Question For Normal People.Does Anyone Actually Believe There Was A Hillary Bounce?

But its ok for Hillary to make fun of black people? and Joe Biden making fun of Indians?
There's a reason why Hillary finally deigned to go on FOX and do an interview with a reporter that wasn't hand picked by her staff with pre-approved questions. The American people think she's a lying sack of shit who they trust about as far as they can throw her. What you're seeing now is a full court press by the Main Stream Media to support Clinton like never before while they attack Trump. They're all in and they don't really care who knows it.
No there was no bounce.....Trump got such a big bounce it is scaring the fuck out
of democrats,.....
After he attacked the gold star family he is pretty much fucked. That will not go away and he is not the kind to even attempt to smooth it over. Enjoy your loss, I know I will.
I am sure she got a bit of a bounce but it has peaked. Her campaign is messing up trying to go toe to toe with Trump with these "Trump is evil" stories. That Can't Trust Trump With A Nuke was a good line and it was getting lots of airplay, but now it is "Trump insults Muslim Soldier family".

Trump's Achilles heel is actually substantive policy. He has nothing meaningful and cannot even articulate much of a consistent concept, let alone tear apart Hillary on them. Hillary is being sucked down the same rabbit hole as 16 republicans. She needs to hammer her policy proposals and ignore Trump. Donald won't be able to keep up.
No there was no bounce.....Trump got such a big bounce it is scaring the fuck out
of democrats,.....
After he attacked the gold star family he is pretty much fucked. That will not go away and he is not the kind to even attempt to smooth it over. Enjoy your loss, I know I will.

Just sit the fuck down, and shut the fuck up......
No there was no bounce.....Trump got such a big bounce it is scaring the fuck out
of democrats,.....
After he attacked the gold star family he is pretty much fucked. That will not go away and he is not the kind to even attempt to smooth it over. Enjoy your loss, I know I will.

Just sit the fuck down, and shut the fuck up......
LOL, looks like the queen of denial is getting testy. You know I'm right on this and you have no rebuttal.
No there was no bounce.....Trump got such a big bounce it is scaring the fuck out
of democrats,.....
After he attacked the gold star family he is pretty much fucked. That will not go away and he is not the kind to even attempt to smooth it over. Enjoy your loss, I know I will.

Just sit the fuck down, and shut the fuck up......
LOL, looks like the queen of denial is getting testy. You know I'm right on this and you have no rebuttal.
No...just pointing out you are know, worthless.....:lol:
didn't Gerry Ford bounce about 27 times during his time in the oval office?
I am sure she got a bit of a bounce but it has peaked. Her campaign is messing up trying to go toe to toe with Trump with these "Trump is evil" stories. That Can't Trust Trump With A Nuke was a good line and it was getting lots of airplay, but now it is "Trump insults Muslim Soldier family".

Trump's Achilles heel is actually substantive policy. He has nothing meaningful and cannot even articulate much of a consistent concept, let alone tear apart Hillary on them. Hillary is being sucked down the same rabbit hole as 16 republicans. She needs to hammer her policy proposals and ignore Trump. Donald won't be able to keep up.

What policy proposals is she going to "hammer"? The recycled Obama infrastructure stimulus? The Bernie Sander's give-a-ways that she was force to put into the platform to try and keep millions of his supporters from telling her to go screw herself? Clinton has no policies that will create jobs...but she'll cost them. That's what Trump is going to "hammer" her on!
No there was no bounce.....Trump got such a big bounce it is scaring the fuck out
of democrats,.....
After he attacked the gold star family he is pretty much fucked. That will not go away and he is not the kind to even attempt to smooth it over. Enjoy your loss, I know I will.

Just sit the fuck down, and shut the fuck up......
LOL, looks like the queen of denial is getting testy. You know I'm right on this and you have no rebuttal.
No...just pointing out you are know, worthless.....:lol:
Worthless is a good term to describe your pathetic attempts at political discussion. Trump fucked up and you cannot make it go away with any amount of juvenile name calling.
:2up: :banana: :stupid: And who is taking the polls that claim Hillary has a 7 point bounce? And how many were polled? 1000? 2000? 3000?, what about the other 297 Million People?
:smartass: No normal/intelligent fair minded American buys/falls for any of these polls. And why do the polls change every week? One week we have Trump ahead by 15 points, next week Hillary is ahead by 5,,then next week Trump is ahead by 10, then the following week its a tie.
Get the point? Maybe we should just ask our friends/neighbors instead? And why does Hillary need to campaign in Penn/Ohio? Didnt we all assume she has already won those states? :hellno:

as bigof a deal as they made it out to be

if i had to guess that would be no

in fact the polls might be looking very bad for her
I am sure she got a bit of a bounce but it has peaked. Her campaign is messing up trying to go toe to toe with Trump with these "Trump is evil" stories. That Can't Trust Trump With A Nuke was a good line and it was getting lots of airplay, but now it is "Trump insults Muslim Soldier family".

Trump's Achilles heel is actually substantive policy. He has nothing meaningful and cannot even articulate much of a consistent concept, let alone tear apart Hillary on them. Hillary is being sucked down the same rabbit hole as 16 republicans. She needs to hammer her policy proposals and ignore Trump. Donald won't be able to keep up.

What policy proposals is she going to "hammer"? The recycled Obama infrastructure stimulus? The Bernie Sander's give-a-ways that she was force to put into the platform to try and keep millions of his supporters from telling her to go screw herself? Clinton has no policies that will create jobs...but she'll cost them. That's what Trump is going to "hammer" her on!

The recycled Obama infrastructure stimulus?

yes that is one of them

the shovel ready jobs --LOL

but why does she need to do that

when as she and the leftards claim

the economy is really good

No there was no bounce.....Trump got such a big bounce it is scaring the fuck out
of democrats,.....
After he attacked the gold star family he is pretty much fucked. That will not go away and he is not the kind to even attempt to smooth it over. Enjoy your loss, I know I will.

Just sit the fuck down, and shut the fuck up......
LOL, looks like the queen of denial is getting testy. You know I'm right on this and you have no rebuttal.
No...just pointing out you are know, worthless.....:lol:
Worthless is a good term to describe your pathetic attempts at political discussion. Trump fucked up and you cannot make it go away with any amount of juvenile name calling.
I am sure she got a bit of a bounce but it has peaked. Her campaign is messing up trying to go toe to toe with Trump with these "Trump is evil" stories. That Can't Trust Trump With A Nuke was a good line and it was getting lots of airplay, but now it is "Trump insults Muslim Soldier family".

Trump's Achilles heel is actually substantive policy. He has nothing meaningful and cannot even articulate much of a consistent concept, let alone tear apart Hillary on them. Hillary is being sucked down the same rabbit hole as 16 republicans. She needs to hammer her policy proposals and ignore Trump. Donald won't be able to keep up.

What policy proposals is she going to "hammer"? The recycled Obama infrastructure stimulus? The Bernie Sander's give-a-ways that she was force to put into the platform to try and keep millions of his supporters from telling her to go screw herself? Clinton has no policies that will create jobs...but she'll cost them. That's what Trump is going to "hammer" her on!

In a few weeks "free college" will have renewed appeal to millions of parents and students

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