Questions Arise About Trumps Possession Of A Firearm As A Convicted Felon


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Miller reported how his concealed carry license that he had for over a decade was quietly suspended on April 1, 2023 shortly after he was criminally indicted on March 30. So far, two of Trump's three pistols he was licensed to carry were forfeited to the NYPD a day later on March 31, 2023.

But it's the whereabouts Trump's third gun that Miller appeared to concede still remains unknown.

"Because the burning question here is if Donald Trump is still in possession of that firearm being a convicted felon right now, that would be a federal crime."

The NYPD’s Legal Bureau is expected to investigate the matter and “that will likely lead to revocation of his license,” the NYPD brass told the outlet.


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