Question for "Amnesty" Opponents


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012

A Mexican couple had two young children. One of them died after receiving substandard medical care in Mexico. They entered the U.S. illegally about 15 years ago to remove their son from gang influences. The son is now 21, self supporting and going to college. They also have a daughter, born in the U.S. about seven years ago. Both children speak perfect English, and they are all model members of their community.


What should be done with them NOW? Please be specific. (I am not interested in what should or should not have been done in the past.)

A Mexican couple had two young children. One of them died after receiving substandard medical care in Mexico. They entered the U.S. illegally about 15 years ago to remove their son from gang influences. The son is now 21, self supporting and going to college. They also have a daughter, born in the U.S. about seven years ago. Both children speak perfect English, and they are all model members of their community.


What should be done with them NOW? Please be specific. (I am not interested in what should or should not have been done in the past.)
Make them what they are of course, Citizens, and the little girl already is...
Well first of all the daughter was born here so for better or for worse she is here lawfully and a citizen I believe. So nothing can or should be done with her. What I don't know is if her status changes the status of the parents and brother under the law. If it does, the law should be followed.

As for the rest of them assuming they are here illegally nothing should change that. If they have a law enforcement encounter they should be dealt with as illegals under the law whatever that means - I assume it means deportation. They would then have to decide whether to take their citizen child with them or leave her here with -whoever, if that is an option. If they take her, she remains a US citizen, nothing changes and she can come back as a result.

I don't think we need to make this a top enforcement priority and devote tons of resources to hunting these people down (like we do with someone who has killed a bald eagle for example - now that's serious!) nor do I think that we should look the other way if we find them.

Was that specific enough?

A Mexican couple had two young children. One of them died after receiving substandard medical care in Mexico. They entered the U.S. illegally about 15 years ago to remove their son from gang influences. The son is now 21, self supporting and going to college. They also have a daughter, born in the U.S. about seven years ago. Both children speak perfect English, and they are all model members of their community.


What should be done with them NOW? Please be specific. (I am not interested in what should or should not have been done in the past.)

The son goes and the parents go. If necessary the girl goes until she turns 18 and can assume the full rights.
The daughter is a citizen under the Constitution. Period.

Having arrived here when he was six years old, the son is about as American as everyone else. He probably has more appreciation for America than most natural born Americans do.

Therefore, the DREAM Act should be passed to allow him to become a citizen.

The parents, if they have been law abiding, should be allowed legal status and a path to citizenship.

Now some circular reasoning dipshit will come along and say, "They broke the law by coming here, therefore they are not law abiding." Blah blah blah.

A great deal of our illegal immigration problem is due to seriously broken immigration laws and quota system.
The daughter is a citizen under the Constitution. Period.

Having arrived here when he was six years old, the son is about as American as everyone else. He probably has more appreciation for America than most natural born Americans do.

Therefore, the DREAM Act should be passed to allow him to become a citizen.

The parents, if they have been law abiding, should be allowed legal status and a path to citizenship.

Now some circular reasoning dipshit will come along and say, "They broke the law by coming here, therefore they are not law abiding." Blah blah blah.

A great deal of our illegal immigration problem is due to seriously broken immigration laws and quota system.
And the fees associated with doing it are high...
The daughter is a citizen under the Constitution. Period.

Having arrived here when he was six years old, the son is about as American as everyone else. He probably has more appreciation for America than most natural born Americans do.

Therefore, the DREAM Act should be passed to allow him to become a citizen.

The parents, if they have been law abiding, should be allowed legal status and a path to citizenship.

Now some circular reasoning dipshit will come along and say, "They broke the law by coming here, therefore they are not law abiding." Blah blah blah.

A great deal of our illegal immigration problem is due to seriously broken immigration laws and quota system.

Would this be more palatable if the border was secured FIRST?
The daughter is a citizen under the Constitution. Period.

Having arrived here when he was six years old, the son is about as American as everyone else. He probably has more appreciation for America than most natural born Americans do.

Therefore, the DREAM Act should be passed to allow him to become a citizen.

The parents, if they have been law abiding, should be allowed legal status and a path to citizenship.

Now some circular reasoning dipshit will come along and say, "They broke the law by coming here, therefore they are not law abiding." Blah blah blah.

A great deal of our illegal immigration problem is due to seriously broken immigration laws and quota system.

Would this be more palatable if the border was secured FIRST?
The "secure the border first" argument is just a coward's way of avoiding saying they don't ever want to see amnesty for illegal Mexicans.
The "secure the border first" argument is just a coward's way of avoiding saying they don't ever want to see amnesty for illegal Mexicans.

If this is true, why don't we try it and call their bluff? I see political gamesmanship on both sides of this issue.
We have immigration laws for the same reason we have laws against fag bashing or torching synagogues. Should we all just choose the laws we want to follow and ignore the rest of the corpus? If democrat lawmakers are so adamant about breaking immigration laws, then why don't they just repeal them? Fucking hypocrites.
So as I understand this thread we now have the luxury of complying with a Federal Law or not based on ones own particular preference? I think not, one would hope such outstanding illegal immigrants would employ the resources available and shoulder the cost of complying with the law.
The real illegal immigration issue centers on cronyism, corruption, ruling party (s), and elected officials that have controlled and run Mexico and other south American countries for decades and apparent failure to adopt and embrace opportunities from the expansion of the global economy.

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