Question about William Joyce's plan...


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
William, old chap!

I have a question, regarding your unmixing plan.

How would it effect SPORTS TEAMS?

For example, would the Boston Celtics be allowed to have black players, or the Red Sox allowed to have hispanic players?

If so, where would these players live? In the community? Or would there be special gated compounds built to keep them away from mixing with the general public and stirring up shit?

If multiracial sports teams were not allowed to exist, would you feel that federal segregation laws would be improperly interfering with privately owned businesses?
Ah, yes... the bread and circuses for the idiot masses. Very important, very important. If we didn't have these distractions, people might start paying attention to how their freedoms are so derailed, no? No... they'd come up with something, I'm sure. I've always admired this critique of the left, haven't you?

The left's right about a few things. Like that graffiti I see: "If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal." Quite right, quite right.


X, the great thing about racial non-coercion is that its results work naturally. Remember: it's not racial separation that needs forcing, it's racial integration. Let people go their own way, and races start to migrate away from each other. You need shit like, you know, slave ships with manacles and chains on the bottom to, uh, bring us all together in a circle of human happiness.

I've always been against human slavery. If you have labor needs, fill them yourself. I'm not against WAR, mind you... if people are fucking with you, kill them. But don't make them do your laundry, for God's sake. That's just unbecoming.

So anyway... the natural separation starts happening, and what about the Yankees, the Chiefs and the Bulls...

First, I'd say, you'd probably start seeing some satisfied separation on some level. I know some long for all-white football teams against other all-white football teams, just so that competition is fair, for one thing. Give those white tailbacks a chance! Seriously, they have more talent than coaches think. Hockey, for goodness' sake, is already pretty white, as is NASCAR.

Take basketball. Whites have been ditching it on the pro level. Sick of watching thugs slump around. I went to see the Knicks at Madison Square Garden on a date once, and Jesus, was it depressing: Latrell Sprewell looked like a fucking prison inmate down there on the court with his braids and tats, just dragging around the court, totally uninterested in the game. The stands were more than half empty. No wonder: this was not what you'd call inspiring entertainment for the white family. Or any family, really. So, what's the commish do? Starts cracking down on the thug shit... no droopy pants, wear decent clothes to press conferences, etc. Blacks cry racism, whites yawn. Repeat. But now, notice how many European players are getting into the NBA? Hmmm...

Jason Whitlock, actually, a pretty decent black sports columnist for the ol' KC Star, my hometown paper, ID's a lot of this stuff pretty honestly, if you read his stuff... actually says a lot of good white athletes are overlooked! Whaddya know?

But anyway again... you wanted to know about enforced separation. Well, I'd say that as with restaurants, etc., if a white society wanted to grant licenses to various non-whites for one reason or another, go for it. Michael Jordan can come live in White Nation, play for the basketball team, and amaze us with his incredible skill. He would be treated like royalty. Live wherever he wanted. He would not be able to vote, marry a white woman, etc. (just as a white wouldn't be allowed to vote in Black Nation), but all material needs would be fulfilled beyond his wildest dreams, and he could return to Black Nation a very rich dude. Hell, he might even get diplomat-like status, special envoys, etc. I bet a lot of white kids in White Nation would be excited to meet him and get his autograph. No problem.
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Ah, yes... the bread and circuses for the idiot masses. Very important, very important. If we didn't have these distractions, people might start paying attention to how their freedoms are so derailed, no? No... they'd come up with something, I'm sure. I've always admired this critique of the left, haven't you?

The left's right about a few things. Like that graffiti I see: "If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal." Quite right, quite right.


X, the great thing about racial non-coercion is that its results work naturally. Remember: it's not racial separation that needs forcing, it's racial integration. Let people go their own way, and races start to migrate away from each other. You need shit like, you know, slave ships with manacles and chains on the bottom to, uh, bring us all together in a circle of human happiness.

I've always been against human slavery. If you have labor needs, fill them yourself. I'm not against WAR, mind you... if people are fucking with you, kill them. But don't make them do your laundry, for God's sake. That's just unbecoming.

So anyway... the natural separation starts happening, and what about the Yankees, the Chiefs and the Bulls...

First, I'd say, you'd probably start seeing some satisfied separation on some level. I know some long for all-white football teams against other all-white football teams, just so that competition is fair, for one thing. Give those white tailbacks a chance! Seriously, they have more talent than coaches think. Hockey, for goodness' sake, is already pretty white, as is NASCAR.

Take basketball. Whites have been ditching it on the pro level. Sick of watching thugs slump around. I went to see the Knicks at Madison Square Garden on a date once, and Jesus, was it depressing: Latrell Sprewell looked like a fucking prison inmate down there on the court with his braids and tats, just dragging around the court, totally uninterested in the game. The stands were more than half empty. No wonder: this was not what you'd call inspiring entertainment for the white family. Or any family, really. So, what's the commish do? Starts cracking down on the thug shit... no droopy pants, wear decent clothes to press conferences, etc. Blacks cry racism, whites yawn. Repeat. But now, notice how many European players are getting into the NBA? Hmmm...

Jason Whitlock, actually, a pretty decent black sports columnist for the ol' KC Star, my hometown paper, ID's a lot of this stuff pretty honestly, if you read his stuff... actually says a lot of good white athletes are overlooked! Whaddya know?

But anyway again... you wanted to know about enforced separation. Well, I'd say that as with restaurants, etc., if a white society wanted to grant licenses to various non-whites for one reason or another, go for it. Michael Jordan can come live in White Nation, play for the basketball team, and amaze us with his incredible skill. He would be treated like royalty. Live wherever he wanted. He would not be able to vote, marry a white woman, etc., but all material needs would be fulfilled beyond his wildest dreams, and he could return to Black Nation a very rich dude. I bet a lot of white kids in White Nation would be excited to meet him and get his autograph. No problem.


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