should probably extend to the man in the white house now and the disgusting child molester running for senate in Alabama.

They'll have their day to be heard, unlike Bubba's accusers, who had Hillary to handle the bimbo eruptions.
"Queer DNA isolated. Now they just need to work on a cure."

So, in time they may be able to help Vladimir Puta and Donalda trump.
Hence I consider it 'wicked', a phrase from a religious perspective which is the warehouse of past experiences and resultant wisdom for future generations.

true, to a degree, in that it has been a very good guide of what is empirically false and immoral. I can randomly flip to any page in that vile book and teach my kids a lesson about how much more valuable empirical knowledge and secular humanist morals are than the garbage we find on that page.

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