Question:What If Something Happens To Justice Ginsburg? Then It's A Conservative Court For Trump.

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:boohoo: How come no one ever brings this up? Justice Ginsburg is pushing 84. How much longer will she be physically and/or mentally able to continue her service as a Supreme Court Judge. The Dem's may want to play that game of not appointing the 9th judge just to spite Trump, but keep in mind, if anyone is likely to leave the Supreme Court do to health related reasons, it would be Ruth Ginsburg.
If that were to happen, Then we would have a Six To Three Supreme Court, and all of those racists/liberal Democrats will be joining the "Crying Snowflakes". :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:
you have to wonder just how long the rats are just gonna sit there like a bunch of turtles and say no to all Trumps picks. {and hoping none of the 4 libs croak}
so what are the Dem's gonna do? take their time asking the candidates questions, and just dragging the process so it takes 2 months to decide on the judge?
imagine the day we wake up/or come home from work? Just in/Fox News/ Justice Ruth Ginsburg resigns!,,,,yes!!!! :woohoo:
:boohoo: How come no one ever brings this up? Justice Ginsburg is pushing 84. How much longer will she be physically and/or mentally able to continue her service as a Supreme Court Judge. The Dem's may want to play that game of not appointing the 9th judge just to spite Trump, but keep in mind, if anyone is likely to leave the Supreme Court do to health related reasons, it would be Ruth Ginsburg.
If that were to happen, Then we would have a Six To Three Supreme Court, and all of those racists/liberal Democrats will be joining the "Crying Snowflakes". :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:

Dear Rexx Taylor

Ethically, if all people including Justices enforced the Constitution neutrally,
then it wouldn't matter if the balance on the Supreme Court is more left or right leaning.
Laws shouldn't be biased either way ANYWAY.

Even if it is only 1 justice representing the opposition to the majority,
the laws should represent and include ALL beliefs without bias toward or against either side!
To be fully Constitutional, conflicts regarding beliefs should be resolved or kept out of govt,
where public policies, laws and rulings stay NEUTRAL.

If judges cannot be neutral enough to distinguish their OWN leanings
from the policy that would represent include and protect ALL AMERICANS equally,
do they really belong in a position of imposing their biases on the public?

Shouldn't we only have govt leaders who can remain neutral
and endorse policies that accommodate all beliefs without violating ANYONE'S!
:boohoo: How come no one ever brings this up? Justice Ginsburg is pushing 84. How much longer will she be physically and/or mentally able to continue her service as a Supreme Court Judge. The Dem's may want to play that game of not appointing the 9th judge just to spite Trump, but keep in mind, if anyone is likely to leave the Supreme Court do to health related reasons, it would be Ruth Ginsburg.
If that were to happen, Then we would have a Six To Three Supreme Court, and all of those racists/liberal Democrats will be joining the "Crying Snowflakes". :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:

I highly doubt she is still serving in 2024. She would be 92. She falls asleep at most events.
:boohoo: How come no one ever brings this up? Justice Ginsburg is pushing 84. How much longer will she be physically and/or mentally able to continue her service as a Supreme Court Judge. The Dem's may want to play that game of not appointing the 9th judge just to spite Trump, but keep in mind, if anyone is likely to leave the Supreme Court do to health related reasons, it would be Ruth Ginsburg.
If that were to happen, Then we would have a Six To Three Supreme Court, and all of those racists/liberal Democrats will be joining the "Crying Snowflakes". :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:

I highly doubt she is still serving in 2024. She would be 92. She falls asleep at most events.
how does her brain even function now? it must be the size of a walnut at this point
:boohoo: How come no one ever brings this up? Justice Ginsburg is pushing 84. How much longer will she be physically and/or mentally able to continue her service as a Supreme Court Judge. The Dem's may want to play that game of not appointing the 9th judge just to spite Trump, but keep in mind, if anyone is likely to leave the Supreme Court do to health related reasons, it would be Ruth Ginsburg.
If that were to happen, Then we would have a Six To Three Supreme Court, and all of those racists/liberal Democrats will be joining the "Crying Snowflakes". :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:

Dear Rexx Taylor

Ethically, if all people including Justices enforced the Constitution neutrally,
then it wouldn't matter if the balance on the Supreme Court is more left or right leaning.
Laws shouldn't be biased either way ANYWAY.

Even if it is only 1 justice representing the opposition to the majority,
the laws should represent and include ALL beliefs without bias toward or against either side!
To be fully Constitutional, conflicts regarding beliefs should be resolved or kept out of govt,
where public policies, laws and rulings stay NEUTRAL.

If judges cannot be neutral enough to distinguish their OWN leanings
from the policy that would represent include and protect ALL AMERICANS equally,
do they really belong in a position of imposing their biases on the public?

Shouldn't we only have govt leaders who can remain neutral
and endorse policies that accommodate all beliefs without violating ANYONE'S!
SCOTUS judges should be apolitical. Their function is to rule on the constitutionality of decisions made by the lower courts. That is all.

In choosing a SCOTUS candidate, Presidents are supposed to nominate people that will uphold and not try to change the Constitution from the bench by interpreting it differently from what it actually says. There is little ambiguity in the Constitution.

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