Actually, I'm sure they will be showing all the misrepresentations of what really happened and highlights.
I remember what AG Barr said when asked about criminal referrals from partisan investigative committees....something about they don't accept those type investigations or evidence from them as they are usually quite partisan in nature and defer to starting their own investigations from scratch.
That is a great point. Kash Patel and Don Miller covered all your 'allegations' the other night on Carlson and Hannity. They both cited documentation that is on file in DOD documents which your J6 committee is aware of yet doesn't have interest will absolutely refute many, if not all the 'Intelligence' committees findings/accusations.
Now why would they not want information that supports Trumps J6 legal actions, documented in DOD files?
No chance they're just trying to prevent Him from running in 2024 through lies and false insinuations?
Then there's this:
John Solomon
Updated: June 7, 2022 - 11:42pm
He he he.....
Internal Capitol Police review found sweeping intelligence, security failures on Pelosi's watch