
This is why Trump put his foot on Iran's save lives in keep the peace...Joe obviously doesn't want peace in the middle east....Obama never did either...which tells me its Obama running the show not perverted old Joe....

Si vis pacem para bellum

Peace through strentgh. that's the only way to survive in the Middle eastt. thats the only reason the Jews have not been raped and slaughtered. Only due to the simple fact - that the Arabs could not fight and win - even with the direct assistance of the USSR [Which even fought against Israel directly at Air fights in 69' and lost miserably ]

Trump knew that. Trump destroyed Iran's military leader, kept the sanctions and if he remained president? Iran would have surrendered.

in the minute Biden let Iran 'trump' him in the negotiations and showed how weak leader he is - the Iranians came back tospreading TERROR all over.

The democratic party is the party of the insane
Consider the numbers. So far nearly twenty times as many dead Palestinians than Israel's & growing since the Palestinians began the conflict firing rocket missiles at Israel. And yet no surrender from the Palestinians to end the conflict. It's called Palestinian Mentality.

Ten people, including two children, have been killed in rocket attacks on Israel since the fighting began last Monday, Israel said. The overall death toll in Gaza now stands at 197 people, including 58 children and 34 women, with 1,230 injured, according to the Hamas-controlled health ministry.1 day ago
And yet no surrender from the Palestinians to end the conflict.
Israel's military has been pounding Palestinian civilians for over seven decades and has not won yet.

We literally inform the Arab citizens before we strike them. Win what?

In the minute the Israeli leadership would decide what it wants - we will take over and execute. In the meantime - they remain undecisive. Expelling the Arabs would be easy, even though the diplomatic price we will pay.

The religous Nationalists are 11% of the Israeli population, and we bring almost 6 children on average. Unlike the secularists - we have goals and we know what we want. Wait till then. if the arabs would decide to launch a full scale civil war? you will see them all packing their $hit and escaping back to where they came from [ aka - Arabia, Turkey, Iraq, Egypt ]

Same for the Gazans, and for every other murderous people who wish and try to kill the Jews
Consider the numbers. So far nearly twenty times as many dead Palestinians than Israel's & growing since the Palestinians began the conflict firing rocket missiles at Israel. And yet no surrender from the Palestinians to end the conflict. It's called Palestinian Mentality.

Ten people, including two children, have been killed in rocket attacks on Israel since the fighting began last Monday, Israel said. The overall death toll in Gaza now stands at 197 people, including 58 children and 34 women, with 1,230 injured, according to the Hamas-controlled health ministry.1 day ago
And yet no surrender from the Palestinians to end the conflict.
Israel's military has been pounding Palestinian civilians for over seven decades and has not won yet.
Do you not believe Israel is capable of a far greater massacre of Palestinians? Let the Pali's keep it up long enough & you will live & learn.
Israel is shooting itself in the foot. The more Palestinians it kills, the less support it gets worldwide.
May I suggest you go back to the OP & answer the question -- what would you do?
If Israel would stop making enemies, it would not have to "defend itself."

Why did those Jews make the Nazis their enemies and forced them to kill the Jews? it is outrages!!!
RE Question
SUBTOPIC: Colonial Implications in the 21st Century
※→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

P F Tinmore said:
You can say that about anybody else but you can't say it about Israel.

You can believe whatever propaganda you want. (I don't really care.) I provide the official documentation (and your all-important links). You provide whatever fits the Hostile Arab Palestinian agenda.

There is this concept (you might have heard of it) called the "Extravagant Hypothesis Fallacy" (you fall into this category more often than not).

It is a kind of logical fallacy that is dependent on the lack of knowledge by the audience (or fact-checking) and occurs (in the Message Board) when an explanation is required that is based on more assumptions than facts and matters in the record.


Most Respectfully,
Oh now I get it. Before those Zionists in 1948 the Palestinians were a peace loving, neighborly people. Right Suni?
RE Question
SUBTOPIC: Colonial Implications in the 21st Century
※→ P F Tinmore, MJB12741, et al,

BLUF: I keep hearing this claim. I just never seen or heard the story behind when it started. I have not yet heard who the colonial power was. I've not heard how it relates to the 21st Century Question of Palestinian - or what - the claimant thinks the solution is...

Oh now I get it. Before those Zionists in 1948 the Palestinians were a peace loving, neighborly people. Right Suni?
View attachment 491430
The Zionist colonial project started decades before 1948.

I suspect that this is one of those crybaby stories set in the shadow of history over a century ago. Unless you are HG Wells, you cannot roll the clock back and reset history.


Most Respectfully,
RE Question
SUBTOPIC: Colonial Implications in the 21st Century
※→ P F Tinmore, MJB12741, et al,

BLUF: I keep hearing this claim. I just never seen or heard the story behind when it started. I have not yet heard who the colonial power was. I've not heard how it relates to the 21st Century Question of Palestinian - or what - the claimant thinks the solution is...

Oh now I get it. Before those Zionists in 1948 the Palestinians were a peace loving, neighborly people. Right Suni?
View attachment 491430
The Zionist colonial project started decades before 1948.

I suspect that this is one of those crybaby stories set in the shadow of history over a century ago. Unless you are HG Wells, you cannot roll the clock back and reset history.


Most Respectfully,
You can never find a solution to a problem without defining the problem. Our phony peace process continues to fail because we keep putting a new battery in a car that has a flat tire. :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

RE Question
SUBTOPIC: Colonial Implications in the 21st Century
※→ Sunni Man, et al,

BLUF: The label you pin on the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) is just a linguistic tag that means a people with the intention of → causing death and serious injury to the invited immigrant population, for the purpose of creating an atmosphere to intimidate and compel self-governing institutions to adopt some act that furthers the criminal objective of the HoAP. You do not have to use the word "terrorist" if you prefer not. But it does not change the true meaning behind the concept of the HoAP.

There aren't any Palestinian terrorists.
Just an oppressed people fighting for their freedom.
Against the brutal zionist psychopaths that rule Israel. ... :cool:

You can deny the purpose behind the HoAP campaign:

◈ Kidnap and Murder​
◈ Hijacking and Piracy​
◈ Targeting to intimidate the Civilian Population​
◈ Committing an offense that is solely intended to harm the members of the Occupying Power​
◈ Committing acts of espionage or sabotage against the installations of the Occupying Power​
◈ Using explosives and other lethal devices against various defined public places with intent to kill or cause serious bodily injury​
◈ Using threats or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State​
◈ Incitement to violence​
◈ etc, etc, etc​

Every bit of the oppression that today's HoAP whines about are a consequence of their own actions. There is no honor or integrity, good moral judgment, or cultural value to the actions of the HoAP that would warrant the moniker of patriot. They are multiple facets (many sides within many sides) of a single subculture → that has painted its own past and will be remembered in the annals of history for the monuments and praise they heaped upon the men and women like Dalal al-Maghribi.

Dalal al-Maghribi.png

What other culture would honor the murder of children by naming an elementary school after them. How depraved does the Palestinian Culture have to be to do such a thing?


Most Respectfully,
RE Question
SUBTOPIC: Colonial Implications in the 21st Century
※→ Sunni Man, et al,

BLUF: The label you pin on the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) is just a linguistic tag that means a people with the intention of → causing death and serious injury to the invited immigrant population, for the purpose of creating an atmosphere to intimidate and compel self-governing institutions to adopt some act that furthers the criminal objective of the HoAP. You do not have to use the word "terrorist" if you prefer not. But it does not change the true meaning behind the concept of the HoAP.

There aren't any Palestinian terrorists.
Just an oppressed people fighting for their freedom.
Against the brutal zionist psychopaths that rule Israel. ... :cool:

You can deny the purpose behind the HoAP campaign:

◈ Kidnap and Murder​
◈ Hijacking and Piracy​
◈ Targeting to intimidate the Civilian Population​
◈ Committing an offense that is solely intended to harm the members of the Occupying Power​
◈ Committing acts of espionage or sabotage against the installations of the Occupying Power​
◈ Using explosives and other lethal devices against various defined public places with intent to kill or cause serious bodily injury​
◈ Using threats or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State​
◈ Incitement to violence​
◈ etc, etc, etc​

Every bit of the oppression that today's HoAP whines about are a consequence of their own actions. There is no honor or integrity, good moral judgment, or cultural value to the actions of the HoAP that would warrant the moniker of patriot. They are multiple facets (many sides within many sides) of a single subculture → that has painted its own past and will be remembered in the annals of history for the monuments and praise they heaped upon the men and women like Dalal al-Maghribi.
What other culture would honor the murder of children by naming an elementary school after them. How depraved does the Palestinian Culture have to be to do such a thing?


Most Respectfully,
Is all of this crap your euphemism for national liberation?
Oh now I get it. Before those Zionists in 1948 the Palestinians were a peace loving, neighborly people. Right Suni?
View attachment 491430
The Zionist colonial project started decades before 1948.
Right. The Return of Zion happened in 500BC and was initiated by the 'colonialist' Cyrus which listened to the Jews and allowed them to renuild the Temple and Judeah.

Also, the 'colonialist' King david conquered Jerusalem in 1100BC.

Man, those Colonialists Jews and their colonialism. How dare the Jews steal Judeah from the Arabs?!
Oh now I get it. Before those Zionists in 1948 the Palestinians were a peace loving, neighborly people. Right Suni?
View attachment 491430
The Zionist colonial project started decades before 1948.
Right. The Return of Zion happened in 500BC and was initiated by the 'colonialist' Cyrus which listened to the Jews and allowed them to renuild the Temple and Judeah.

Also, the 'colonialist' King david conquered Jerusalem in 1100BC.

Man, those Colonialists Jews and their colonialism. How dare the Jews steal Judeah from the Arabs?!
Yes, but after Israel turned the land into a thriving metropolis, there came hordes of Palestinians to claim Israel is stealing "their land." It's called Palestinian mentality.
RE Question
SUBTOPIC: National Liberation
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: "National Liberation" is a descriptive phrase for "nations to gain independence."

P F Tinmore said:
Is all of this crap your euphemism for national liberation?

A "euphemism" is rhetoric to use words to indirectly describe an entity -- or action --- or an expression that masks a sensitive concept. This comment of yours is simply a diversion or "Red Herring" to avert the true nature of the discussion.

National Liberation is NOT necessarily related to the activities outlined in Posting #53.


Most Respectfully,
RE Question
SUBTOPIC: National Liberation
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: "National Liberation" is a descriptive phrase for "nations to gain independence."

P F Tinmore said:
Is all of this crap your euphemism for national liberation?

A "euphemism" is rhetoric to use words to indirectly describe an entity -- or action --- or an expression that masks a sensitive concept. This comment of yours is simply a diversion or "Red Herring" to avert the true nature of the discussion.

National Liberation is NOT necessarily related to the activities outlined in Posting #53.


Most Respectfully,
"National Liberation" is a descriptive phrase for "nations to gain independence."
Indeed, do you disagree?
RE Question
SUBTOPIC: National Liberation
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: "National Liberation" is a descriptive phrase for "nations to gain independence."

P F Tinmore said:
Is all of this crap your euphemism for national liberation?

A "euphemism" is rhetoric to use words to indirectly describe an entity -- or action --- or an expression that masks a sensitive concept. This comment of yours is simply a diversion or "Red Herring" to avert the true nature of the discussion.

National Liberation is NOT necessarily related to the activities outlined in Posting #53.


Most Respectfully,
Tinmore does that often. He never answered the question on the OP of this thread. Just skirted around it. Oh well, not much else to laugh at these days.

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