Questioning Trump Jr might backfire on Liberals again


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
1) Because it brings up the Clinton scandals again.
2) because in each fake news propaganda attempt it revealed the real Russian collusion was always through the setting up of meetings by Obama (for Sessions to meet the Ambassador) or Clinton campaign people's contacts with "THE RUSSIANS" through the ambassador (who TRIED TO set up for Kushner to meet the Banker).
Now the set up was done through Russian tied
Rob Goldstone and we see he had ties to Al Gore and thus the Clintons.
Below you see Rob Goldstone at the Clinton WH press Room as proof.
Rob Goldstone wh press room.jpeg

This thing boomerangs right back to the DEMS colluding with Russians.
You may be right, the whole family are expert liars, bet they all have been taught how to pass a polygraph since first grade.
1) Because it brings up the Clinton scandals again.
2) because in each fake news propaganda attempt it revealed the real Russian collusion was always through the setting up of meetings by Obama (for Sessions to meet the Ambassador) or Clinton campaign people's contacts with "THE RUSSIANS" through the ambassador (who TRIED TO set up for Kushner to meet the Banker).
Now the set up was done through Russian tied
Rob Goldstone and we see he had ties to Al Gore and thus the Clintons.
Below you see Rob Goldstone at the Clinton WH press Room as proof.
View attachment 138223
This thing boomerangs right back to the DEMS colluding with Russians.

Libtards are always in on the crime. The trash has been a tossed salad for years.
Haha what are the chances something lefties demand will backfire on their stupid asses?


Every day is a fucking gift since the election.
Hey, be careful dems! Don't ask Trump any questions or it will be your doom and the OP is known for trying to help the dems, right?
1) Because it brings up the Clinton scandals again.

LOL- you Trumpsters- always trying to deflect what Trump's family did- to the Clinton's.

Wow, you deflected about a deflection, that's like pulling off a double twist flip in diving, which is what your party is doing. By the way, what part of I don't have a party do you not understand for the 3rd time?
Counter propaganda should not assume affiliation simply because you can't refute the evidence. I don't need to be affiliated with the opponent of the Democrats that have met the Same Russian ambassador 22 times at the White House according to Obama WH visitors logs. I don't have to be of any party to tell you that even Clinton's staff met with that same Russian ambassador you call "the Russians".
I don't have to be party affiliated to laugh at your tin foil hat conspiracy theories that blow up in your face every time you trust the tabloid news source.
Hey did you hear the one about Bigfoot and Elvis meeting?
1) Because it brings up the Clinton scandals again.

LOL- you Trumpsters- always trying to deflect what Trump's family did- to the Clinton's.

Wow, you deflected about a deflection, ]

Well lets see- the story of the moment- which Trump Jr. has added to with his tweets- is in regards to his ever changing story of his meeting with a Russian lawyer during the campaign.

Saturday Trump Jr. said the meeting was primarily about an adoption program.
Sunday Trump Jr. confirmed he agreed to the meeting because of the information on Clinton.
Tuesday Trump Jr. publishes his emails which show that the reason he accepted the meeting was because he believed that there would be information against Clinton provided by the Russian government.

So of course- you think this is a damning indictment of Clinton.......

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