Question:How Would You Describe The "29 PerCent"Who Trust Hillary Clinton? Are They Blockheads?

Hillary Clinton On "Are You Dumber Than A Fifth Grader" Jeff: Ok, Mrs.Clinton, next question. Complete This Catch Phrase: I am so hungry, I could eat_____________________________. Hillary: 30,000 emails?
:stupid: :uhh:, So polls say that about 29/30 percent "Trust Hillary Clinton". Ok, Fine, so are these blockheads educated? Do they know of her scandalous past(along with Bill)?. Maybe all they know is what they hear on CNN and MSNBC. They have no idea of what happened during her time as SOS. They also have no idea what she stands for being she wont take questions. Maybe these "29 Per-Centers" are just the lower third tier representing the obvious "Worlds Dumbest Americans". They cannot be any more intelligent than the infamous Obama Supporter who went off the handle when her local McDonalds ran out of McNuggets!:argue:
Care guess how she stacks up against Trump?
Majority Of Millennials Turn On Obama, Favor a GOP-Led ...
Oct 29, 2014 · Millennials who said they will “definitely be voting” favor a Republican-led Congress 51-47 percent, according to the poll. An ABC News/Washington Post ...
if Barney Frank cant even hold back a fart on live TV, I can only pray for Hillary when she goes on Live TV {someday}.
well hillary is already in the body of a 75 yr old woman, she no longer has the anal power to hold back a fart.
another question for Hillary on "R U Dumber Than A Fifth Grader"...Jeff: Ok, Hillary, for 5000 points: When a current first lady craps in the forrest and a tree falls, does it make a sound?

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