Explosions were edited out of the 2002 HBO 9/11 documentary.

Why ?

This video is less than 2 minutes, but at the end you can see it's clearly an edit.

And for the record, this is now the truth board.
Anything deemed a conspiracy theory these days is very likely to be factual.

It's cool how the force of gravity goes sideways during the free fall collapse of a 110 story skyscraper.

I'd like to read the findings on the engineering precidents set on 9/11.

It didn't go sideways

You would not like to read any such engineering analysis. They have been available for years and you avoid them like the plague.

You willfully avoid anything which upsets your delusional claims
It didn't go sideways

You would not like to read any such engineering analysis. They have been available for years and you avoid them like the plague.

You willfully avoid anything which upsets your delusional claims
Steel beams were hurled up to 2 football fields away from ground zero, as the towers were in symmetrical free fall. ( Which couldn't have happened from asymmetrical damage from planes without explosives and controlled demolition s)
Steel beams were hurled up to 2 football fields away from ground zero, as the towers were in symmetrical free fall. ( Which couldn't have happened from asymmetrical damage from planes without explosives and controlled demolition s)
They were never free fall

Nothing happened which requires explosives and controlled demoliton\\
You are a liar and uneducated failure
These days maybe, but not in 2001. That 9/11 conspiracy theory is dumb as fuck.
You are right Godboy the debunked 9/11 official conspiracy of the governments that bin laden and Muslims were behind the attacks IS dumb as fuck. :up:

the Fires causing the towers to collapse has been debunked,we know bombs were planted the fact that the best architects and engineers as well as demolition experts said bombs brought down the towers plus the fact that many witnesses said they heard explosives going off in the towers in the basement before the planes even hit the towers,

Only a stupid fuck would listen to the governments version of events over a the best architects engineers and demolition experts of the world as well as witness testimony’s,many being credible experienced firefighters in the sound of explosives as well as the fact that witnesses who gave versions different than the governments version of events of hearing explosives going off ended up dying in mysterious deaths afterwards just like in the jfk assassin when witnesses gave evidence of multiple shooters being involved,when the facts did not go along with the Warren commission they died in mysterious deaths so yes,yiu are correct,the official conspiracy theory of the governments is dumb as fuck.:abgg2q.jpg::rofl:
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Did happen. Keep denying it. You will NEVER convince me otherwise. I heard about it the day after it happened.

it happened around the world and you want me to believe it did not happen in NJ? I heard about it 0912.

The only known on-air mention on ABC News related to celebrations of any kind in New Jersey came at 11:28 p.m. on Sept. 11, when former ABC News correspondent John Miller (now the NYPD deputy commissioner for counter-terrorism and intelligence) gave ABC News anchor Peter Jennings an update on reports of a van investigated for explosives.

Miller explained the van “was stopped after people reported seeing three men celebrating in Liberty Park, opposite the World Trade Center on the New Jersey side of the river, celebrating with joy after the explosion.” The three men reportedly seen celebrating were later stopped along with two others in the van, which was found by police not to carry any explosives.

candyass and soupnazi are paid shills fir Langley that has penetrated this site,don’t waste your breath,they are so easy to own as I just did in post #52. :rofl:
  • Fact
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Steel beams were hurled up to 2 football fields away from ground zero, as the towers were in symmetrical free fall. ( Which couldn't have happened from asymmetrical damage from planes without explosives and controlled demolition s)
Don’t you love it how thesedisinfo paid agents get angry and dismiss these facts with a laughing smiley or fake news post pretending those facts did not happen? :rofl:

The explanation I find priceless from these paid trolls who dismiss those facts that explosives were used is when they have to backpeddle when you prove them wrong that indeed did happen when you post pics of it is they then go into desperation mode and try to convince themselves that it was air pressure from the collapse of the towers that caused those steel girders to fly as far as two football field,seriously,I can’t make this shit up,that’s the kind of comedy I have seen these shills post when you ask them to explain that.comedy gold.:rofl::abgg2q.jpg:
Don’t you love it how thesedisinfo paid agents get angry and dismiss these facts with a laughing smiley or fake news post pretending those facts did not happen? :rofl:

The explanation I find priceless from these paid trolls who dismiss those facts that explosives were used is when they have to backpeddle when you prove them wrong that indeed did happen when you post pics of it is they then go into desperation mode and try to convince themselves that it was air pressure from the collapse of the towers that caused those steel girders to fly as far as two football field,seriously,I can’t make this shit up,that’s the kind of comedy I have seen these shills post when you ask them to explain that.comedy gold.:rofl::abgg2q.jpg:
that is all they got. they cowards and pussies and we bust their chops and embarrass the shit out of them
You are right Godboy the debunked 9/11 official conspiracy of the governments that bin laden and Muslims were behind the attacks IS dumb as fuck. :up:

the Fires causing the towers to collapse has been debunked,we know bombs were planted the fact that the best architects and engineers as well as demolition experts said bombs brought down the towers plus the fact that many witnesses said they heard explosives going off in the towers in the basement before the planes even hit the towers,

Only a stupid fuck would listen to the governments version of events over a the best architects engineers and demolition experts of the world as well as witness testimony’s,many being credible experienced firefighters in the sound of explosives as well as the fact that witnesses who gave versions different than the governments version of events of hearing explosives going off ended up dying in mysterious deaths afterwards just like in the jfk assassin when witnesses gave evidence of multiple shooters being involved,when the facts did not go along with the Warren commission they died in mysterious deaths so yes,yiu are correct,the official conspiracy theory of the governments is dumb as fuck.:abgg2q.jpg::rofl:
he is full of shit and so are you

you have never debunked anything.

Biunladen and AQ were the perpetrators and no ne least of all your tiny self has ever proven otherwise.

You know nothing and no one has shown evidence of bombs
that is all they got. they cowards and pussies and we bust their chops and embarrass the shit out of them
:yes_text12::TH_WAY~113: you nailed it.:2up:

the two shills from langley i just mentioned,the entire board knows they are shills from langley that have penetrated this site,no way on the planet would they always come back for all these constant ass beatings they have suffered so many times over the years and even dacades for FREE.not happening.:abgg2q.jpg: we both know that they get so frustrated from these ass beatings iku that they always go to their handlers and demand more money to keep coming back for them as they do.:abgg2q.jpg:

hey agent candycorn candyass, been meaning to mention this to you for the past few years that i see you FINALLY gave up posting under that sock of yours obamamerica you used at oth this site and that other site we used to post at several years ago when Obama first became potus. everybody saw the light that was your sock so you FINALLY got wise and gave up and stopped posting under that sock.:abgg2q.jpg:

the other paid shill from langley the NAZI,to his credit he at LEAST has only posted under ONE user name.

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