Question:How Would You Describe The "29 PerCent"Who Trust Hillary Clinton? Are They Blockheads?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:stupid: :uhh:, So polls say that about 29/30 percent "Trust Hillary Clinton". Ok, Fine, so are these blockheads educated? Do they know of her scandalous past(along with Bill)?. Maybe all they know is what they hear on CNN and MSNBC. They have no idea of what happened during her time as SOS. They also have no idea what she stands for being she wont take questions. Maybe these "29 Per-Centers" are just the lower third tier representing the obvious "Worlds Dumbest Americans". They cannot be any more intelligent than the infamous Obama Supporter who went off the handle when her local McDonalds ran out of McNuggets!:argue:
:stupid: :uhh:, So polls say that about 29/30 percent "Trust Hillary Clinton". Ok, Fine, so are these blockheads educated? Do they know of her scandalous past(along with Bill)?. Maybe all they know is what they hear on CNN and MSNBC. They have no idea of what happened during her time as SOS. They also have no idea what she stands for being she wont take questions. Maybe these "29 Per-Centers" are just the lower third tier representing the obvious "Worlds Dumbest Americans". They cannot be any more intelligent than the infamous Obama Supporter who went off the handle when her local McDonalds ran out of McNuggets!:argue:

That would actually be an insult to blockheads....but yes...they are.......
:stupid: :uhh:, So polls say that about 29/30 percent "Trust Hillary Clinton". Ok, Fine, so are these blockheads educated? Do they know of her scandalous past(along with Bill)?. Maybe all they know is what they hear on CNN and MSNBC. They have no idea of what happened during her time as SOS. They also have no idea what she stands for being she wont take questions. Maybe these "29 Per-Centers" are just the lower third tier representing the obvious "Worlds Dumbest Americans". They cannot be any more intelligent than the infamous Obama Supporter who went off the handle when her local McDonalds ran out of McNuggets!:argue:

That would actually be an insult to blockheads....but yes...they are.......
ok, then lets use the term "Braindead Turkeys".
:stupid: :uhh:, So polls say that about 29/30 percent "Trust Hillary Clinton". Ok, Fine, so are these blockheads educated? Do they know of her scandalous past(along with Bill)?. Maybe all they know is what they hear on CNN and MSNBC. They have no idea of what happened during her time as SOS. They also have no idea what she stands for being she wont take questions. Maybe these "29 Per-Centers" are just the lower third tier representing the obvious "Worlds Dumbest Americans". They cannot be any more intelligent than the infamous Obama Supporter who went off the handle when her local McDonalds ran out of McNuggets!:argue:

That would actually be an insult to blockheads....but yes...they are.......
ok, then lets use the term "Braindead Turkeys".

No....blockhead fits....but so does braindead turkeys......drones.......borg drones....any number of names describe them accurately.....
Here is a recent survey among liberals.The survey has found that one in three liberals is just as stupid as the other two.

we all know its just the 30% of Americans who are just able body people who are too lazy to work and pretty much all clones of Obama-Phone-Girl
They are called "low information voters"- aka the Democrat "base".

maybe congress can pass a law. all individuals who appear totally naive at the precincts need to take this basic test before they can vote.
Hey, it's the same fucking people that BELIEVE in this POS!

you could ask a typical hillary supporter something like "What Is The Capital Of California", and they would answer, uhm,,ahh, err, California, uh, thats a state , right?
A certain percentage of the population is too stupid to have any business voting.

Anyone who trusts Hillary is stupid as a box of rocks.
They said they trust her.... to lie to them, to take bribes from both side of an issue, to commit a new felony each and every day
:stupid: :uhh:, So polls say that about 29/30 percent "Trust Hillary Clinton". Ok, Fine, so are these blockheads educated? Do they know of her scandalous past(along with Bill)?. Maybe all they know is what they hear on CNN and MSNBC. They have no idea of what happened during her time as SOS. They also have no idea what she stands for being she wont take questions. Maybe these "29 Per-Centers" are just the lower third tier representing the obvious "Worlds Dumbest Americans". They cannot be any more intelligent than the infamous Obama Supporter who went off the handle when her local McDonalds ran out of McNuggets!:argue:
Care guess how she stacks up against Trump?
Hillary ain't perfect - but she beats the shit out of you lying, witch hunting NaziCons.
Hollywood!! :thanks:
i would imagine we all see "Hillary Supporters" at our local wal-mart check outs, driving the cashier nuts for every reason humanly possible while our vanilla ice cream is melting !!!!
Hillary ain't perfect - but she beats the shit out of you lying, witch hunting NaziCons.

Yes, she's only in it for the LITTLE PEOPLE, the ones that aren't like her, the 1%!
Could you learn to lie better old Squaw?


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