Explosions were edited out of the 2002 HBO 9/11 documentary.

:yes_text12::TH_WAY~113: you nailed it.:2up:

the two shills from langley i just mentioned,the entire board knows they are shills from langley that have penetrated this site,no way on the planet would they always come back for all these constant ass beatings they have suffered so many times over the years and even dacades for FREE.not happening.:abgg2q.jpg: we both know that they get so frustrated from these ass beatings iku that they always go to their handlers and demand more money to keep coming back for them as they do.:abgg2q.jpg:

hey agent candycorn candyass, been meaning to mention this to you for the past few years that i see you FINALLY gave up posting under that sock of yours obamamerica you used at oth this site and that other site we used to post at several years ago when Obama first became potus. everybody saw the light that was your sock so you FINALLY got wise and gave up and stopped posting under that sock.:abgg2q.jpg:

the other paid shill from langley the NAZI,to his credit he at LEAST has only posted under ONE user name.

You had to change your user name because everyone knew your were a nutcase before reading your words. Don’t worry, we all still remember it.
:yes_text12::TH_WAY~113: you nailed it.:2up:

the two shills from langley i just mentioned,the entire board knows they are shills from langley that have penetrated this site,no way on the planet would they always come back for all these constant ass beatings they have suffered so many times over the years and even dacades for FREE.not happening.:abgg2q.jpg: we both know that they get so frustrated from these ass beatings iku that they always go to their handlers and demand more money to keep coming back for them as they do.:abgg2q.jpg:

hey agent candycorn candyass, been meaning to mention this to you for the past few years that i see you FINALLY gave up posting under that sock of yours obamamerica you used at oth this site and that other site we used to post at several years ago when Obama first became potus. everybody saw the light that was your sock so you FINALLY got wise and gave up and stopped posting under that sock.:abgg2q.jpg:

the other paid shill from langley the NAZI,to his credit he at LEAST has only posted under ONE user name.
It worked,I got agent candyasses attention, :abgg2q.jpg: I love it he agrees with me that it IS funny he finally gave up socking under the user name obamamerica because everybody saw he light they were one in the same so he now only trolls under just his one original user name candycorn err candyass now.:rofl:more importantly though I love it he agrees as well that it is funny thst him and agent nazi always ask for more money every year from their handlers to be able to keep suffering from the ass beatings they suffer year after year in the conspiracy and politics section.. :rofl: :abgg2q.jpg:
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It worked,I got agent candyasses attention, :abgg2q.jpg: I love it he agrees with me that it IS funny he finally gave up socking under the user name obamamerica because everybody saw he light they were one in the same so he now only trolls under just his one original user name candycorn err candyass now.:rofl:more importantly though I love it he agrees as well that it is funny thst him and agent nazi always ask for more money every year from their handlers to be able to keep suffering from the ass beatings they suffer year after year in the conspiracy and politics section.. :rofl: :abgg2q.jpg:
Always enjoy pointing out your idiocy....it’s a target rich environment.
candyass and soupnazi are paid shills fir Langley that has penetrated this site,don’t waste your breath,they are so easy to own as I just did in post #52. :rofl:
This dumb motherfucker thinks spies have to PENETRATE a forum open to trhe public

He gets
Translation from candycorn candyass “You are correct L A Ram fan,everybody figured out the truth thst I was socking as Obamerica for a long time so after so many people called me out on it and told me to give it up,I took your advise and did indeed give it up sense everybody found out and knew the truth.i blew it and gave it away sense i had a counting problem as I do under candyass and did back then as well as Obamamerica and did not know how to count under either user name so that was my undoing as Obamamerica,that gave me away so I’m just posting only as candyass for now on as my handlers pay me top dollar for all the ass beatings I have suffered here at this site and other sites so many times over at least the past decade or so.” :rofl: :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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This video by funzo hoss and the video of the op takes Langley agent candyass and his fagboy fellow troll markel to school that explosives brought the towers down,they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are. :laughing0301: :rofl:

What’s really hysterical is when they are cornered by these facts in these videos they can’t counter thst explosives brought the towers down,and even when you post a source of a book that documents that there are tons of the most credible architects and engineers in the world that said only explosives could bring these towers down as well as demolition experts,they dismiss t as fake news and try to convince themselves these experts never said that even when you refer them to a book where these experts are listed as indeed saying all this, :rofl: plus that witnesses even said they heard explosives going off in the basements even before the planes hit,I can’t make this shit up,they try and laugh off these facts and pretend they did not say this that and say it’s fake news.comedy gold.again I can’t make this shit up.:rofl::laughing0301:

Agents candyass and soupnazi as well as stupid duck msrkel,they can’t stand toe toe to tie in a debate so in defeat,they dismiss facts as fake news,comedy gold.:rofl:

But they can’t get around hard evidence witnesses did indeed say they heard explosives go off as evidenced by this excellent video fun of posted,they won’t watch it because they know itis a real witness there thst did say that and they can’t admit to an ass beating from myself,the other Mike,or funzo Hoss

Thse guys provide comedy to no end.:abgg2q.jpg:

Waits fir fake news or laughing smiley as I just owned Langley agents candyass ,soupnazi and stupid fuck troll markel and the other official conspiracy theory apologists. :abgg2q.jpg: :laughing0301: :rofl:

I can’t state this enough times,they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301:
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