Questions about the conflict in Israel?

The so called Hamas Charter was a sales flyer for the first intifada.

I think I asked you once before and I will ask you again. PROVE THIS ONE POINT!!! With a credible link so we can all believe you.

teddy, he says that because he's ashamed that his beloved Hamas "freedom-fighters" have such a retarded Charter, compared to the American Declaration of Independence.

How much ya wanna bet I/we get no reply, AGAIN?
[MENTION=40891]AzMike[/MENTION], by now I am sure you are learning that trying to get an intelligent conversation with some actual rebuttals WITH ACTUAL LINKS is impossible in this section of the site. The tinmore's, bub's, billo's, fred's, all they know how to do is a hit and run flame without giving any type of content relevant to the thread's subject. Usually it is deflect, deflect, deflect, change the subject, etc.

But thank you very much for the video, rep points sent.
You don't think you're broad-stroking a bit?

Point me to one of my "hit and runs"?
They were civilians, facing trained soldiers, much like the Palestinians who fled their homes in terror from the zionist gangs
So were the Jews they faced.

Not to mention that the Palestinian manpower pool of the day, of fighting age, included thousands of veterans of the Palestinian Police Force, the TransJordan Force, the Arab Legion, veterans of the 1930s Palestinian Uprising, and the various British-armed militias that existed prior to their disarmament as punishment for the Uprising.

Your Palestinians had vast numbers of potential fighters in their midst and they still ran like rabbits, along with the rest of their brave kinfolk, as part of the Great Palestinian Skeddaddle of 1948.

"He who wets his pants, then runs away, lives to regret it, for many a day."
The so called Hamas Charter was a sales flyer for the first intifada.

I think I asked you once before and I will ask you again. PROVE THIS ONE POINT!!! With a credible link so we can all believe you.

British diplomat and former British ambassador to the United Nations Sir Jeremy Greenstock stated in early 2009 that the Hamas charter was "drawn up by a Hamas-linked imam some [twenty] years ago and has never been adopted since Hamas was elected as the Palestinian government in 2006"

Hamas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Documents like constitutions, charters, etc. normally have a number of officials who sign the bottom to endorse that document.

Show me a list of Hamas officials who signed that charter.
You get what you give beeaaaatch! You never answer my direct questions; it would take me days to compile the list of your hit and runs . . . . Go back up to Cherry and South st and score another bong hit or whatever you smoke to keep you as the litre of your one girl band.
I've always answered your direct questions. And in the one instance where you said I didn't, I answered it twice.

I haven't smoked pot in 18 years and my mind is as sharp as a.......... as sharp as a.............


If I'm at Cherry and South, it's probably to get a quesadilla at Casa Sanchez.
The so called Hamas Charter was a sales flyer for the first intifada.

I think I asked you once before and I will ask you again. PROVE THIS ONE POINT!!! With a credible link so we can all believe you.

British diplomat and former British ambassador to the United Nations Sir Jeremy Greenstock stated in early 2009 that the Hamas charter was "drawn up by a Hamas-linked imam some [twenty] years ago and has never been adopted since Hamas was elected as the Palestinian government in 2006"

Hamas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Documents like constitutions, charters, etc. normally have a number of officials who sign the bottom to endorse that document.

Show me a list of Hamas officials who signed that charter.

According to Hamas's Deputy Foreign Minister Dr. Ahmed Yousef, the Charter "was ratified during the unique circumstances of the Uprising in 1988 as a necessary framework for dealing with a relentless occupation".[17]
Hamas Charter: Vision, Fact and Fiction | Palestine Chronicle
Don't tell that to Roudy He appears a bit touchy on that subject
He didn't have hundreds of thousands of fellow Jews alongside him as a potential fighting force.

You've gotta do better than that, in order to be a good 'deflector' around here.

They were civilians, facing trained soldiers, much like the Palestinians who fled their homes in terror from the zionist gangs
Yeah right, minorities such as Jews, Christians, and Bahaiis living in Muslim countries facing persecution and ethnic cleansing should sit there and get slaughtered by the Muslim animals? Hamas terrorist lovers make the stupidest most ignorant comments and comparisons.

Proving once again, that it's always the garbages of humanity that defend Hamas' behavior. :clap2:
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The so called Hamas Charter was a sales flyer for the first intifada.

I think I asked you once before and I will ask you again. PROVE THIS ONE POINT!!! With a credible link so we can all believe you.

British diplomat and former British ambassador to the United Nations Sir Jeremy Greenstock stated in early 2009 that the Hamas charter was "drawn up by a Hamas-linked imam some [twenty] years ago and has never been adopted since Hamas was elected as the Palestinian government in 2006"

Hamas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Documents like constitutions, charters, etc. normally have a number of officials who sign the bottom to endorse that document.

Show me a list of Hamas officials who signed that charter.
Tinmore, are you actually still selling this load of crap? Why are you making claims that even Hamas itself isn't? Have you run out of false propaganda?
According to Hamas's Deputy Foreign Minister Dr. Ahmed Yousef, the Charter "was ratified during the unique circumstances of the Uprising in 1988 as a necessary framework for dealing with a relentless occupation".[17]
Hamas Charter: Vision, Fact and Fiction | Palestine Chronicle
I can't figure you out!

Sometimes you make some very noxious statements that I find disgusting; other times, you make some of the most poignant posts I've read in this forum.

That link is un-characteristic for you, but I'm glad you provided it.

According to Hamas (Roudy, are you listening?)

Regarding the Charter

Despite the group’s evolution, it is an inescapable fact that the charter represents a milestone in the struggle against an irredentist occupation. At any rate, historical statements remain a testament to the past; and the charter, as a document written over two decades ago, retains its authoritative value. However, it is not a constitution drafted as law; and cannot be construed to demand literal interpretation. In fact, the movement has to a certain degree moved on from its content simply by participating in the political process, accepting a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders and publicly declaring a readiness to explore political solutions with the international community. The claim of an intransigent organization simply does not tally with the reality of a group opening up to its regional environment; and one which participated in a national parliament borne of the Oslo Accords, having won a majority vote through participatory elections in 2006.

Regarding driving Jews into the sea

7. For our part, we acknowledge that these are sacred lands which were the cradle of three monotheistic messages – Jewish, Christian and Muslim. The followers of these faiths have been on this land for centuries; and therefore their presence on this land, in general, has never, and will not, end.

Regarding the peace process

9. The prospect of coexistence among the original inhabitants of this land is possible after those who have been wronged receive restitution.
So all that bullshit the Roudy boys claim, is just that. BS!
According to Hamas's Deputy Foreign Minister Dr. Ahmed Yousef, the Charter "was ratified during the unique circumstances of the Uprising in 1988 as a necessary framework for dealing with a relentless occupation".[17]
Hamas Charter: Vision, Fact and Fiction | Palestine Chronicle
I can't figure you out!

Sometimes you make some very noxious statements that I find disgusting; other times, you make some of the most poignant posts I've read in this forum.

That link is un-characteristic for you, but I'm glad you provided it.

According to Hamas (Roudy, are you listening?)

Regarding the Charter

Despite the group’s evolution, it is an inescapable fact that the charter represents a milestone in the struggle against an irredentist occupation. At any rate, historical statements remain a testament to the past; and the charter, as a document written over two decades ago, retains its authoritative value. However, it is not a constitution drafted as law; and cannot be construed to demand literal interpretation. In fact, the movement has to a certain degree moved on from its content simply by participating in the political process, accepting a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders and publicly declaring a readiness to explore political solutions with the international community. The claim of an intransigent organization simply does not tally with the reality of a group opening up to its regional environment; and one which participated in a national parliament borne of the Oslo Accords, having won a majority vote through participatory elections in 2006.

Regarding driving Jews into the sea

7. For our part, we acknowledge that these are sacred lands which were the cradle of three monotheistic messages – Jewish, Christian and Muslim. The followers of these faiths have been on this land for centuries; and therefore their presence on this land, in general, has never, and will not, end.

Regarding the peace process

9. The prospect of coexistence among the original inhabitants of this land is possible after those who have been wronged receive restitution.
So all that bullshit the Roudy boys claim, is just that. BS![/QUOTE [MENTION=36154]Roudy[/MENTION] has to justify his running away from mooooslems somehow:badgrin:
Hmm, tinmore. thanks. Perhaps though even as it is mentioned in your link Hamas should amend it now. But Mashal says it cannot?
I can't figure you out!

Sometimes you make some very noxious statements that I find disgusting; other times, you make some of the most poignant posts I've read in this forum.

That link is un-characteristic for you, but I'm glad you provided it.

I was answering the question of signing the charter. It was ratified, it was not like the US Declaration of Independence where the fathers signed.

You don't have to figure me out.
I think I asked you once before and I will ask you again. PROVE THIS ONE POINT!!! With a credible link so we can all believe you.

British diplomat and former British ambassador to the United Nations Sir Jeremy Greenstock stated in early 2009 that the Hamas charter was "drawn up by a Hamas-linked imam some [twenty] years ago and has never been adopted since Hamas was elected as the Palestinian government in 2006"

Hamas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Documents like constitutions, charters, etc. normally have a number of officials who sign the bottom to endorse that document.

Show me a list of Hamas officials who signed that charter.
Tinmore, are you actually still selling this load of crap? Why are you making claims that even Hamas itself isn't? Have you run out of false propaganda?

So, you don't know which Hamas officials endorsed that charter.
So, you don't know which Hamas officials endorsed that charter.
Does it matter?

If the Charter is operative, then it speaks for all, or, at least, the operative majority, correct?

Otherwise, they would have repealed or amended it, with respect to its more objectionable or controversial original elements, yes?
Billo_Really, et al,

This information does not accurately reflect the doctrine as presented by:

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) Website

HAMAS refers to this newer doctrine as an effort to correct "Errors in the study and documentation of the work of the Palestinian resistance." ( See more at:!/المقالات/4774/ )
Regarding the Charter

Regarding driving Jews into the sea

Regarding the peace process


  • Al-Qassam Brigades wed Mujahid Mohammed Said Hassouna, who was martyred during the mission of jihad
  • 1002-01
  • Al-Qassam Brigades wed Mujahid Abu Dujana Abdul Rahman, who was martyred during the mission of jihad
  • 1001-06
  • Zionists hold responsibility for the assassination of Mabhouh the commander ... the enemy will not escape punishment
- See more at:!/البيانات/5127/


Three and a half years ago, Dr Ahmed Yousef (Former Senior Political Adviser to the delinquent Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh ) would have us believe that HAMAS has given up the ways of "Jihad;" that it was never really the way of "Jihad."

Dr Ahmed Yousef (17 JUL 2014): said:
"The resistance will not surrender... we will be victorious or die"

MEMO Facebook Posting

Who is in charge of Gaza?

  • Majlis al-Shura (“consultative council”)
  • Political Bureau --- Chairman Khaled Mashaal
  • Military Wing --- Muhammad Deif

There is a deep division between these three elements. And what Dr Yousef may have said a few years ago, may not be the current line of thought. Clearly, the Military Wing and Muhammad Deif seem to have the most influence (for the moment). And this influence is more a fundamentalist view of the HAMAS Covenant.

EXCERPT: Hamas' Policy Is Determined By Its Military Wing said:
"As long as men exist, wars will exist. As long as Israel, Hamas, the 'Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam [Brigades] and Islamic Jihad exist, Gaza's children will continue to die. [Hamas Prime Minister in Gaza] Isma'il Haniyeh said: 'We have nothing to lose.' Children's body parts and corpses [are strewn throughout Gaza], but 'we have nothing to lose.' Women wave white flags, but 'we have nothing to lose.' Homes are demolished on top of their residents, but 'we have nothing to lose.' The humanitarian situation is catastrophic, but 'we have nothing to lose.'

"In every interview, Benjamin Netanyahu's spokesman Mark Regev says, 'Let me be clear.' But he does not clarify his stammering in light of the killing of children. Israel accuses Hamas of placing its rockets among civilians, and says that it humanely asks citizens to leave [their homes before bombing them] but where can they go?..."Hamas' Military Wing Sets Hamas Policy. "In the recent campaign, it has become clear that it is the 'Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas's military wing led by Muhammad Deif, that decided when this war should begin and that it is they who are rejecting the [ceasefire] initiatives. It is they who are determining policy at every stage not [Hamas Political Bureau head] Khaled Mash'al and not Isma'il Haniyeh. It is only the military wings, that is, [Hamas'] Al-Qassam Brigades and [Islamic Jihad's] Al-Quds Brigades, that are the decision-makers.

"The one who took advantage of this situation was Benjamin Netanyahu, since in Israel, it is the political leadership that decides on military action. Thus, Netanyahu decided to comply with all attempts at a ceasefire, and as a result he has bought some time, and that is what Israel wants. [Ultimately,] what Israel needs in all its wars is time and foreign support.

"Netanyahu played his part seriously [as] the Hamas political leadership attempted to flee reality, rejecting the Egyptian initiative and pinning all its hopes on the Turkey-Qatar axis... At this stage, Netanyahu has played his part shrewdly not just because Hamas rejected the ceasefire, [but] mainly [because] Netanyahu agreed to it... and herein lies the risk that =

Hamas' military wing will be the one running the bloody game. "The spark that actually started the current war was the Al-Qassam Brigades' emotional reaction to Israel's July 5 discovery of an attack tunnel that it had dug as part of its strategic plans. The discovery and destruction of that tunnel, along with the strategic plan that it represented, and in addition to the deaths of two [Hamas] fighters in it, drove the Al-Qassam Brigades to respond with a heavy and widespread barrage of rockets, including long-range ones. Thus, Hamas' military wing chose when the war would start.

SOURCE: Lebanese journalist Huda Al-Husseini August 4, 2014 MERMRI: Special Dispatch No.5815

Most Respectfully,
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Documents like constitutions, charters, etc. normally have a number of officials who sign the bottom to endorse that document.

Show me a list of Hamas officials who signed that charter.
Tinmore, are you actually still selling this load of crap? Why are you making claims that even Hamas itself isn't? Have you run out of false propaganda?

So, you don't know which Hamas officials endorsed that charter.
Those hamas thugs are so shy!
I don't get, why the Palestinians even dare to claim over the west bank?! The whole claim is ridiculous-they are not Jordanian but they claim a land given by Jordan to Israel, when actually they should claim Jordanian land as well ( remember the Mandate?)

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