Question for 9/11 Conspiracy Scholars


Tell me, how did the above impact portion of the building correct itself from this begun side topple and then proceed straight down?

It didn't "correct" itself. You should at least make some kind of attempt to be honest. To correct itself, it would have to move back in the other direction. Instead it came down with the rest of the building as the supports failed.And quit with the trying to pretend you're some kind of expert. You clearly are not. Any engineer who thinks a building can fall to the side without the center of mass moving outside the perimeter of the building should have his license revoked and any money he ever made refunded to his clients.

You mean as all of the supports failed simultaneously?
Right. Glad you at least understand that much. Now about the probability of all those supports failing simultaneously.... :eusa_whistle:
Not on one building, but 3. One of which was never hit by a plane.....

This really isnt complex to see. I also make no accusation on HOW this was done. There are a lot of loop holes in the demolition theory. The official story might as well have been cooked up in an Arkansas meth lab. None of it adds up. Which is why a true scientific investigation needed to be conducted. But was not.

At the end of the day, we'll never know what really happened that day. So any hypothesis is as good as another.

I'm all done with this topic. I have real engineering work to do. You guys have fun calling each other names and acting like hicks. Still waiting to hear how long Agent Patriot has worked for the agency, but i doubt that will ever be disclosed.


See ya, enjoy your fantasies....
You have been caught in so many lies and distortions on this forum it is pathetic, so yeah we need links from bullshit artists like you. Shall I go back and post the many times YOU were assisted with links, I have your delusional posts all saved jackass!
Wrong yet again, dumbshit! When you lie, I prove it. I've been wrong before, and have admitted when I was wrong. You have yet to prove a lie from me. Oh, sure, you can pretend all you want, but who is going to believe a known, proven liar like yourself and the rest of your truthtard buddies? You're fucking delusional for Christ's sake!

Mr. Jones said:
You also wrongly assume a new investigation will produce the same outcome?? You stupid ass dipshit!
Really? An investigation has to go on the evidence, not on your bullshit opinion. Since the evidence hasn't changed and you haven't produced a single shred of new evidence, I have no reason whatsoever to think any investigation would come up with a different conclusion.

Another lie from you. None of them have rejected the 9/11 commission report. They had some complaints while doing the report, but not one of them says the 9/11 commission report is in any way fundamentally wrong. I am quite sure there are errors in the 9/11 commission report. Stuff like that happens. But when retards like you try to pretend they got it completely wrong and that someone else (you're not quite sure who) did something (you're not quite sure what) somehow (you're not quite sure how) at some point (you're not quite sure when) and you dumbfucks can't even agree on any one point, why the fuck should anyone believe you? You have ZERO EVIDENCE to back up your claims even if you could all agree on what the claims are.

Yet you dipshits have yet to come up with any alternative. You have HUNDREDS of alternatives, NONE of which are backed up by actual evidence. In the mean time, there is literally TONS of evidence that backs up the official story.

Mr. Jones said:
And the findings of incendiaries, possibly explosive ones at that...among other things that have come to light over the last few years.
Oh you mean those shitheads following Jones? The one who claimed to have come up with Cold Fusion? The same "scientists" that didn't even follow standard scientific methodologies to come to the conclusions they did which weren't all that conclusive to begin with? "Active thermitic material" doesn't mean shit.

Mr. Jones said:
You are a fool, and a disingenuous tool, that does not give one fuck about the nation he lives in, nor its people.
Wrong yet again. Otherwise I would let total pieces of shit like you spread your lies and bullshit uncontested. See, I like to have actual evidence of someone's guilt before convicting them. I also like to see those who the evidence points to tried and convicted. Traitorous ***** like you want to set the terrorists free and convict whomever the bad guy du jour is. Some say Bush. Some say Cheney. Some say the Jews. Some say the Illuminati. Some say the NWO. You're all a bunch of ignorant fucks that should be psychologically examined, not given a new investigation you would promptly ignore. You ignore everything else that doesn't say what your childish peabrain wants to hear. What possible assurance does anyone have you wouldn't ignore a new investigation if it doesn't say what you want to hear?

We certainly know you're not going to listen to common sense, logic, the evidence or science. Hell, you think all steel structures should react the exact same way regardless of how they are put together! How completely moronic is that! Good thing you're not a structural engineer or we would REALLY be in for a disaster!

You know you are a liar, and that you are going by what the OCT have told us, and many parts of it are wrong, and we have reasons to doubt what they said. You can't even admit that there are so many new points of information that show the OCT is not entirely correct. The real perpetrators of 9-11 have you believing what ever it is they want you to, you display no critical thinking, or the ability to connect the dots like most normal folks are capable of doing.

You call us liars, like we make this stuff up, when we link to the stories and facts that back up our assumptions and theories with facts.
Your whole belief is based on BS evidence that comes from the criminals themselves, that they obtained through torture, and this you call credible? You say that you need actual evidence to convict someone but readily use tortured evidence to back up your claims that the OCT is true?
You ignore the terrifying facts that the 9-11 report was flawed, and that the possibility of the 9-11 events having happened in the manner the criminals said is highly dubious.
You ignore the people telling you this and call them all liars, what a sorry disillusioned sack of shit you are.
Any one with a sound mind can see through your BS, and flawed hypocritical way of thinking. You have a diseased mind, and therefore strategy.
You do not listen to science, reason or logic, no matter what credible sources they come from, you are obviously trained to do this.
You show allegiance to criminals that have actually been caught lying to the American people in the past, all documented, all public information, yet you still side with them instead of your fellow citizens. You have shown all on here what you really are, a brought and paid for disinformation whore, there is no other explanation for your behavior here, and on the other forums that you frequent.
It is obvious who and what you are troll, you have been exposed.

And you can't debunk not one single thing, we present to you from the folks at A&E, the scholars, the military, the pilots for truth,
not even the 9-11 commission report is credible, we tell you and you insist that we are liars :lol: We link you this information, you don't read it, you just go through the motions of what you are trained and taught to do. You are a traitor, a liar, probably not even American.

Just some sad stooge that sits in his little cubicle all day, desperately trying to keep his pathetic miserable life going :lol:
I think I shall not be responding to you anymore, I belittle myself when I do, you are not worth another sentence, or word.
You came here to destroy truthers (your words in your first post) and you destroyed yourself instead, crashed and burned like so many before you.
The atmosphere in the country has changed, thousands have researched and learned about the horrible lies about the nation, who is responsible, and the cover up, the housing debacle, the trampling of the constitution, and so much more that Americans are fed up about, and people like you and who task you with your disgustingly sick assignments will go down, as the traitors and bootlicking whores that you are.

Good bye troll, you failed at your assignment and deserve nothing more of our time, ye shall be placed on ignore from now on.
It didn't "correct" itself. You should at least make some kind of attempt to be honest. To correct itself, it would have to move back in the other direction. Instead it came down with the rest of the building as the supports failed.And quit with the trying to pretend you're some kind of expert. You clearly are not. Any engineer who thinks a building can fall to the side without the center of mass moving outside the perimeter of the building should have his license revoked and any money he ever made refunded to his clients.

You mean as all of the supports failed simultaneously?

Hey Mr. Engineer.

If the supports failed simultaneously, how did that "block" tilt? Why didn't that block just come straight down without a tilt?


Hey Mr. Engineer.

If the supports all failed simultaneously in WTC7, how come the east penthouse collapsed into the building first, which then proceeded west, then followed by the facade. If ALL the supports failed at the same time, how come WTC7 didn't come down in one piece? Why the separate stages?

Hey Mr. railroad track man,
Why did the steel in 7 fail at all... simultaneously producing 2.25 secs. of free fall preceded by a loud BOOM? Where did the resistance from underneath go? Why didn't the still rigid part that was NOT on fire NOT resist collapsing and instead go along with the "thermally expanded" part?
What makes the WTC steel so susceptible to destruction and other buildings still stand and do not collapse at free fall speeds in other parts of the globe?
You mean as all of the supports failed simultaneously?

Hey Mr. Engineer.

If the supports failed simultaneously, how did that "block" tilt? Why didn't that block just come straight down without a tilt?


Hey Mr. Engineer.

If the supports all failed simultaneously in WTC7, how come the east penthouse collapsed into the building first, which then proceeded west, then followed by the facade. If ALL the supports failed at the same time, how come WTC7 didn't come down in one piece? Why the separate stages?

Hey Mr. railroad track man,
Why did the steel in 7 fail at all... simultaneously producing 2.25 secs. of free fall preceded by a loud BOOM? Where did the resistance from underneath go? Why didn't the still rigid part that was NOT on fire NOT resist collapsing and instead go along with the "thermally expanded" part?
What makes the WTC steel so susceptible to destruction and other buildings still stand and do not collapse at free fall speeds in other parts of the globe?

I'm sorry, there was a loud boom? Really?
Hey Mr. Engineer.

If the supports failed simultaneously, how did that "block" tilt? Why didn't that block just come straight down without a tilt?


Hey Mr. Engineer.

If the supports all failed simultaneously in WTC7, how come the east penthouse collapsed into the building first, which then proceeded west, then followed by the facade. If ALL the supports failed at the same time, how come WTC7 didn't come down in one piece? Why the separate stages?

Hey Mr. railroad track man,
Why did the steel in 7 fail at all... simultaneously producing 2.25 secs. of free fall preceded by a loud BOOM? Where did the resistance from underneath go? Why didn't the still rigid part that was NOT on fire NOT resist collapsing and instead go along with the "thermally expanded" part?
What makes the WTC steel so susceptible to destruction and other buildings still stand and do not collapse at free fall speeds in other parts of the globe?

I'm sorry, there was a loud boom? Really?

No, not really. You hear a distinct rumble. The dishonest Mr. Jones likes to jack off to the thought of that being an explosion when it sounds nothing like an explosion. It does, however, sound like something collapsing..... like maybe the interior structures of WTC 7 like the NIST said. Strangely enough, Mr. Jones won't even entertain that as an idea as it would refute his precious anti-American theories and show him up as the idiot that he is.
You know you are a liar, and that you are going by what the OCT have told us, and many parts of it are wrong, and we have reasons to doubt what they said.
And there you go lying again. You claim I am a liar, yet you can't point out a lie. Thus you are lying about me lying which, as everyone knows, makes you a liar.

Mr. Jones said:
You can't even admit that there are so many new points of information that show the OCT is not entirely correct.
:lol: Can't come up with any evidence so now you're pretending "new points of information" is good enough? :lol: That's rich! OK, so what are these "new points of information". Remember, opinions aren't even "new points of information". They are opinions, not reality.

Mr. Jones said:
The real perpetrators of 9-11 have you believing what ever it is they want you to, you display no critical thinking, or the ability to connect the dots like most normal folks are capable of doing.
See? There you go lying your ass off again! Al Qaeda doesn't have me believing anything! I go by the hard evidence that Al Qaeda was behind the attack, the physical evidence from the sites, and the complete lack of evidence that backs up your bullshit.

BTW, you do know that "connecting dots" to prove a conspiracy that has no evidence of being true while pretending everyone is out to get you is the very definition of paranoid delusions, right?

Mr. Jones said:
You call us liars, like we make this stuff up, when we link to the stories and facts that back up our assumptions and theories with facts.
You link other liars! :lol: Even your links link to other liars! Your other post had numerous links to opinions from other truthtards like it is suppose to be credible! Kevin Ryan, the asshole who got fired for pretending he represented UL and knew what he was talking about was your supposed expert referenced in the last link you gave me that supposedly proved your point!

BTW, you STILL haven't explained how exploding ceiling tiles are suppose to collapse the building. :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
Your whole belief is based on BS evidence that comes from the criminals themselves, that they obtained through torture, and this you call credible?
And there you go lying your ass off again. I've stated repeatedly that my beliefs are based on the evidence. I believe the hard evidence collected by the FBI that links Al Qaeda to the crime. I believe the hard evidence found at the sites. I believe the people who were there and witnessed first hand what happened.

What I DON'T believe is the truthtard theories that have no evidence to back it up. What I DON'T believe are people like Kevin McPadden who pretends he heard a countdown and then this MASSIVE explosion that somehow every piece of audio equipment missed and no seismograph picked up. What I DON'T believe are a bunch of truthtards that seem to think opinion is evidence and believe someone based on credentials that may or may not be true regardless of what they say.

Mr. Jones said:
You say that you need actual evidence to convict someone but readily use tortured evidence to back up your claims that the OCT is true?
And where have I used the evidence gained through torture to debunk your bullshit? I haven't. As for Al Qaeda, evidence gained under torture is not admissible as evidence. Apparently you're not American enough to know this about our judicial system. A shame you have to lie repeatedly that the only evidence is what was obtained through torture.

Mr. Jones said:
You ignore the terrifying facts that the 9-11 report was flawed, and that the possibility of the 9-11 events having happened in the manner the criminals said is highly dubious.
One has to first buy in to the paranoid delusions of the truthtards before the 9/11 report becomes flawed. Is the 9/11 report perfect? No. I am quite positive there are mistakes in it. Did they miss anything big? No. That is just wishful thinking you like to jack off to.

Mr. Jones said:
You ignore the people telling you this and call them all liars, what a sorry disillusioned sack of shit you are.
And why should I believe a sorry sack of shit like you when you can't actually back up any of your bullshit with evidence and the evidence that is there directly refutes your claims? One would have to be one gullible piece of shit to believe anything a truthtard says unless he can actually back it up with something other than other truthtard sites. :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
Any one with a sound mind can see through your BS, and flawed hypocritical way of thinking.
More bullshit lies from you. :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
You have a diseased mind, and therefore strategy.
And you know this how? I am not the one showing classic signs of being extremely delusional and mentally retarded. That would be you.

Mr. Jones said:
You do not listen to science, reason or logic, no matter what credible sources they come from, you are obviously trained to do this.
More bullshit lies from you. I listen to all that. Apparently our definitions of credible differ greatly. You seem to think anyone with a title or degree is automatically a saint and would never lie to you, despite the fact people like Richard Gage are now making a living off gullible fucks like you. I listen to science. I don't listen to people who pretend they know science and, even when shown very real evidence they are wrong, refuse to change their thinking. That is a sure sign of a mental midget. Ever notice you never change your thinking when presented with credible evidence you're wrong? Like pretending steel is steel regardless of what structure it is in even though any engineer ANYWHERE will tell you the structure makes all the difference in the world.

Mr. Jones said:
You show allegiance to criminals that have actually been caught lying to the American people in the past, all documented, all public information, yet you still side with them instead of your fellow citizens.
Ah yes. The old truthtard maxim that once a liar always a liar. A shame they believe that the government is a person and thus anyone in the government is culpable for anything anyone else has done. Johnson and the Gulf of Tonkin proves the government always lies! Kennedy and the Operation Northwoods proves the government would do something like 9/11. It doesn't matter that we're talking about different PEOPLE. You can't wrap your head around the fact the government is made up of different people and that they're not automatically guilty just because they work for the government in any particular position.

Mr. Jones said:
You have shown all on here what you really are, a brought and paid for disinformation whore, there is no other explanation for your behavior here, and on the other forums that you frequent.
Uh huh. So we're suppose to believe I am some kind of agent because a retard like you can't come up with another explanation for why I am here making you miserable? How about the fact I think you are a disgusting piece of shit and I abhor what you are doing to this country? Wow! That seems like a pretty good reason to fuck with you right there! That didn't take much effort at all to come up with that explanation, did it. Now do you see why I always refer to you as mentally retarded?

Mr. Jones said:
It is obvious who and what you are troll, you have been exposed.
If you were to call me an agent, odds are WAAAAAAY in favor of me NOT being an agent. That is just how dishonest you are. BTW, I am just an ordinary American citizen who thinks truthtard fucks like you are the shitscum of humanity.

Mr. Jones said:
And you can't debunk not one single thing, we present to you from the folks at A&E, the scholars, the military, the pilots for truth, not even the 9-11 commission report is credible, we tell you and you insist that we are liars
Wow. Ever proofread your bullshit? That didn't even make any sense! So are you smoking whacky tabbacky or are you on the juice right now? :lol: As for debunking your shit, yeah, that is the kind of thing fucks like you whine about all the time. You have to. You can't respond to my debunking of your crap! :lol: Tell us again how thermite paint can blow through a two inch thick piece of steel! Tell us again how explosive ceiling tiles took down the towers!

Mr. Jones said:
We link you this information, you don't read it, you just go through the motions of what you are trained and taught to do.
Yeah, that's why I can tear down specific points from the links. :lol: You've just been caught in yet another lie, junior!

Mr. Jones said:
You are a traitor, a liar, probably not even American.
Wrong yet again, shit for brains!

Mr. Jones said:
Just some sad stooge that sits in his little cubicle all day, desperately trying to keep his pathetic miserable life going :lol:
Wrong yet again, shit for brains! Unlike you, I have a very nice job. One that allows me the time to do things like make you cry by pissing and shitting all over your precious theories and showing the world just what a jackass you are.

Mr. Jones said:
I think I shall not be responding to you anymore, I belittle myself when I do, you are not worth another sentence, or word.
Yet something tells me you'll be back. Attention whores like you just can't stay away.

BTW, don't think for a second that you not responding means I won't still be shitting all over your precious theories.

Mr. Jones said:
You came here to destroy truthers (your words in your first post) and you destroyed yourself instead, crashed and burned like so many before you.
Wrong yet again. Nice fantasy you have going there, but just the pathetic hopes of a delusional fool.

Mr. Jones said:
The atmosphere in the country has changed, thousands have researched and learned about the horrible lies about the nation, who is responsible, and the cover up, the housing debacle, the trampling of the constitution, and so much more that Americans are fed up about, and people like you and who task you with your disgustingly sick assignments will go down, as the traitors and bootlicking whores that you are.
I've been hearing that same bullshit since truthtards first crawled out from the cesspool they are born in. Still hasn't happened. Why? Because people like me stand up to the lies you spew all over the place and expose your mental diseases for everyone to see.

Good day! :lol:
You mean as all of the supports failed simultaneously?

Hey Mr. Engineer.

If the supports failed simultaneously, how did that "block" tilt? Why didn't that block just come straight down without a tilt?


Hey Mr. Engineer.

If the supports all failed simultaneously in WTC7, how come the east penthouse collapsed into the building first, which then proceeded west, then followed by the facade. If ALL the supports failed at the same time, how come WTC7 didn't come down in one piece? Why the separate stages?

Hey Mr. railroad track man,
Why did the steel in 7 fail at all... simultaneously producing 2.25 secs. of free fall preceded by a loud BOOM? Where did the resistance from underneath go? Why didn't the still rigid part that was NOT on fire NOT resist collapsing and instead go along with the "thermally expanded" part?
What makes the WTC steel so susceptible to destruction and other buildings still stand and do not collapse at free fall speeds in other parts of the globe?

What made the steel part of this structure collapse and not the rest? The answer to all your questions lies in the answer to the above question. Go figure it out.

It didn't "correct" itself. You should at least make some kind of attempt to be honest. To correct itself, it would have to move back in the other direction. Instead it came down with the rest of the building as the supports failed.And quit with the trying to pretend you're some kind of expert. You clearly are not. Any engineer who thinks a building can fall to the side without the center of mass moving outside the perimeter of the building should have his license revoked and any money he ever made refunded to his clients.

You mean as all of the supports failed simultaneously?

Hey Mr. Engineer.

If the supports failed simultaneously, how did that "block" tilt? Why didn't that block just come straight down without a tilt?


Hey Mr. Engineer.

If the supports all failed simultaneously in WTC7, how come the east penthouse collapsed into the building first, which then proceeded west, then followed by the facade. If ALL the supports failed at the same time, how come WTC7 didn't come down in one piece? Why the separate stages?



I see a pattern here. Ask a tough question and nobody wants to follow up. Care to answer "Mr. Engineer"?
You mean as all of the supports failed simultaneously?

Hey Mr. Engineer.

If the supports failed simultaneously, how did that "block" tilt? Why didn't that block just come straight down without a tilt?:eusa_whistle:

Hey Mr. Engineer.

If the supports all failed simultaneously in WTC7, how come the east penthouse collapsed into the building first, which then proceeded west, then followed by the facade. If ALL the supports failed at the same time, how come WTC7 didn't come down in one piece? Why the separate stages?:eusa_whistle:


I see a pattern here. Ask a tough question and nobody wants to follow up. Care to answer "Mr. Engineer"?

1)The "block" tilt is from the stress of the impact. Important to note WHEN the tilt began in conjunction with the "global collapse". That tilt would cause the stress to become greater on the side of said tilt. Yet, once "global collapse" initiates, you can clearly watch all load bearing corners simultaneously give out. Otherwise, the "block" would have continued its tilt until it toppled. Pretty simple.

2)The difference in time you refer to is milliseconds to a second or two at best. Even in a controlled demolition, the science isn't exact. There is usually a degree of one before the other. In this instance, the most provocative part is how silent this building came down. Yet, still managed 2.5 seconds of recorded, verified and admitted free fall. Something that is impossible to accomplish without a controlled demolition. At least according to the physics and technology we are aware of.

Lastly, I will get around to answering your questions when I get to them. I have a real life to lead over here, cha cha. Like I've said throughout this discussion from thread to thread, none of this is even relevant at this point. the damage is done, the hoodwinking is complete. I really don't care to argue with you hicks about this. I realize you enjoy the official commission report regardless of how opaque it is. The fact is, it leaves a lot of quesitons unanswered and attempts to hijack our science. Which is the worst part. I would happily back a new, independent scientific investigation. As many scientists, engineers, architects and scholars the world over have been calling to have.

2)The difference in time you refer to is milliseconds to a second or two at best.

Really? The time between the start of the east penthouse collapse and the perimeter facade collapse is MILLISECONDS?

Wow are you off your rocker. Watch the video again.
[ame=]YouTube - ULTRA RARE: Proof Of Demolition on September 11, 2011 - WTC7 Penthouse Implosion[/ame]

The penthouse starts at :03 and the global collapse starts at :10. That's 7 seconds!


Hey Mr. Engineer.

If the supports failed simultaneously, how did that "block" tilt? Why didn't that block just come straight down without a tilt?:eusa_whistle:

Hey Mr. Engineer.

If the supports all failed simultaneously in WTC7, how come the east penthouse collapsed into the building first, which then proceeded west, then followed by the facade. If ALL the supports failed at the same time, how come WTC7 didn't come down in one piece? Why the separate stages?:eusa_whistle:


I see a pattern here. Ask a tough question and nobody wants to follow up. Care to answer "Mr. Engineer"?

1)The "block" tilt is from the stress of the impact. Important to note WHEN the tilt began in conjunction with the "global collapse". That tilt would cause the stress to become greater on the side of said tilt. Yet, once "global collapse" initiates, you can clearly watch all load bearing corners simultaneously give out. Otherwise, the "block" would have continued its tilt until it toppled. Pretty simple.

Wrong "Mr. Engineer". You made the claim that all the supports FAILED simultaneously. This means the block would have dropped straight down with no tilt.
What makes the WTC steel so susceptible to destruction and other buildings still stand and do not collapse at free fall speeds in other parts of the globe?

What makes steel so susceptible to partial collapse and other buildings show no signs of any collapse?

I see a pattern here. Ask a tough question and nobody wants to follow up. Care to answer "Mr. Engineer"?

1)The "block" tilt is from the stress of the impact. Important to note WHEN the tilt began in conjunction with the "global collapse". That tilt would cause the stress to become greater on the side of said tilt. Yet, once "global collapse" initiates, you can clearly watch all load bearing corners simultaneously give out. Otherwise, the "block" would have continued its tilt until it toppled. Pretty simple.

Wrong "Mr. Engineer". You made the claim that all the supports FAILED simultaneously. This means the block would have dropped straight down with no tilt.

All load support did fail simultaneously, once "global collapse" initiated. That is how the entire structure fell into its own foot print. The tilt came first, then the supposed "collapse". If all of the load points didn't fail, how did it fall straight down? No tipping, no caught stress, from one side to another? Magnificant.
What i am more eager to have someone address with scientific evidence, is the pulverization of the concrete and building materials. By way of the naked eye, I would suggest upward of 75% of said material, if not more.

Clever of you to ignore the rest of my post.

Why not address part two of my rebuttal? Probably because it is clear amongst both NIST, "the truth movement" and independent researchers a like that #2 is correct. Free fall speed on building 7 has been confirmed. Deny away.....
1)The "block" tilt is from the stress of the impact. Important to note WHEN the tilt began in conjunction with the "global collapse". That tilt would cause the stress to become greater on the side of said tilt. Yet, once "global collapse" initiates, you can clearly watch all load bearing corners simultaneously give out. Otherwise, the "block" would have continued its tilt until it toppled. Pretty simple.

Wrong "Mr. Engineer". You made the claim that all the supports FAILED simultaneously. This means the block would have dropped straight down with no tilt.

All load support did fail simultaneously, once "global collapse" initiated. That is how the entire structure fell into its own foot print.

Why do you keep getting things wrong. Here is the debris radius.

It's own footprint?

Let's address the glaring errors in your claims before moving on shall we?
2)The difference in time you refer to is milliseconds to a second or two at best.

Really? The time between the start of the east penthouse collapse and the perimeter facade collapse is MILLISECONDS?

Wow are you off your rocker. Watch the video again.
[ame=]YouTube - ULTRA RARE: Proof Of Demolition on September 11, 2011 - WTC7 Penthouse Implosion[/ame]

The penthouse starts at :03 and the global collapse starts at :10. That's 7 seconds!



And yet 2.5 seconds of free fall has been admitted. So, tell me how that happens? Purely coincidence?
Wrong "Mr. Engineer". You made the claim that all the supports FAILED simultaneously. This means the block would have dropped straight down with no tilt.

All load support did fail simultaneously, once "global collapse" initiated. That is how the entire structure fell into its own foot print.

Why do you keep getting things wrong. Here is the debris radius.

It's own footprint?

Let's address the glaring errors in your claims before moving on shall we?

Yes, its own footprint. That debris radius is from pulverized materials. How come so much pulverization? What caused concrete to turn to dust?
All load support did fail simultaneously, once "global collapse" initiated. That is how the entire structure fell into its own foot print.

Why do you keep getting things wrong. Here is the debris radius.

It's own footprint?

Let's address the glaring errors in your claims before moving on shall we?

Yes, its own footprint. That debris radius is from pulverized materials. How come so much pulverization? What caused concrete to turn to dust?

That debris radius is from pulverized materials???? Here's a top down photo. See the "footprints" of each tower?

Are you telling me my eyes are playing tricks on me and I am NOT seeing structural steel members OUTSIDE those marked footprint areas? All within their own footprints?


I guess you think that the perimeter columns, 1000 feet in the air, all fell within the 208' square footprints of each tower? And you're supposedly an engineer?

What makes the WTC steel so susceptible to destruction and other buildings still stand and do not collapse at free fall speeds in other parts of the globe?

What makes steel so susceptible to partial collapse and other buildings show no signs of any collapse?
This is the question I asked you, what makes the steel at 7 thermally expand and collapse, producing free fall speeds, but yet in other examples of more intense infernos, we see no such collapse damage, despite worse conditions. You have failed to answer this direct question, and continue to dance around it instead of having to admit that it is indeed one of many strange anomalies of that day.

Bottom line it is well excepted that these buildings did not collapse like we were led to believe, all the intricate details are not known, but all it takes is a clear head, and common sense to realize this.
What is of more importance is who did it, that is another matter, that will be in its own thread.
9-11 as it was told to us, is a lie, and further study of more then the collapse scenarios will surely open new channels of thought, and convince those on the fence that indeed our country has been taken over by criminals. Criminals that people like you and your cohorts fully support.
What makes the WTC steel so susceptible to destruction and other buildings still stand and do not collapse at free fall speeds in other parts of the globe?

What makes steel so susceptible to partial collapse and other buildings show no signs of any collapse?
This is the question I asked you, what makes the steel at 7 thermally expand and collapse, producing free fall speeds, but yet in other examples of more intense infernos, we see no such collapse damage, despite worse conditions. You have failed to answer this direct question, and continue to dance around it instead of having to admit that it is indeed one of many strange anomalies of that day.

Bottom line it is well excepted that these buildings did not collapse like we were led to believe, all the intricate details are not known, but all it takes is a clear head, and common sense to realize this.
What is of more importance is who did it, that is another matter, that will be in its own thread.
9-11 as it was told to us, is a lie, and further study of more then the collapse scenarios will surely open new channels of thought, and convince those on the fence that indeed our country has been taken over by criminals. Criminals that people like you and your cohorts fully support.

So you readily admit that fire can cause steel to collapse. Is that correct?

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