Question about Trump’s first impeachment.

Let's turn this around. So Biden calls up Putin. He says, "Hey Putin, I have a proposition to make. Looks like that idiot Trump is going to run against me in 2024. I got a favor to ask. You know, if you could just release the pee tape with those Russian Hookers it would really be helpful. I believe you have it, but if you don't, I am sure you have the resources to manufacture one. You do that for me and I will cut off all aid to Ukraine and you can have the damn place.

That work for you? And if it doesn't, then please explain to me the difference.

There is no pee tape for one, another manufactured lie. Trump never gave Zelenskyy an ultimatum. Even he admitted that. So your comparison is apples to oranges. Trump wanted to find out the shady deal Dementia had with Burisma because they hired his son; a drug addict who was thrown out of the military, a person with no experience in the energy field, a person that doesn't know the country or language, that was paid millions for doing nothing.

But since you like putting the shoe on the other foot, what do you think would have happened to Trump if Don Jr was finger painting and selling his garbage for up to a half-million dollars to anonymous buyers? What would they have done to Trump if his FBI didn't go after Don Jr for lying on a federal firearms application and buying a gun with it? If you or I did that, we'd be in jail.
There is no pee tape for one, another manufactured lie. Trump never gave Zelenskyy an ultimatum. Even he admitted that. So your comparison is apples to oranges. Trump wanted to find out the shady deal Dementia had with Burisma because they hired his son; a drug addict who was thrown out of the military, a person with no experience in the energy field, a person that doesn't know the country or language, that was paid millions for doing nothing.

But since you like putting the shoe on the other foot, what do you think would have happened to Trump if Don Jr was finger painting and selling his garbage for up to a half-million dollars to anonymous buyers? What would they have done to Trump if his FBI didn't go after Don Jr for lying on a federal firearms application and buying a gun with it? If you or I did that, we'd be in jail.
Did you see an ultimatum in what I posted? Nope, Biden just asking for a "favor". And you really should look into Hunter Biden's background before claiming he had no experience, you are just parroting the right wing bullshit. Hunter graduated from Yale Law, last I checked, the highest rated law school in the country. He became a senior vice president at MNBA, he worked in the commerce department under Bill Clinton and then was appointed to Amtrak's board of directors by none other than President George Bush, Jr. He created a lobbying firm that he disbanded after Biden became vice president. He was hired by Burisma to work on corporate governance and best practices, but it wasn't that he was hired, it was the firm he worked for, Boies, Schiller, and Flexner, LLP. A well known international law firm.
Did you see an ultimatum in what I posted? Nope, Biden just asking for a "favor". And you really should look into Hunter Biden's background before claiming he had no experience, you are just parroting the right wing bullshit. Hunter graduated from Yale Law, last I checked, the highest rated law school in the country. He became a senior vice president at MNBA, he worked in the commerce department under Bill Clinton and then was appointed to Amtrak's board of directors by none other than President George Bush, Jr. He created a lobbying firm that he disbanded after Biden became vice president. He was hired by Burisma to work on corporate governance and best practices, but it wasn't that he was hired, it was the firm he worked for, Boies, Schiller, and Flexner, LLP. A well known international law firm.

Yes I know. He has zero experience in the energy field. None. Burism is a crooked energy company.

The United States has over 1.5 million attorneys in this country. Are you that naive to believe Hunter was the best one they could find for that job and it had nothing to do with this father or buying protection? If that's what you truly believe, I have a bridge for sale if you're interested.
Yes I know. He has zero experience in the energy field. None. Burism is a crooked energy company.

The United States has over 1.5 million attorneys in this country. Are you that naive to believe Hunter was the best one they could find for that job and it had nothing to do with this father or buying protection? If that's what you truly believe, I have a bridge for sale if you're interested.
My position is that Hunter was not overpaid, he was paid market rates. That his job there had little to do with energy and everything to do with corporate governance. And the elimination of that prosecutor was the goal of the US state departments and most nations in Europe.

Look, it was probably a mistake for Hunter Biden to take that job with Burisma. But let's be honest here, rather you are a member of the Trump administration, or Biden's family, taking a job from a Ukranian is probably a bad idea.

The place has been a cesspool for a generation. One of the most corrupt places in the world. Honestly, we should let Russia have it. I can promise you, they will be sorry if they get it back. And all that "aid" we are giving, it is like Deja Vue all over again.

My position is that Hunter was not overpaid, he was paid market rates. That his job there had little to do with energy and everything to do with corporate governance. And the elimination of that prosecutor was the goal of the US state departments and most nations in Europe.

Look, it was probably a mistake for Hunter Biden to take that job with Burisma. But let's be honest here, rather you are a member of the Trump administration, or Biden's family, taking a job from a Ukranian is probably a bad idea.

The place has been a cesspool for a generation. One of the most corrupt places in the world. Honestly, we should let Russia have it. I can promise you, they will be sorry if they get it back. And all that "aid" we are giving, it is like Deja Vue all over again.

Of course it's a bad idea, but who is looking into the Hunter scam? Corporate governance? Why would they hire a US attorney and not one of their own that understands the relationship between businesses and their government?

It's not like this is anything new with the Biden family. He did the same thing for his brother. He got a high paying position at a construction company, and the guy had no construction experience. Then the US government gave that company a mulit-billion dollar contract to build houses in Iraq. They eventually refused the offer because the job was too big for them.

The problem is nobody ever goes after the Democrats for these dirty deals. Maybe when the Republicans take control over the House next year, who knows. I would like to see them drag Christoper Wray in front of Congress and swear under oath. I want to see him answer why nothing was done with Hunter's laptop, why no investigation to his paint by number paintings, why nobody ever did anything to Hunter for lying on a federal firearms application just to name a few.

We can't have a two-tier justice system in this country. By definition that is tyranny.
Of course it's a bad idea, but who is looking into the Hunter scam? Corporate governance? Why would they hire a US attorney and not one of their own that understands the relationship between businesses and their government?

It's not like this is anything new with the Biden family. He did the same thing for his brother. He got a high paying position at a construction company, and the guy had no construction experience. Then the US government gave that company a mulit-billion dollar contract to build houses in Iraq. They eventually refused the offer because the job was too big for them.

The problem is nobody ever goes after the Democrats for these dirty deals. Maybe when the Republicans take control over the House next year, who knows. I would like to see them drag Christoper Wray in front of Congress and swear under oath. I want to see him answer why nothing was done with Hunter's laptop, why no investigation to his paint by number paintings, why nobody ever did anything to Hunter for lying on a federal firearms application just to name a few.

We can't have a two-tier justice system in this country. By definition that is tyranny.
Look, I don't have a problem with people getting jobs as a means of attempting to court government favor. I mean it has been that way since the very beginning. It is not a democrat thing, it is not a republican thing, it is a government thing. The Washington administration was replete with corruption. The Lincoln administration was so corrupt that they gave contracts to military suppliers that issued uniforms that literally "melted" in the rain.

There is one solution, it is really pretty simple. Term limits, OF ONE TERM. All public servants at the federal level, representatives, congressmen, even the president--they are all one and done. I mean it works for Duke's basketball team. George Mason proposed this during the Constitutional Convention, and it had many supporters. The reality is the founders never envisioned "career politicians". In no small way, that was one of the things they were declaring independence from.

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