Question for moderators on religion forum


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
Is it possible for believers to engage in theological questions without being bombarded by trolling atheists?
Creating a Group, and making it Private is your best bet.
Is it possible for believers to engage in theological questions without being bombarded by trolling atheists?
I've seen what you're talking about, and I feel bad for you guys. What you need is a guardian angel in your forum like Foxfyre is in the Coffee Shop. She keeps an eagle eye out.
But in all seriousness, maybe you are trying to turn a sows ear into a silk purse. USMB is kinda street fighters rather than boxers. Ya know?
I'm not worried about the atheists, it's the Jews I'm worried about. There's haShev and some other guy, and they're completely nuts!!!
I'm not worried about the atheists, it's the Jews I'm worried about. There's haShev and some other guy, and they're completely nuts!!!

Meh, just dumbass trolls with nothing to do all day; they're pretty lame and ignorant, actually, like most half-wits with high self-esteem.
I'm not worried about the atheists, it's the Jews I'm worried about. There's haShev and some other guy, and they're completely nuts!!!
IF everyone you can't answer to is nuts then why do you spend your every waking hour with those mixed can of nuts making sure you dig into them as your label of Disabled People?
Nice religious upbringing you got, when you can't defend your faith attack those who can.

By the way, since I post Bible verses as sources that means you are calling your beliefs based on scripture=Insane.
Haven't lost a match yet!
It's a shame that a public board asking for donations to keep running, does not protect forums from trolls and wants members to have a private group instead of protecting those forums.

Yeah, it's one of my one gripes here. Old board DF and I came from...they had a moderator for each forum and NOBODY trolled the religious forums OR the LGBT forums without getting a ban after the first warning.
Even in trolling you can gain a lesson, like in social behavior and smokescreening techniques trolls use or tactics in demonizing opponents which then you would have noticed creep into political debates including DNC tactics this election and thereafter.
If you remove that lesson through censorship, then how will you recognize it being wrong by a party using trolling as a tactic to hide that they have no policies or solutions for the country?
Also who decides without subjective affiliation pride what is legit and what is trolling?
And do you want to remove a cyber outlet for their frustration that might then fill the void by violent or destructive means in the real world?

I've been censored off Jack Van Impe forum for using the Bible and he's supposed to be the one who knows verses by heart, so censoring the Bible for what it says is Hypocracy at it's best. A faith that claims they are all forgiven and not in the law has to accept the result of their failed logic including the atheists and trolling behavior that logic and that faith's behavior creates in reactionary behaviors.
Nobody likes forum trolls, but then it's up to you to show them a better more constructive way to express their voice.
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Is it possible for believers to engage in theological questions without being bombarded by trolling atheists?

Why do you feel compelled to engage with them? A troll can only be a troll if people respond to him.

I disagree. Others can respond to them, you can't see what the hell is going on and think it's aimed at you, which causes confusion, and the thread turns in to a room full of shit where you have to tiptoe around to keep from stepping in it.
I found another place I post at now. I'm very new there, but I like it. And I already got my first warning. Why? Because someone said "thug" and a staff member said it was not an approved word, so I posted "why? Thugs come in all colors" and I got smacked for it. That was questioning moderation, according to the mod that warned me.
I like it. I think its stupid because thug is not **** in their filters and we are all supposed to remember NOT to say thug because it might hurt someones feelers, but its not my call. And it shows they are on the ball. They also have shitloads of mods that take on multiple forums as their own to moderate so it doesn't fall on everyone running in to each other in the staff department.
Over there...religion can be discussed and debated, but when the trolling starts...bannings take place. Again, I like that.

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